(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Adel
Yes, Bryan is great. He can speak so well. Ashlynne only how to count 1 and 2. When i said " yi (one)", she will say " ER (two)"recently she saw soccer and scream " GOAL.. HURRAY!!" .. Indeed a soccer and golf fan..

I realised lately, like nini, she can recognise alphabets. I played spelling alphabet puzzle with her.. CAKE, PLANE etc... she can "slot" the correct alphabets .. like A match A, B match B, to form the word CAKE, PLANE ... I am amaze she can do that

Overall, her understanding power is very good. I can talk to her like little adult. She understand me. haha

Hi Sam
Yeah, no prob, I am sure she will be able to catch up. She has been picking up vocabs lately too.. See cars will say " DARRR...." faintz... She call me "mama" or at times " Ma Meh..".. the rest of my family members, she can address so accurately except ME... DUHZZZZ

LOL.. nini speaking japanese...

How come nini is learning Japanese??? Hahahaha, guess I'll start Bryan on French when he can speak proper English.hahahaha so fun to watch them suddenly springing surprises on us isn't it? I love it to bits!
WAH!!! Bryan and Nini are so "SHEN". Peifu peifu. ;) My ger is just repeating words after us, esp those which she is familar with.

On Sunday, my mum heard her say "Blue one", referring to the blue ikea bath tub. And she finally called my parents, ah ma n ah gong. Awww so sweet. ;p

No 3rd language yet. But my ger seems to speak more chinese than english...

Drypers diaper:
I remember someone asking abt Drypers diaper... Did you manage to find a cheap supplier? Cos i finally found one but dunno if really cheap or not leh...
Eh....need help here. Anyone doing accounting here and familiar with processing GST? Need recommendation of accounting software for my co. :S
Hello mummies.. I truly enjoy reading your little ones development.

I wish i can press some button or install and download some application into my Cayenne but unfortunately, kids dun grow up that way uh..
Finally feeling better, thanks for asking! I think the blocked nose was an allergy, it didn't get any better or worse. Finally killing it with zyrtec. Find that clarinase doesn't work for me. When are we doing lunch? This wed till next wed cannot though, very bz... Merydith when can u meet for lunch?
Self-feeding: David can hold a spoon and bring to his mouth, but the scooping part seems to be a big challenge for him. He can't get it right, and has no passion to get it right because he's not a big fan of eating. If he gets food, that's fine. If he doesn't, he's just happy not having any. I think he may starve if he goes cc...Guess the only other thing I can do is to enrol him in weekend classes.

Wah...Bryan is amazing. David could only manage Papa, mama, lion, car and lion. (-_-") The only kind of counting he does is High Five.
David is doing great with his ability to hold a spoon and bring it to his mouth. This is the very fist step to self feeding! Bryan was having problem holding the spoon when he was at the old centre and plus the fact that the teachers dun really hv the capacity to monitor all the kids (20 of them) those who can't feed will have to wait until the rest have finished their meals. Then the teacher will come and feed them in super fast speed 'cos the next group is waiting to have their meals.

If David's issue is scooping I think you can just tell the teachers that he CANNOT self-feed and insist that they hv to supervise him and want his food intake record for the 1st 2 wks.
You have to be very firm and dismiss their excuses about centre policy of not providing info etc...

Bryan has improved greatly in the new centre. He eats a lot now and the teacher old us this morning that he wanted extra bread for breakfast (after his bowl of oatmeals & mashed banana) yesterday and after finishing it, he point to his classmate's plate and say "I want more bread". The teachers are really pleased with his improvements. Today again a happy day 'cos he did not cry when we left and he even told us that he wants to go inside to play the slide!
adeline...aiyah..cause we both loves to go Japan...we taught her a little french oso when we were in Paris, she can say bonjour and aurevoir...hahaha..cause her first few yrs play phone speaks english, french & spanish..
CC Report: Randall was very happy at the playground today, he started to smile and laugh, and climbed up the ladder to get to the slide! Think it might have been the highlight of his day.

New teacher seems really nice, wow really relieved
I am ok with next week? Probably what about Thurs?
carmen, any nice food around SPII?

He is always super happy when he goes to the playground lol.
You manage to meet her yesterday? How do you find her with the children? I only meet her briefly today. Wanted to stay but afraid that Randall will be too attached.
little_rabbit: I saw the pics on CNA! My mom called me in a panic cos she knows i often go to town & she was afraid i was stranded. Haha...Quite serious leh! Knee-deep floods outside Ion Orchard, Borders, Taka etc!

Adel: Wow, Bryan can speak really well. I'm amazed that he can count to 10...very impressive.

Jappooh: Yep i received my bottles last week. Thanks very much!

Snowger: They really amaze us with how fast they learn & grow. Preston can recognise (read) a few words -- his name, "fish" & "cookie". Shocked us too when we discovered it cos we thought it was a fluke.

Spag: So how? the maid issue resolved?

no lar. tot want to do ligation. still breastfeeding mah so couldn't even start taking the pill. Will straightaway go for ligation. I think it's easier than going for IUD which lasts a few yrs only.

Why? U decided to insert an IUD too arh?
Next Thurs is good for me! Dunno what's good to eat there though... Carmen how?

Met the chinese teacher yesterday onle, she's nice, quite energetic but seems little or no experience in cc. But that's fine with me, as long as the teacher is positive and kind. Did not go today, my mil dropped O off. She mentioned the other new teacher is not very good... said she just sat around...

Got another new teacher? I only know there is one assistant but I don't remember her name...Shereen told me Randall became very attached to her today so he didn't cry much today. Phew.
Coz he cried till he got no voice yesterday lol
hi gals,

Just to detrack a bit from CC. Any of you gals have changes in your sweat glands after pregnancy? Cos I find that I perspire much more than before I was pregnant!Quite irritating leh... I thought will go back normal... but nvr leh...
Luthadel: Haha...so great that Bryan can speak so well. My David still ee aah ee aah...if he has complaints we also won't know. I think I will start him off in weekend playgroups first, then slowly upgrade to daily playgroup and then CC... hopefully by then his appetite will improve and actually like eating...

Pris: The one we shortlisted....cannot come to SG because she got sent back 2 years ago when she got pregnant! *Faint* I don't even want to think who she got pregnant with, but her CV said shes's single with no kid. Anyway, we've picked another ex-HK one. Hopefully we'll have better luck with this one...*cross fingers*
Hi gals,

很烦恼。。Between CC next year or continue with BBsitter + 2 hour playgroup. At first planning was confirm CC then see my sister's son, before CC strong like a bull, now always sick. He went for about 6 months liao almoat every month sick and once kana HFMD. Lucky she has MIL at home to look after her son when sick. now she a bit hou hui. So for her 2nd son she might consider not to put in CC. for my case if RAchel fall sick then i have to on leave.
As for me I dont have problem with my BBsitter. In fact she is taking good care of Rachel.
But go CC can learn more.....

How???? still think......
Hi Snowger

Me too... now v easy to perspire as compared to b4 preg. Initially still hope will become normal but now give up le...sigh
I think you have to weigh your piority. I think ur option of putting in 2 hrs playgroup is a in between option. It will be a similar arrangement in future if you go to kindergarten w/o CC options.

But every child is different. Some children fall sick frequently but some would eventually become stronger.
guess have to list the pros and cons of both option.

Ya you are right, every child is different. I just hope that i will make the correct option
Tat's the thing. For me I also listed the pros and cons and then I get a very conflicting answer...

Cos my ger is starting to tell us that she wan to poo poo. I dunno if I send her to childcare, she will just poo out in the diaper cos the faces of the teachers are not familar to her... So in a dilema of whether to send her in or not...

If not u do the half first, then if she is doing ok, put her on full day. Cos u are lucky to get a good nanny for ur ger leh...
tot u mentioned u wan to do IUD so asking u lor... coz i heard some ppl said tat after insertion it will cause spotting for first 3 mths & u r even expected to put pad everyday or something like tat... but after that ur menses will be getting lesser & lesser or even zero menses (sounds good ya)...

i oso asked my gynae abt ligation but he said IUD better wor... he said he got a patient who got pregnant the next year after ligation... anyway nothing is 100% safe laaa unless NO SEX!!

i'm more or less decided going for IUD, juz wait for my next menses to come... and the IUD will last me for 5 yrs!
so good that ur gal can tell u that she wan putt putt. Rachel will only give me a putt putt face, i am fast enough to bring to toilet then she will putt putt in her bowl if not she will do it in her diaper. usually her stools are a bit hard, so normally can make it to the bowl. Jus last sunday i accompany her to the toilet twice, nothing came out, the third time then she manage to shit out. ppl outside must be thinking why is there is "ng... ng..." sound coming from that toilet.
Ask ur hb doing ligation lar... because IUD i heard can be no effective because... if the IUD gets shifted (for some reason), u will win top prize. Happen to my colleague, tat's how he got his youngest ger. ;p

She will just run to us and do the kek sai face for us to see... recently, we will say "u wanna poo poo? let's run to the "tom-tom"." so she will run to our room where her potty is...
Well sometimes, she will still FAIL and poo on her diaper lar...
Hi Mommies... just suddenly thought.. our babies are 18m already.. wanna contribute some updates of our how our darling look like...??? haha!!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2"> <blink>Dec Prince and Princess @ 18months</blink></font></font>

i contribute 2 princes and princess 1st..

Hello Mummies! Happy Monday!

Wow! Look at these little ones! They look all so "grown up"!

Mummies, any idea how to let Cayenne to have more hair? She is turning 18mths next week, and she is still very "botak".
Jappooh, does your elder boy have little hair too?

When i bring Cayenne out, people will think she is a boy.. unless i dress her in pink or in flora dresses. Quite sian to explain oh she is a girl.. she is a mei mei. Annoying... haiz.
Hi mummies

sorry to interrupt.

I have 6 bottles of DOM (1litre) &amp; 1 bottle of Yomeishu (700ml) to sell. All brand new! Selling cheaper than retail and provide foc delivery. Pm me if keen. Thanks!! :)
Walau, so many dec 2008 baby toilet train liao oh? My boy still not!!! Bring him to toilet he will cry n scream like hell!!! He only told us "da bian" after he poo poo in his diaper. =(

how u all toilet train your boy / ger huh?

Not planning a grand party but mabbe dinner and a cake..but i alr knew what i would get for his b'day. safari theme lego set..hehe. saw it at robinsons yest.
headache part will be the cake..
hahaha, I think this year onwards, our kiddos will definitely enjoy their parties since they're alot more aware as compared to their 1st bday.

HB wants to celebrate for him so that he can have lots of fun but mummy here is hoping for more subtle stay-at-home bday hahaha...

Ya man, I'm having headache on the cake too 'cos now he has switched from Mickey to BARNEY!!!! How ugly can it get with a purple cake! ahahahah
And Zach finally knew what is Thomas n Train..headache!! the beginning of stuck at toy's department cos that fella busy picking out which train he wants.
Jappooh, I was told to use olive oil to maasage her scalp everytime after shower. Duno if that works, will be trying for a month. I will let you know if there are results and you can also try for your boy.

N_G: High 5! My Gal also not toilet trained. hehe..

err.. excuse me ladies.. its not even National day yet lei.. Why are you all talking about Birthdays already? This is Dec thread rite? Haha...U ladies really help me to get my act together as a mum.
hahaha, if you count the months, we are down to about 5/6 mths to prepare for the party so not exactly a lot of time leh. Especially for those born in Dec, they'll hv to get a place etc soon 'cos I'm sure the prices will go up with the holiday seasons! Hahahaha

Wah pengz. My second shortlisted maid just wrote my agency a short note and said she changed her mind about coming to SG. ARRGGHHH!
*Cross fingers for third shortlisted maid to actually get here*

Birthday parties: I think a nice, quiet birthday dinner with lots of sweet peas (David adores sweet peas) will be ideal. One large scale, fill-ceiling-with-balloon, unbelievably-huge-and-expensive-cake and too-many-guests-to-handle is more than enough for me. :p

Barney: I find it creepy and strange.
