(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hi may i know how is the frequency of ur bb poo?anyone had this problem as mine?? my girl poo only once every 4/5days. everytime she poo she cry. she drink similac since born. i gave her fruit and veg everyday but dont seem to help at all. should i change milk powder or continue gain iq when she is 1year old? i scare its unhealthy...
Dear all,
I have some custom made hair clip to share.
Pls PM me if interested.
Fluffy: I may go, cos buying extra pillows for #2 CC & my SIL & sis all want to buy some stuffs too. Just will make a date on a Sat & all trudge down to select lor. U wanna join us?
Wilting/ Ni: Is Gain IQ heaty? I've not heard so lei. My #1 had no problem when she was on it (but many years ago). My #2 has been 'constipated' even before Gain IQ, no change even after change of FM. Now #3 is on Gain IQ. Let me check with MIL about the consistency of her poo...
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 12 responses!! I am hoping to get 18 more in the next week so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education.

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete. To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.

Robyn Maley
emq: i pm u the contact liao. i had mixture of a few mylar and the rest are normal rubber balloons. they quoted 40 12"balloons for the tank, or something like that.. not sure. my balloons are so tiny, only 9", no wonder can fill more than 40 la. u can call the shop and ask
Fluffy: Ok, will let u know when I decide on which Sat we are going.

Jan: Got it, thanks. I know that shop, but it's not known to be cheap lei. Is there 9" balloons? The usual mylar ones we see at the shop are 18". I suppose you rented the small tank? How big is that? Is it heavy? Need to collect & return siong or not?

Happy 1st birthday to Jadon too! not to forget Caleb and Ashley!

we celebrated Z's birthday earlier too over the weekend....anyway we have always celebrate earlier and neber later..on our own, went to the zoo today to celebrate his actual day and was fun but tired ar....
hi janjan16

I want the lobang for the helim tank for my son's first birthday on the 7 feb. Can you sms me the no.? 97923014
hi janjan16

I want the lobang for the helim tank for my son's first birthday on the 7 feb. Can you sms me the no.? 97923014

emq: i didn't buy their balloons. only know their helium is cheap. the tank is very small only. quite cute. haha.. but very heavy lor. dunno wat size it is. supposed to be for 40 balloons so i was told. u might wanna called up and ask

i have too many PMs asking abt helium, so decided to put it here instead: its at centrepoint, #05-01, party with us Tel: 62350221

so mamas, please don't PM me anymore. thanks :D
ni: try again and observe first...

emq: that wat my colleague said...my son was on mamil gold, after 1 yr old, switch to gain iq, before that he can poo easily once a day, after the switch, his poo is hard but so far not constipation problem...
janjan: the helium offer came too late, should tell me before Juvius's birthday...

piyo: that good, Z is adapt well to the new FM...
preciousbb/junemom/bbstarlet:zonghan is attending the jurong east LNT.they do have trial classes for baby class,i went there for the trial when he was 6 months and cos he was too young,so we only enrolled him when he reached one.There is only him and one other baby in the class.. 50% attention from the teacher. haha..
jan17mummy: My SIL's girl has similar problem. she will poo once a few days, and the poo is actually like ball bearings. I did see her cry loudly whenever she poos. she also eats a lot of fruits and vege, but no help. went to see the PD and the PD asks them to switch FM to Pediasure. there's some improvement, so maybe you can try. now she's drinking mamil step 3. no problem too. think the previous milk powder (I forgot which FM) was not suitable.
by the way, any mummies celebrating bb's birthday in restaurant? I initally booked a chalet to have bbq. But realise it's not a good idea. now searching for restaurants. Will not be able to have banner and balloons, sigh, quite disappointing. but will have cake for my baby at least. hehe..

any recommendation?
kamy: there's one @ the building, Friven and Co, right opposite Tanglin Mall. The restaurant's name is Tanglin Tree. I checked it out when i was searching for a venue for LeAnn's party. Quite nice. They have an outdoor playground in the premises. The food is a bit expensive though. But nice place.
kamy: or u can hold it at bakers inn. i have seen pple holding b'day parties at bakers inn @ UE sq. they have special room for bday parties and can hang banners and balloons too!!!
Ni, Cherie hearts have a new branch at ECP? I checked out Cherie hearts at Kallang Sector and Little School House, both places quite old and we didn't quite like the feel of it. Quite dissapointed, maybe cus its matured estates.

Daymoon, thanks for the info. It's a vv good ratio at LNT JE, hopefully it stays this way for you. What do they do there, other than flash cards?
Flo, I just read your blog article about the "early/late walkers". My baby being an early walker, its so true. I can see him being impulsive and impatient, trying to achieve a new milestone before mastering the current one. Walking and falling with lotsa balukus! Aiyoh, I was a late walker myself, and once I walked, my mum said I could walk very steadily.
mercs: no time for photos lah. hahaha

precious: yep. new outlet at ECP. maybe u can go check it out. u are intending to change school for jensen???
kamy: ok thanks for your advice. i MUST change formula when she is 1yr old lo. everytime she poo make me feel so sad. i gave her papaya and prune,, but dont work for her at all. haiz.

mummies, may i know how many balloon did u used for ur bb 1st birthday deco?
junemom: wow, interesting finding...

Kelly: Hey, I also thinking of switching Leon from Enfa to Gain IQ, cos of the palm oil thingy... u put your gal on it already ?
HI Mummies! Helping my sister to spread the news. There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am on both days !
Ann01, what is the benefit of palm oil? I just recieve gain IQ sample and just started baby on this formula yesterday. Hopefully no constipation problem.

Ni, yeah I am doing comparison and if I can find cheaper option, don't mind changing cc when baby reach 18 months, cuz the PG fees at the cc now is quite expensive
ann: my girl doesn't like gain iq. She used to be able to drink 200ml. But after gain iq.. she will drink 100ml.. or will push the bottle away. Hopefully it's just the transition period
precious bb...if im right..the presence of palm oil impedes the absorption of a vitamin (cant recall was it vit c)...abbott always uses this to their advantage and also the extraction of DHA, their is from 'superior' seaweed...

kelly....u did a direct switch to Gain? i was told that there's quite drastic difference btw similac and Gain assuming one is on similac thus advisable not to switch directly but progressively using the titration method..lower the risk of rejection.
Kelly: Maybe you try for a few days consistently. If LeAnn still does not improve her milk intake, you may want to try her on another milk.

Yen went through a stage of rejection (but very short), but she's fine after that. MIL says her poo is not as smelly as when she's on Nan HA. They are harder but not hard. I mean Nan HA's poo is like baby kind, watery & smelly.
Kelly, Jensen is currently still on NAN. Just thought of trying GAIN, since they send us a small tin of sample. And recently we bought 1 tin of Enfa to try too. Maybe you can slowly transit LeAnn? Jensen is on Nan at IFC, at home, we just opened the tin of Gain, day 2, still OK. hee..anyway I am going for BJG this sat !

Piyo, oh I see. The lady who called me from gain was promoting the benefits to me, but as I was at work so was not concentrating. LOL. All I wanted was the sample
Precious BB:the first lesson, daddy went into class with baby cos only one parent allowed. We will take turns to attend with him.. they do things such as singing songs, flash card, identify color items and some hands-on like playing with beans, toys, etc.Ya.. hopefully the ratio will stay that way... =) Jensen attending any class .. BJG?
Mommies: thanks for the info rgd the early celebration.. My mom also told me earlier can, not later..
Dunno why MIL still insists that if I asked older folks from CHINA, they will say the same thing, children celebrate same or later day. 60years and older, celebrate same or earlier day..
Jadon started Gain IQ 2 weeks ago. so far so good, no diff in poop, nor improvement in intake.
still between 9 to 11oz per day .. so sad

daymoon: bjy = baby jumper gym. there's one @ bukit batok (cdans).. precious is trying the one @ kembagan.

june: LNT = little neuro tree..
