(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi mummies, need some help. my mil say need to remember chinese lunar birthday but i forgot. anyone know 17jan 2009 chinese date?? is it 十二月十二日
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 20 responses!! I am hoping to get 10 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
Good morning to all...

Since I m pumping in the nursing rm now, thot of coming in here to share sth with u gals. I juz learnt that a fren of mine is suffering fm stroke. She's only 30yo. Hence, I wanna tell everyone to take good care of your health. Anything can happen to anyone, anytime. Don't take your health for granted
, okie?

Hv a nice week ahead, everyone.
Morning ladies....

Yest afternoon, Damien burst into tears.....He cant tahan me liao. He said I keep scolding him for anything and everything......I feel so guilty.....I expected too much from him and worst is that I am so stress these few months and I been scolding him for most of the time.

I felt that I am such a failure. Cant handle my own stress and vent my anger on my son. I dunno how to teach him the correct way to learn his spelling n do HW.
Good morning all!
Jan is officially over and all our babies are 1 yr old! Last year we were all planning for our man yue at this time hehe

Im starting to wean Caleb and having problems giving him formula. Ive tried a few brands, Enfagrow, Parent's Choice and vanilla-flavoured formula Enfagrow, but each time, he balked at it and even puked out 2 times! Gonna try cow's milk tonight.. anyone can help?? I've been adding the formula into his cereals for a while, and also this morning when he baulked and fussed, it was actually 2/3 breast milk and only 1/3 formula! I really dunno what to do le..
Mummies, any helpful suggestions?

Gelato: thanks for the reminder.. yup we shouldnt take our healths for granted and it is indeed a blessing. how are you and caden? hugs =)
sperzz: hugs!! sayang.. dun blame urself! we are all humans and sometimes we dun realize things.. Im sure Damien will be fine after a while and will be ok if you can try go patch things up later?
Sayang sperzz... U need to relax... Damien is still young, dun pressure him too much, let him enjoy his childhood first, he got a long way to go... Give him rewards for gd work done? Mayb that can motivate him??? Keep scolding will only turn him off, u need to make learning interesting for him...

Call me whenever u need a listening ear
sperzz, you really need to relax... if possible try to give yourself and damien some space... kids need to be praised in order to be motivated to learn even more and if you keep scolding him you will only make him close up his heart and not learning... if he did it wrongly, tell him that good try but this is incorrect... maybe we can try it again...

Dont think yourself as a failure because you are not... Parenting is realy alot of patience, effort, time, trial and error... to get it on track...

I'm also learning and hopefully we can motivate one another...
Hello mummies, how's everyone ? Preparing for lunar new year liao buay ?

Thanks ultraman for the book reference, think I will check it out

Sperzz, actually my friend is also like u, so stressed that her boy so bochap and hubby also bochap... and the boy's maths was so bad that he copy from his friend in class, so my friend teach and teach, scold and scold, 1 year passed and no results, her boy just dun understand... and then suddenly, K2, her boy got all the maths correct and no more copying, he auto know how to do himself... maybe her boy took 1 year to warm up and finally knew what's happening... or maybe it's develomental. Now P1, the boy behaved exactly the same, so blur and dun know what's happening in class... but my friend is quite relaxed about it !
btw, I just came back from Phuket. Went there with hubby, without baby. really enjoyed myself although it was only 3D2N. but I think I can't bear to leave baby for more than 3days, so I thot of cancelling all my business trips this year !
ann: *envy* I think for me, if i go on holiday, i definitely need to bring my boy along, no one can ja ga for me leh, *sob*

V day is coming.........need to headache again!
sperzz: hope all is well for u....

boys are made in such a way that they DONT listen.. studies show that they have relatively poorer hearing from birth as compared to gals... so if they are playing, don't bother to talk to him for they CANNOT hear you... they are naturally slower in terms than girls but they do catch up coz boys are naturally more competitive than gals... so don't worry lar

scorpion women naturally think too much n too far... so take a step back and chill...
haha.. yes statistics states that...

which is why bb gals grow 1 year faster than their peers boys .. u koe why?

coz gals multitask- as they are playing they are listening to their surroundings too, example TV or parents.. which is why they talk earlier than boys...

boys learn things by parts, may it be toys or speech... example: boys see things in general like cars n trucks whereas gals see in details like barbie dolls... which in return brings us bac to how they grow up.. of course there are boys who likes dolls and gals who like cars, you must not stereotype them as you may have a sensitive boy and a gal who generalizes things...

as parents we must be able to spot these differences to excel the child.. coz its us parents that stereotype them to liking cars n dolls
Sperzz: Much as it is not right, sometimes the easiest avenue for us to vent is through our children. We try not to do it, but do not be too hard on yourself too.

As for spelling, you can try these:
1. Breaking the word up according to syllabus to help him master how a word is to be spelt; e.g., to-get-her, .
2. Singing the alphabets of the word (children remember tunes easily); e.g. s-i-n-g-a-p-o-r-e
3. Using neumonics; e.g. Big Eleplants Can Always Understand Small Elephants for because.
4. Get him to read & sign the alphabets in the air as he learn (helps if he is kinesthetic).

I find these useful for my #1 who has learning difficulties. & They certainly help her a great deal.

As for homework. Start off by being very specific about what you expect of him; e.g. if you expect him to complete his work independently, tell him so & make sure he understands exactly what you mean.

Try getting him to complete 1 piece of homework independently. When he succeed, shower him with praises, give him a star or a sticker (these are great motivators for young childre). And when he reaches a certain no. of stars/ stickers, he can redeem them for a bigger reward (toy, snack or time on the computer). For starters, make it easy and do-able, you can adjust the level of difficulty as he gets better at this. Once he experience success at this new 'game' he will be hooked & it should become easier to motivate him.

I hope these help.
hi mommies, just pop in to say hi, has been missing out from the thread, and wow.... you mommies are really experience in handling kids!
i am already wondering how to teach bb to drink/eat food/milk faster.. he still can't call dada mama etc..
kinda worry me abit, also still have no single tooth!!!
any jan bb still got no teeth yet?
hi moms,
Sperzz: hope you are feeling better now. Sometimes I do have that feeling of incompetent in every aspect in life and felt like a failure. but don engulf yourself in that, cos I think that's a black hole and will affect pple around you. then it becomes a vicious cycle.

Think of all the positive things yah. for one, I think you have 2 brilliant and beautiful kids! maybe it's your expectation, or maybe the competitive environment, that's why you have high expectation for your boy. think of the things they are able to do, and it's already an achievement already!

I think all the advices about how boys are different are really useful for me. now I start to see boys differently, and I will moderate my expectations too, esp comparing to girls.

EmQ: that's a very good advice on how to teach kids on spelling. for one, i think we have to be creative. thks for the gd tip!
Ashley: On the trip, we saw many european parents with their babies, youngest is 4 months lor... this trip is our Christmas + New Year + Valentine celebration cos we missed all...

Btw, my colleague due in July going to put her baby at your infantcare too... Do u know Namly got a new branch ? I thot of checking out and going to put Leon there for childcare lor...
ann: Namly ? Is it the one near bukit batok ? Yeah need to headache soon, in another 5 months, the babies will be turning 18 months. I also thinking of whether to change his school or not, but now he seems happy with the teachers there and will allow any of them to carry him, hubby seems to be against the idea of changing school.
Ashley: oh, if bb's comfortable then it's better to stay there ? But I heard it's getting crowded for the toddler's program ? Of course, gombak branch is most convenient for me lor...
ann: yeah, i find it quite crowded, thus was thinking of looking at other places, but hubby say my boy was used to call the teachers already, so might just carry on putting him there.

You wanna go there and take a look?
sperzz, don't worry you are not alone. Nowadays I also lose patience on Claira. I have to scream and shout at her then she will get her butt moved. Ask her to do her homework, she complains she cannot finish, very tired etc...so no choice I just have to force her to do it with a cane in my hand (just for threatening)after she finished I gave her a sweet and she's very happy liao. She can still ask me why I gave her sweets, is it because she has done a good job. So now I know this is a trick! Don't know it works on Damian or not...Btw how old is Damian?

As for work, you can try to look around now if there's good opportunity then you can say bye bye to your superior. But I know the process can be a drag.
mgteo, I do that to Damien too. He usually will forget all the scolding when I praised him. But after last weekend, I realised he had not, bec he pour out everything when he cried.

Now he is better after I explain to him on all everything. I will also try not to scold him too often or lower down my tone. Hopefully this will work.

Damien is 6 this yr. I need to start prepare him for Pri sch liao. If not next yr will b worst.
sperzz, oh dear...so he has actually kept all the unhappiness and then decided to pour out everything to you. Sigh...heart pain right...these days I also try to be more patient and not raise my voice.

I know your stress about entering Pr.1. Me also very stress so I quickly sign up English and Maths for Claira. Did you send Damien to any tuitions or enrichment? So which pri school you intend to put him in?
junemom: kyler go to those neighbourhood salon for haircut only leh...he cut hair only $4...
think alot hairdresser also know how to handle kids...dont have to go branded one..
mercs: Claira goes to my neighbour downstairs who is a hairdresser for her hair cut also. Cheap cheap $5 nia..haa..
mgteo, ya been sending Damine to Maths/English class since last yr. This yr juz enter him for Chinese class. I know cant stress him too much but now in this society very difficult not to dun let him attend enrichment class.

Hopefully he can enter into Nan Qiao Pri Sch that is juz opp my blk.
mgteo: scary leh nowadays kids must go those what enrichment class to keep up with others...so stressful nowadays for both parents and kids...dont wanna think too much now..keke

ya lor..last sat 3 of us (me, hubby & kyler) went cut hair...only $35 leh...only cut la no wash..cheap rite..
nowadays forum really quiet hor..nothing to talk le..
like what my friend said, after 1 yr old celebration then the forum will be like ghost town..
sperzz: Nan Qiao is it at Sengkang?

mercs: ya i damn stress when I heard my neighbour's son have to go for 3 weeks extended orientation class because his Chinese is no good! The school actually test the child on the day of the orientation to evaluate how far the child can go if no good have to go for 3 weeks orientation class. You think I stress or not lah...For you, enjoy first 4 years later then stress.

sperzz & mercs: wa so cheap for a hair cut for 3?? Really good deal ah...me cannot cos I got stubborn hair need to go for rebonding, colour, treatment etc...
mgteo: piangz...i can foresee the stress later lor. also pity the kid leh. not wanna stressed them is the society that is so stressful.
yucks..dont wanna think of that 1st.

i tot since now my hair is still BLACK, i may as well dont colour 1st...when got white hair comes out, CONFIRM must colour...so save some $$ 1st la..
mercs : no choice leh, even if u dun wan to stress ur kid but hor when u c so many ppl send their kids to enrichment then afraid difficult to catch up when go P1. Now, I am also looking for pre-school to send Adler when he is 18mths.
mercs, cut the whole head. $3.90/pax. The saloon is called Snip Avenue.....

Nowaday everything also muz budget. I colour my own hair. Onlt $8.90.
laugh: that is the problem....kana pressure hor...sometimes i pity the next generation. everything so pressure, we already so pressure, cant imagine when they grow up.
pre-school and playgroup is the same rite??

sperzz: very cheap lor..nice or not? my side also got one salon quite cheap. but my hubby said go there salon like see doctor, take turns to do hair then wait outside (standing) for heads to be wash...wakakaka...
i never even colour my hair..no need la..
sperzz: ya, snip avenue very cheap.. whampoa also have. but i never try :D then when i was camping at bukit batok, there also got snip avenue and i realise that its got many branches. hehe
Junemom both my kids go to the little red dot salon at forum, look for ann, she is good. Another one is at Suntec junior league but only the male stylist there is good. Not every junior league salon is good the ones at parkway and united sq cannot make it.

Sperzz its good that at least damien shares with u how he is feeling so that you know how to manage in future. It's so stressful for kids and parents nowadays. I wonder why the syllabus can't stay the same?? Seems like wat they are doing at p1 is wat we did in p3 in the past
junemom...u might wish to try Junior League @ suntec city though they do have a few branch....Z just went for his trim at suntec city and the lady was very experienced and quick in getting the job done (she know how to distract them when fussy or pause when nec) and yes we thot Z look good...at least much beta than the last time we went to Hua Xia...in fact the lady was asking us why his haircut seem unbalanced and certain area snipped more then it shd be. the 'downside' is it cost $20 but keep the receipt cos the 9th is free if i recall correctly.
Hi babes, thanks for your advices...

waaa... snip avenue sounds good..
cherryale, piyo : alamak message came in wee bit late.. coz just now waiting for hubby lah.. and he not done with meeting, & i was around Novena area. i wanted to go kiddy palace to replenish some stocks, and thought United Sq has 1, when reached then realized don't have!!
On the way, i saw junior league and thought since got so much time, and pop in lor..
but luckily not too bad, I didn't ask the stylist name, its a lady, and no one else.
Yeah, its'$20 kinda ex for a 5mins cut hahahaha coz bb J not much hair except the middle part like mohawk, and his hair very fine, but very messy. He hasn't cut his hair since 4th month.
Yaaaaa... i got the same problem with HuaXia. J also have slightly sloppy side, like not balance

but anyway, thx for the advice, will keep in mind of suntec.. btw have anyone tried the forum one?
Good Morning mummies...

sus : thanks, we're fine. =)

How's Caleb on his new formula? maybe he doesn't like milk at all? or maybe he hasn't get used to the new taste....

I heard fm a colleague that her gal doesn't like milk in any form, except for direct latching... & she practically hv to force feed her daughter milk, even tho she's already 2.

then another colleague of mine has a daughter who drink alot of milk at times & refused all kinds of milk at other time...

i guess you juz hv to keep trying? press on...

sperzz : i understand what you're going through. I guess many of us go through our down moments, there're times when we feel every SINGLE thing in life is juz not right... sigh! but we cannot allow ourselves to slip into depression... so how? try to focus on the positive & take little steps at a time... there're moments where i fear for the future, but the more i think of it, the more stressful i get... hence i try to think short term... what can i do this year, this month, this week, or even, today.... tackle a day at a time lor... =)
