(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

ni: are u planning for 2nd one..if going to have those slim drug is not suitable ya...
i used to take before before my wedding...but once stop the weight will come back too...
junemom : no subsidy for private school like Gymboree, GUG & etc
carol: me too. will be a busy day tml. are u gng home first after the 1st party? or what u doing in btw ah?

mercs: my hb even say want to pay for my lipo! haha, i told him i lipo already, confirm wun have #2 liao! somemore recently a CEO died during his lipo surgery. scary!
There are many types of weight loss drugs in the market, typically generic drugs is cheap, offer fast weight loss but is generally not test for safety and rebound is almost guaranteed when you stop the drug.

The one that I am taking works on your brain to help u feel full faster so that your food intake will be reduced and gradually your stomach will take in lesser food. It will take a few months for our bodies to get used to the lesser amount of food and yet not feel hungry. It is a lifestyle drug.

If food intake is increased after u stopped the medication, the fats will come back. Its a simple formula - calories required vs calories intake. Excess will become fats in our bodies.

But it should not be taken if you are actively trying for a baby.
ni: really ah? yr hubby so cute...
lately also keep having people comment that i am FAT straight at my face...
so i told my hubby about it...he kindof sweet la...he said "its ok, i still love u...we fat together"..wakakakaka

i think the tummy there really very hard to reduce leh...last time i used to go for those injection at the tummy (before wedding- VAIN), just 3 jabs i can see the effect leh, but tummy will blue black...
but think now its banned in sg..
ni, will go home first then go to YCK. Will feed ashley at home before going YCK. My hb not going for the first party, just me and Ashley.

No lipo! so scary, anything can go wrong. I do believe in shedding unnecessary weight before getting pregnant again, cos it gets more difficult to shed the weight as u get older. I could lose weight easily after #1, but after #2, decided that I need some help
mercs: the white aluminium looks ok huh. That's good. aiya, I have been procrastinating forever, and now my boy climbs up and down already. so scary... my relatives always nag at us when they visit our house. haha.. Will wait for James's call. thks!

miyuki: u going late jan huh. hopefully the monsoon season is over. when I was there, it rained everyday, and the ferry ride was so bumpy. many pple vomitted on the ferry. hehe. so you might want to get the anti-nauseas pills from the doc first, just in case. baby don feel sea-sick. luckily. yup, a hotel room is just nice for 3. can ask for cot too, altho the cot is quite lousy, but it's safe.

junemom: hope you and your baby have lots of fun at tmr's party. mine coming in 2 weeks' time.
cherry: i read somewhere that 6 mths after birth, if unable to shed off the fats, it will stay with you. aiyo. i cant stand myself being so fat! and my hb recently so vain, buy new clothes, color hair, keep fit. i must keep up man! if not i look so yellow faced beside him!

tml my hb also wun go 1st party, i b gng wif maid. need a lift? 2nd one i will FORCE him to go!
ni: i also heard that if dont slim down 1st then have 2nd one hor...the weight will stay forever leh...
oh shit...i dont think i can go back to pre pregnancy weight la.
wat is yr weight before pregnancy?
ni: ok noted....i was quite slim pre pregnancy la..tats why i get alot of stupid comments...want to turn deaf ear also hard man...
ni, great! can I get a ride from u? second one hb definitely have to go cos I am bringing ashton.

yah lor, now baby already 1 yr old if I still dun shed the tummy fats, I think it will be there for good. So I decided to take this step.

Men generally look younger than women at the same age. Furthermore my hb is so skinny and tall, I better keep up too. So looking forward to being slim again,then I can wear anything I want.
cherry: sure, we will coordinate the time via sms tml ok? and rem to tell me ur medicine name too! thou i am trying for #2, but it will be half a year later, i need to look great for CNY. hahaha
mercs, ni, cherryale: let us work together k...I've got 7kg to go to my pre pre pregnancy weight (before preggy with Claira)! *sob sob*
mgteo: wow, then you must be very skinny b4, cos you are already very slim now.

actually weight loss can be achieved by dieting. but flabby tummy, butt, thighs are hard to get rid of. that time I went to my salon and they gave me trial, the person told me need 30 sessions!! so I didn't sign up. so ex man. and no guarantee slim also.
Am busy for the entire week. Every morning brought #1 to pre nursery class. As expected, mummy cannot leave at all!!! But i enjoy bring her to school. Will be nice if could be sahm hahaha. not possible leh. What about your #2? Already in child care??

You will celebrate tomorrow?? Me too. Mine is only a very simple celebration. Cake , buffet, bbq all ready. Lazy mum, did not prepare banner. Balloon, going to jurong point later to get it. So now got to pack our bags. It's like going on tour ha.

You still have video presentation, really nice huh.
mgteo, I also want to go to my pre pre pregnancy weight but I think that is impossible. So I set my target as 5kg.

kamy, my plan is to lose the fats first then tone up, must be hardworking to apply all those creams that i bought. My new resolution for 2010! Like the saying goes, only have lazy women, no ugly women.

btw, anyone had recommendations for body lotion/scrub that has whitening properties? I got a lot of sun spots, very ugly.
cherry: to my prepreg weight is 5kg too! jia you everyone! no more jioing for high teas ah! lets jio each other for gym sessions or swimmings!

u sold your playyard? hb has been urging me to sell. but i was thinking, since i am gng to have #2, i am keeping everything leh. i am sort of a karung guni!
Wow you girls are motivating me too! I Wana lose more
weight and tone up too! One of my new year resolution is also to resume my gym routine. Before preggie, I use to visit the gym 2-3 times a week. Now I hope to find some time
to visit the gym at least 2 times a week

Jia you everyone!!
ni/Carol: yck party got porridge provided, so i am gg to bring shyan there to eat :D

abt lipo, there's one news article on straits times tdy. this 44 year old CEO of a ppty company in singapore went to do lipo and died soon after.. scary boy..
cherry & ni: after I gave birth to Claira I have 5kg to lose. The weight just went stagnant and didn't go down any further. Now with 2nd one it add on for another 2kg so total I have 7kg to lose! So before you all trying for 2nd one better lose some weight first else you will put on even more, just like me...

kamy: what I'm slim??? You must see my big tummy k...I try to hide it that's why you thought I'm slim.
Laugh: Thanks for info

Kamy: Yeah, hopefully it will go smoothly..
my birthday doorgift for kids like not enuff, chiat lat.. already prep 20.. let's c how it goes.
didn;t expect to ballooned to such a big party
we just collected the helium tank.. shyan's taking her nap now. yeah!! 3.3 hours to go and we will be on our way to set up the party :D the day is finally here!

thinking of it, exactly 365 days ago i had a show and wet to see doc, doc say, go home wash hair and eat all i want cos baby's coming on 10th. haha.. so this day, 9th jan, was shyan's last day of stay in my tummy. lol
janjan : Happy birthday in advance to shyan!!! Tomorrow is bravier's 1st birthday party! But in another 8months time, he gonna be korkor liao.
happy birthday to those celebrating birthday this wkend.

btw any1 selling car seat?

daymoon> which outlet u gg?btw can sms me ur hp number?i changed temporary phone again.
ladies on issue with weight! I never went back to pre children weight till now!!! The jerk gave me so much stress and me going around crazy getting evidence etc...I dropped from 52 to 48kg! Nver hit the 40's plus kg since b4 my first, but noticed the neh neh also deflated alot =p
Think I look haggard too, how to sleep! Got to get my resume together! BUT on the bright side! I found significant evidence/s to fight my case =) god must be on my side =)
autumn leaf: great to hear that you have significant evidence, is a good news...who going to look after your kids if you're working?

me also want to lose weight, have to control my food intake...i have put on weight due to drinking wincaris (don know is it the correct spelling) every night. I have sleepless night or not enough sleep so thought of drinking these kinds of wine to look more refreshing but is a mistake, cause me put on weight...sobz

Bb J's party finally over ..phew.. it was a bash, and he thoroughly enjoyed it.. but mommy is tired like mad now..zzzzzzz
autumnleaf: yea, that's good news. And I'm glad you sounded focus, & having the positive energy. But i know it must be tough on you, and yes, God answers prayers.

Willting: is drinking wincaris like DOM? my MIL bought me 5 bottles, till now i only open 1 bottle, took a sip, and it's super sweet. and it's still in the fridge. what benefits do you get from drinking that?
i lost some weight by cutting down rice.
giggler: Hee hee... yup, we chope chope settle everything within a week. But with HB's support la... though I nagged at him, must admit he helped some bits. Like sourcing for & contacting the printer to print the door gift.

Had a good party. The kids had great fun with party favors & toys while the my parents & aunts/ uncles had fun singing all their hokkien, cantonese songs. & for the in-betweens (that's us), we were all bz looking after kids... kekeke..

Finally packed everything home, cleaned up the kids (& packed them to bed) & cleaned up the stuffs. HB was saying thank God we decided to do it at the KTV room, can't imagine the massive washing up if we had done it at home.
Jolene: Cos we booked the KTV room but neither HB nor I sing... so kan chiong... afraid that people get bored cos my KTV room is at the basement without view. Then decided that since we have the equipment, might as well prepare a video presentation of Leticia's 1st year to 'entertain' the guest.

Well, in the end, we couldn't play the presentation from the TV. Good thing my parents came to the rescue - they lead my aunts & uncles in singing. So the old folks had a great 3hrs+ of karaoke. While the kids played in the large room. Only the teenagers got a little bored & ventured out to the poolside to chat instead.

Anyway, glad the party is over & we all had a great time.

Yes, #2 is in childcare for a week now. First 3 days were ok, a little cranky on Thurday & Friday as major meltdown. I'm praying she adjust to CC soon. Heartbreaking to watch her when I send her each morning. Many a time, I feel like just keeping her at home - after all, MIL & maid are in... sigh.
hi xpink: thanks. congrats!! so have u started telling bravier about his soon-to-be new status?

good morning everyone!

we had a great party yesterday too. The food orderedd was just nice, the guests wiped out everything. so can i say just nice or a little too little? hehe.. but at the end of the day, i'm happy to have everyone's presence and that has certainly made the party much more meaningful.

365days ago, at this moment (8.02am) i just had my roti prata and strolled into MtA, still ya ya wondering why no contraction, and yet doc says i can give birth liao
jan, nice party! thanks for the gift.it's a nice place, maybe can consider when we hold our mega bash when the kids are older, like maybe 2 or 3 yrs old....
Janjan: happy birthday Shyan! Great bash & really love the place. Great venue for kids party. Shyan very photogenic. Always smile at camera!! Will upload photos soon. U will see a future pole dancer.... Ha

Janjan, Happy Birthday Shyann !! She share the same date as my wedding anniversary !! Sorry that we didn't stayed for the party, both Jensen and I was sick. He's running a fever of 38.9 degres now. sigh! Agree it was a great place to hold kids party, private playground wor! Anyway was planning to celebrate our wedding anniversary later, but all plans have to be canceled. UPSET~
