(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Phy, Wish I can get some bb dust from u soon coz I want a bunny gal.

Jappooh & Snowger, My ex-colleague who is feng shui master said I will have 2 boys. As per his predicted my first boy born at Year 08 which is accurate. But he never mentioned when the second one will come ?? At the same time, I do very worried next one may getting boy again.

Little rabbit
The fengshui shifu said my HB's life will have 2 girls... 1st one come true.. She is a girl..haha.. so lets be it...the most sad will be my FIL when he learnt that he will have ALL GIRLS paternal grandchildren ... LOL

Pas, yeah.. we tried 2 yrs to conceive Ashlynne.. not easy. So HB said dun take precaution since we are so tough to get a baby... like the NIKE Slogan " Let's do it!".. hee hee...

Fong, ya.. same.. 1 boy 1 girl is good.. if next also gal.. i also like
Just that poor #2 gonna share alot of her jie jie's stuff...not so brand new as what her jie jie has...

snowger, i also need to go n see the sinseh again to regulate my body... better chance of conceive. Remember the last round i seen him for 3 months plus, i got pregnant...

woah. I didn't know u tried for 2 years to conceive Ashley. She is indeed a wonderful blessing then! I think sometimes women take for granted that they can anytime get a baby .. it's not true. Conceiving is actually harder in reality. Eg. for me, the HUGE 5 yr gap between my eldest and 2nd girl. For me , we've always used ovulation strips (after my 2nd one cos I realized it's not so easy to conceive lor) cos my cycles are so irregular.
I think no matter boy or ger, as long as they r our kids, we will b happy n use our whole heart n life to love them. =)
awaiting more n more good news from december 2008 mtb!
yeah i'm one of those women who are taking it for granted. we got Emma on our first try. but now, the second one, have been trying for 3 months and still not successful. Think it's cos of my longer working hours now. Where do you buy ovulation strips from? How do you use them?

jia you! It also take me 2yrs to have my 1st boy and then another 2 yrs to have my 2nd boy. And i need to on medical b4 i conceive both time. But now i not going to take any risk liao. Just stop at 2.

My younger one also wearing most of my elder one clothes. But hor he is super happy to wear gorgor clothes. Yesterday my MIL tell him that he wore is gorogr clothes when he is younger. Ervin is so happy and pt to his clothes say "gorgor clothes. Train nice nice". The gor gor is his idol loh.

i do love to have a gal but i super worried to have a boy again. And if i can quit my job and stay hm look after my kids then i dun mind to have 3rd one. Cos i need my MIL to help me so alot of problem loh. Nag and nag non stop lar. So i better stop at 2. Now at least they have a play mate.

My hubby keep saying 2 same gender also good at least they can play together. If diff gender they might not play together..
I am hoping for a boi, so I can see how it's like to have a boi (plus my own grandmother wants a great grandson). As for whether eventually it's boi or not, I will still love the baby.

Ur fengshui master very zhun... My one only said that after we asked him. And that was after my consultation with him on my first ger.

There are Cheap Ovulation test strips that are being sold on the BP thread now. Preg test kits oso have. Each test strip on 60 cents I think. Go take a look there.

We have all been brainwashed in school as teens that pregnancy is an easy thing. It could be bcos younger easier to get pregnant or lady luck chooses to shine on pple who dun wan to get pregnant. ;p Actually based on the documentary I watched, it's quite difficult since most of sperms get zapped out by the vaginal fluids and they still have to find their way up to the right channel where the egg is... LOL!
Yes very true gals.. never take for granted that babies come easily. I had irregular period too. Cayenne was conceived when i am still SINGLE. Noplans for marriage even.. haha.. This is embarrasing to tell, but heck i am glad i proceeded with the pregnancy because after my womb surgery the gynae told me my chances of getting preg is actually quite low, which i did not know at all.

Indeed i have to thank all the advices here from everyone during pregnancy days. i remembered how everyone telling me to face the problem bravely etc.. very comforting.. thanks gals! I am so glad!
Hey the ovulation kit worked for me twice in the past even though the 1st preganancy ended in miscarriage but Bryan came quickly after 2 cycles!

I wish for a gal too :p But hor, I'm so terrified of the thoughts of what if I get twins! You know the reports all show that as you get older, the chances of having twins are very high due to lower egg quality :S

If we do try, aiming for year end rabbit baby so that I can have a peaceful and no work stress maternity like before hahahaha

yes, as snowger sugg .. get from that BP she mentioned. It's so much cheaper than getting those ovulation test kids at the pharmacy ... it has the same functions and results .. so might as well use the strips and save money!


lol !! .. won't lar! .. It's not that easy to conceive twins even though older. Look at Aunty Zoe Tay lor .. all singletons each time what and she's like a gazillion years old now.


ya .. in school, in order to frighten teens into NOT having premarital sex, they make it sound like u engage in sex even just ONE time sure pregnant. lol :p so people have this mistaken idea that getting pregnant is easy. Have sex, sure pregnant.

But you are right about Lady Luck shining on those who DOESN'T want to get pregnant .. hahah! ...

Ya, every month if you have sex regularly, you only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant. that's not wonderful odds lor. what more for women with irregular cycles, etc. haiz.
thanks for the link. I didn't know that there was an ongoing BP. I will wait until end of this cycle. If still not successful then I will try the strips.

oh dear, i am guilty of all of these - drink too much coffee, don't eat enough fruit & veg, don't exercise. no wonder so long still cannot get...

if you don't have twins in your genes, very unlikely to get twins la! don't worry..
It's not working for youngsters nowadays. I think us being parents of girls, times has changed. It's not about NOT having sex (cos will get pregnant) anymore, it's about having safe sex? *Haiz* So not looking forward to that kind of days...

Hehe... Wish you luck for this cycle.
U can coffee to 1 to 2 cups a day. If u take other caffine drinks, then you should drink less than 2 cups of kopi. That's wat I gathered from a website about fertility.
Me not a fan of kopi, but a super fan of tea (which is equally bad). I can drink about 4-5 cups a day. Talk about caffine addict, I am surely one!

Me oso dun exercise one... Damn jia lat. Must be motivated to go gym liao... ;p
ya, now that we're parents ourselves, there's premarital sex to worry about, STDs, promiscuity, haiz.

all the best to you, too! ..

you're damn teeny and small ok? u don't look like u need any exercise. or else you'd disappear.
4-5 cups??? Wow okay, you are a serious caffeine addict. :p I only drink about 2-3 cups of kopi a day.

how you deal with sex ed for your girls? your oldest one is at that age already, right?
Echo & snowger,
talking abt caffine addict, me too! First pregnancy ctrl a bit, till 3rd trimester then 1 day 1 cup. First n 2nd trimester dun dare to drink. Now 2nd pregnancy no ctrl at all. Everyday 1 cup. Heeheehee... Touch wood if my ger turn out black black skin then definitely mummy fault.
congrats to xuelyn and marilyn!!! Phyl too!

so marilyn that time I was not wrong about you being preggy in FB liao ehhehe. All 3 age gap quite close so sure can click no matter girl or boy liao
Seriously I do not know if I have been swayed by the media that girls these days are a bit more chin chai/experimental (when they are in higher primary or secondary sch). Dunno if this was already a thing since long ago and in recent days became a hot topic in our media?

I am not that tenny lar... I have about 1-2 spare tires when i sit down + my dress and skirts are getting too tight to zip up...

My addiction was after I stopped breast-feeding. So I am like drinking tea to make up for the loss of having it during the BFing n preggy days... *opps*

It's ok to have one small cup a day. I drank one small cup of tea every morning to perk myself during my preg days. I think I started ard mid 2nd trimester. Cos I was feeling so tired everyday, so caved in for one cuppa tea.

I think drinking kopi does not make ur child dark skinned. My mum drank milk n soy milk thruout my younger sis's pregnancy and she was borned tanned (btw, she drank kopi everyday while hving me n my elder sis - the two of us were so fair!).

How have you been? haven't seen you post for so long! Btw, I signed up for the Meidya card cos can get points to get mediya vouchers! :p

Good! Haven't seen you for so long too. Maybe can meet up again hehe. Oh you sign up too? Must collect lots of points just to change a $10 voucher hor? So you still using the Wakodo milk powder? I just switch to Pediasure but then find it abit sweet.

How are you? Did you change your hp no? coz I sms you a few days ago..
Tat was becos I control.. Nowadays I drink 4-5 cups those kopi tiam glass size type...

Yeah, we shld meet one of these days... :p

Ya still on Wakodo milk powder, she likes it over pediasure. I tried it when she was 13 mths, drank 20ml and gave me back the entire bottle of milk!!! *SIGH* She is happy with it and the tin says can drink until 3YO. So just keep it up lor... I think aft 3YO, I will give her full cream fresh milk (Meiji)!

I think is $500 worth of purchases to get $10?
I was one stupid woman who believe drinking coffee will have a dark skin baby so i drown cayenne in soya milk and fresh milk throughout the pregnancy. End result?? A cranky caffeine deprived mum. Is Cayenne very fair? I dun think so!!!
The way you describe is very funni!!! The only good thing abt soya milk n fresh milk = more calcium.
Caffine on the other hand will drain precious calcium. which is y btr not drink so much. :p
morning ladies!
thanx for d congrats.. but i hav miscarriaged. kept on having cramps & dr say its a blighted ovum. empty sac wif no bb inside. will be gg for D&C under GA on mondae. hope d cramping will be gone real soon. =(
Sorry to hear that. Take care and rest well. After D&C, after bleeding had stopped, do take some chicken essence to "bu" your body.
Sorry to hear abt tat... I also had brighted ovum in my 2nd pregnancy which b4 daniell... U may probably wan to do a mini confinement after D&C, do take care n hope to hear good news fr u again :)
all the best my dear. take care..

where do you find the time to be so active in the forum? *salute*
moring ladies
hehe. am gonna rot 1mth at home.. d cute dr even ask if 1mth enuf anot.. can extend if i wan.. lolx..

now gonna read up on how to conceive a baby ger! lolx. any mummies got tips to share? hehe.
iemik0: Take Care! I think u rest well first before trying again. Just to share: My sister had blighted ovum in Dec last year. Shortly in March she conceived again but another case of blighted ovum. She is seeing a chinese Physician now and was told to rest well for a few months first. My sis is 31 already but still childless. I am praying very hard for all mummies out there who wish for a darling baby.

Receipe for Baby Boys and Baby Girls
A Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme:

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !"
What are little girls made of?
"Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!"

Conclusion: To have boys, eat lots of escargots and play with puppies. To have girls, eat sugary and spicy food and be REAL nice!!!

Lolz.. Happy Tuesday!!
Cute Chantalle..

Marilyn, agreed with Chantalle that u need to rest ur body first before trying ya..download the ovulation app la..will tell which day will conceive girl..:p
hehe. easier to get preg afta mc. mi n hb wan a bb bunny so mayb try in a few mths time. =)

i got tt. my dr even tell mi tt i got chances of a ger as my symptoms r diff when i preg wif d bois. lolx. ok la. will go consult him on how to hav a bb ger. keke.

haiz, those apps only work if you have a regular cycle. women who have their periods like clockwork are really lucky cos it's so much easier to plan etc.


really, ah? cos of the d and c is it? I didn't know that it's easier to get pregnant after a m/c

yes i also heard it easier to get preg after m/c. i am a example. i was preg with my 2nd boy on 2nd mth of m/c. Means my cycle only come once.
Hi ladies,
Sorry to interrupt.

I'm looking for mummies who can co-share the bulk purchase of Gain IQ3 with me. Need to get at least 24 tins, then will have $25 each. Still need abt 10 tins now. Self collect at my place at Khatib/Yishun.

Pls Pm me if keen, thanks.
sam, not really leh cos i hv very regular menses and frankly we have been having unprotected sex for the last 4 - 5 months and still no news.. could it be due to me super stressed at work..sigh!
mi same as japooh. i preg again afta my menses came one cycle from my 1st MC. mi to get preg quite easy actually. juz whack one or twice in d mth den will tio. dono good or bad.

mayb stress ba. relax more!

yea, stress plays a big part. Oh so you guys are tryin for a 2nd one? Good luck!


lol ! wa lau. if you easily get preggers, that means arh, you can end up like that family on tv .. the Duggars with 19 kids if you're not careful and get pregnant every year! .. heheeheh.


actually, come to think of it, I also got pregnant just 2/3 months after a m/c some years ago. so yeah, u guys might be right after all. lol!
Hi ladies,
My case was different, after I m/c n did d&c, I only managed to get conceived again after 8mths of trying, some more need to get the help from gynae to check on my accurate ovulation period...
sam, not really trying for a 2nd one..if have then ok if dun hv oso ok..haha. not enthusiastic abt it yet cos i wanna let zach settle into playgroup first then worry abt whr shall we all relocate for his primary 1 then settle the sleeping issue..haha..

haha. no way i can give birth to so many. cute dr say max is 3c-sect so my no5 is gonna be my laz one ba. no more. come to tink of it, i preg 4x in 4yrs. almost like yearly if divide d nos. lolx.

relocating to where? mi finding houses in tampines coz wana let them go to my old sch. hehe.
