(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


Thanks for the info! Am still considering if we sld send my gal for extra classes, but I guess we'll monitor the situation at cc first. For the kids who attend class with the maids, you know what? The moms are probably sahm who want to hv a break of a few hours away from their child. It's prob the opposite of how you and your hb feel, that you work too much and don't spend enough time with David so the classes are a great way for you to bond. Likewise, for sahm, they spend so much time with their kids that they just need to get away for a few hours of 'me' time! I might do the same in their situation, once a week to catch up for coffee with friends, or just shopping

Yesterday was Olivia's first day at cc LV at Alpha (science park). Finally met up again with Merydith and her boy Randall. Overall, Olivia seemed pretty well adapted, hopefully she'll stay the same as the weeks past. Will continue to go in with her for half days for another week before plunging into the full day programme! Randall was very cute yesterday, he was so happy sitting in the ball basket. Right Merydith? Ru going in tomorrow?

After reading the post, i feel dat im such a lazy mummy... hee... i din send/sign up Kasia to any courses at all (except the initial baby swimming at Hwa Xia). but planning to send her to CC in Aug, which is a neighbourhood CC anyway ;p

tamms & Merydith:
din knw ur werking at SP2 too! im werking opp Alpha! Perhaps we can catch up over lunch next wk (if ur still going to LV with Olivia and Randall).
<font color="0000ff">Childlife colostrum Spree- Jappooh</font>
1) Jowinbaby (2 bottles) <font color="ff0000">(address receive)</font>
2) Xuelyn ( 1 bottle)
3) Jess (2 bottles) <font color="ff0000">(Paid and address receive)</font>
4) Loveangel/Pris (2 bottles)
5) Reddates (2 bottles) <font color="ff0000">(self collect at CCK)</font>
6) Zachmommy (2 bottle) <font color="ff0000">(address receive)</font>
7) Fong2 (1 bottle) <font color="ff0000">(address receive)</font>
8) Jowinbaby friend ( 1 bottle) <font color="ff0000">(address receive)</font>
9) Ivy (1 bottle)
tamms: oic! okie, drop u PM

Sam: I saw many ppl grabbing Pampers by boxes, Huggies only selected series (Ultra and above) with good prices, so think it sud be quite good. Eu Yan Seng oso got very attractive discounts, got a few stores selling toys, clothes and shoes. But none really catch my attention...

You work in capricon? Saw they have indian restaurant there, any food outlet to recommend? Yes yes, can meet one of these days. You change your nick? I forgot your last nick but I remember baby kasia.
I don't work in Science park 2..actually i work in biopolis but biopolis cc is full house (queued since randall is 3-4 mths old)..


your girl is really very independent. Doesn't even seen her cry one bit and will even comfort other crying toddlers by stroking them...so adorable. I tried getting Randall to try full day today because he fell asleep on the matress. I happily returned to office only to receive a call from the teacher saying randall got up and found me missing so he cried real hard...so attempt failed...drove back home...guess he still needs time.
Hi All,
We had 3 awful days of toddler orientation at Bryan's school. There is no hand holdings (like feeding, getting around etc) on Day 1, most of the new tots are like left to their own while the teachers attended to older kids. Then finally some light came when the English teacher appears but that light dimmed very quickly 'cos she has resigned. No non-slip mats in the bathrooms that are shared by tots &amp; the older kids (K1/K2) and once the floor is wet, it is really slippery. Overall the feeling we got was bad.

Yesterday was our last day of orientation and we were as traumatised as Bryan. We went around hunting for new centres but none was up to the standard and only at 6pm, our prayers were answered.

There is a new Cherie Hearts at Corporation Road, 5 mins drive from my place and we went for a visit and was immediately sold despite the difference in rates. He is there now and mummy here feel so terrible that I have to get back to work. Luckily my helper is able to be there with him.

What a week.:S
That's really great tat u manage to find a new centre for Bryan so quickly!
Me still hunting. And perhaps June is a good time to start the hunt when hb is on sch hols and can go sch hunting with me...

Was thinking of Eton House @ Outram (since the LSH near the area are fully booked. LV @ Bukit merah is also full) but dunno if it's as traumatising as Bryan's old sch. Quite scary since Nic is not exactly indpendent enough to feed herself (she tries but feeds the table and floor more often).
Here are a couple of points to check.
1. How many toddlers/class (usually it is about 12-16 max). There are 20 in Bryan's old centre and that is a massive group of active and curious tots to deal with with only 2 teachers.

2. What are the programme like? Most toddlers care will only have 1 nap time after lunch/bath. So you'll need to check if they allow Nicole to slowly integrate by slowly stretching her current nap time. Bryan was super cranky at the old centre as their lunch was schedule between 10.30am - 11.15am (which is his current nap time)

3. Bathrooms, do they have non-slip mats. A must!

4. Feeding, will they feed those who cannot self-feed or are they expected to try from day one.

5. If it is open concept centre, make sure the older kids are situated away from the toddlers/playgrop. Important thing is that the younger kids should not have to weave pass the older ones to get from one place to another.

These were some of the major issues that prompted us to pull him from the old centre.
Wow, I'm so impressed with the Director of the new centre!! She just sms me to let me know about Bryan's progress today... Feel like crying...so stress for the last couple of days and now tears of relieve and joy. Hope it will work here
Hi adeline..is bryan's old school my first skool?
cidney is gg to advance to her toddler class @ my first sch too but we are a bit concern on the no. of toddlers there with onie 2 teachers in a small crampy area..i am now sourcing for other sch just in case my first sch doesn't work out...thanks on the pointers above!

Thanks for the tips... V useful for me to go find out from the other schs. I heard that Eton House @ outram still got vacancies. so will go check it out.

I dun think the LSH @ Outram area got non-slip mat leh... Hmmm...

Nic's current nap time is either 12 to 2pm or 1pm to 3pm.
The last time I checked with LSH, the timing is ok.
Hi Bur,
Yes his old centre was my first skool. Overall it was just too many tots in one class and the worst is that they dun hv anti-slip mats in the toilets! Over at the old centre, the tots must carry their bath sets to the toilet and queue to be bath, after bath usually very chaotic as some will start to wonder etc. Without the anti-slip mats, it is just waiting for accidents to happen esp when the older kids are sharing the use of the bathroom.

If you're going to send nini in, do start to stretch her nap time if she is still doing 2 naps per day. Plus, let her try to self feed regardless of the mess. This will really help to prep her for the shock.

We were not informed and so did not get a chance to prep Bryan and the IFC DID NOT prep him in that area too. So it was a total shock to him and to us.

Oh, you're lucky at least Nic's nap timing is ok but she may have to stick to one. Find out their nap time and you prep her at home. Otherwise they will be cranky and overwhelmed at the same time.
Hi Luthadel

I also sending BB in PG this July n think she is the worst here liao....wake up 10+am, nap 2-3+ (1-2hrs) n at night sleeping 11+ (if we r lucky).

N i cannot change her daily timing cos the care taker simply din help at all law n just leave it to BB.... so can only hope BB can slowly train to normal sleep time by CC
You'll have to try to change it before she enters cc lor. Otherwise it will be very tough for her to suddenly change the schedule.

I know, it is very tough for us too cos she alway sleep so late at night. Sigh......I'm working n care taker is MIL, she of cos happy n wont wake BB up earlier in morning. Sometime BB sleep ard 1pm till 2+, then 6pm she tire le, MIL still will encourage her by pat BB to sleep from 6+ till 7+pm.
We so angry......but what to do, mil live w us. If only its my own mum
she sure will listen to me n follow my instruction

wow. What a stressful initial 3 days. Glad that Bryan is now somewhere else that you are happy with.

And yes, it really helps that your maid can be there to be with him ..

marcar ... thanks :p I'll take your word for it. Singapore Expo is like super far leh. I dowan to waste gas just to drive there and end up nothing to see and buy. che. Plus it's outdoor parking. The car interior will be super hot after a while. I WILL DIE LOR.
that is very bad of the school. My elder boy join his cc when he is 30mths. That time he is still in the toddler class. His class have abt 14kids with 2 teachers. When my elder boy went in he cant self feed yet. the teacher will help those who cant and feed that. For shower the teacher help them to take out the clothes and put inside the bag as well. Only when he start N1 then he start to learn to do by himself and learn 1 at the time.

The K1/K2 kids are at another rm. There are 2 area for my elder boy school. 1 is for K1/K2. another is for toddler class (playgroup), N1 and N2.

Glad that bryan get a new school. THe old school sounds terrible. Actually now i am worried for my young one also cos when he join the class he will only be 20mths. Unlike the elder one already 30mths.

My young one very sticky now do i dunno how long he gg to cry when we send him to school.
Merydith: i change my nick quite some time back, juz dat i have not log in for past few monthss. okie, i PM u my hp and u update me when u can make it for lunch with tamms

Adel: sori that u and Bryan has to go thru such a trama week. hope Bryan will now enjoy his new centre

Bur, xiaohwa, snowger and jappooh: im now really vexed over the CC.. Kasia got a firm place at a CC near to my hse, but it's the "old school" type and if i din remember wrongly, there is also no anti-slip mat at the bathroom... the "teaching" is also very "board/poster-based" with minimal interactions/involvement with children. I wud like to send Kasia to a more "learn-thru-play" CC envt but the nearest one to me is in Woodland... which can be quite a drive in the mng... Argghhh.. so can share which are some CC ur all considering? LV @ Aplha is out for me as im mostly out of office, so does not make sense for me to go all the way back to SP2 to pick Kasia...
you staying in woodlands?
Wanted to send Rachel to my first skool cc next year, just below my blk, but Apr went to register on waiting list already. Chances not high to get in. So hunt for another one which is abt 4 bus stop away from my house, YMCA cc.
Adel.. Ur post made me worried.. Sigh
summer is startig sch next mth at my workplace CC. the cc also onli has abt 2 teachers to a class of 10 Tod.. N they practises only 1 nap time. I've trying to train her to slp lata at ard 12 instead of her usual 11am and cutting down her nap time fr 2x to 1x..

Wat else to do to prep her? My bigger worry is her diet. At Hm either maid or ah Ma feeds her v paitiently an yet she eats like a mouse.. Wonder how she's gonna survive in sch! Headache!!!
Summer's mommy
I think you're doing a good job in cutting down her nap 'cos that was the biggest hurdle for most of the new tots that got promoted to the class.

As for feeding you should let her develop at her own pace and not to over push her into fitting into the crowd. Just request the teachers to supervise her as much as possible and to report on her meal intake daily until such time when she can eat a proper meal in time. If the teacher say they can't do that,it is bullshit so you'll hv to insist.

Bryan is adjusting super well in his current school. He was all smiles at bedtime yesterday and even called his new teacher's names. Now he can even call the centre Director by her name and that tells me he really likes them.

We took him to the new centre today so that he can again get familar with his surrounding as we were afraid he will get all upset due to the 2 days weekend break. He went and started playing with the teachers and knows exactly where the toys are kept. They served waffles with cheese and milo for breakfast, honeydew for mid morning snack and threadfin porridge with spinach and carrots for lunch. Bryan finished one big bowl of the porridege fed by teachers, centre director, himself and us. hhahahahah.... When we say we have to go home at 12pm, he actually whine! This is what i was looking for , the sign of happiness and liking for the school.

thanks but it remains to be seen if olivia will continue to be this good after I leave her for a full day! So far i've been going in for half day with her, just observing and helping her wash her hands and getting her to drink her water. I snuck out yesterday but she spotted me and started yelling MAMA MAMA and crying... so its probably going to be the same story as Randall for her...
Randall missed you yesterday, he was sitting behind the glass window crying for a while. I guess all the kids will have to get through this period of adjustment, whether its now or later on in kindergarten.

Actually I'm still undecided if I really want to put her in cc. The quality of care in each centre is dependant on the dedication and enthusiasm of the teachers in charge, and for our class, the teacher is quite a quiet lady. They were doing painting yesterday so Olivia was given a cotton ball, paper and paint. I felt that the teacher could have been more interactive by talking to the kids through what they were painting, what colours they were using and what a good job they were doing. Not descriptive enough. Randall was quietly sitting on teacher's lap watching the kids take turns painting.
One of the boys said repeatedly that he had done a poo but the 2 teachers didn't clean him up quickly. 15min later, they rushed him to the toilet when his diaper leaked and the shorts turned brown.

Overall the centre is ok, the kids are quite happy. Maybe my expectation was higher. From what I have observed, the teachers pretty much leave the kids to play by themselves and make sure that nothing bad happens to them. The ratio at Alpha LV is 1:6 but right now it exceeds because a new teacher who was supposed to come in decided she did not want to work. Hopefully the new teacher who comes in mid month will be more enthusiastic.

There are no non-slip mats at the wash area but the floor tiles are quite rough and provide some traction. Leading out of the wash area is a carpet zone so the area outside the toilet and showers is clean.

at my cc, kids who can't self feed will be fed by their teachers. Self feeding kids who don't finish their food will usually be helped by the teachers at the end. There is always a pc of fruit for them to munch on after lunch. Right after lunch is cleanup time, and they will be given a bottle of milk to nap. I think most ccs follow this schedule?

lunch sounds good but I dn't know if I will be bringing her in on Mon. I have a runny nose now. If still not well on Monday then I can't bring her in to cc. Very irresponsible if a sick parent hangs around right... let you know ok?
Hi tamms,

Thanks for letting me know what is going on yesterday. By the way, every morning at about 8.45-9am, I am not sure if you know, all of them (all age groups) gather into the music room for story telling before they goes into their respective classrooms.

Yes, I also felt that the main teacher is too quiet. Doesn't really talk much and doesn't seem very happy with so many toddlers around. I was told that they check the diapers at certain times of the day and they give them drink water. However, from what you observed, probably they didn't really carry it out.

But I was glad Shereen, the assistant teacher, ensured Randall finished the 2nd round of milk in the late afternoon by feeding him a mouthful each time slowly throughout the hour. She also told me Randall finish both his meals (tea break was macaroni with ikan bilis etc) and dislikes the room and prefers to roam around outside and outdoors (they go outdoors to the playground in the afternoon at 4.30pm).

Did Olivia get any allergic reaction the the food there? Coz I brought Randall to the doc for his runny nose and rash behind the ear and chest and was told he caught an allergy.

I told the principle about the floor because Randall slipped and fall but she said it's rough enough but will check with the other teachers on it.

I hope the new teacher will be better. I peep into the other classes and the children looks really happy learning. They also went out for excursion on Friday morning. Will you be coming in when the new teacher arrives? I may reconsider the cc if it doesn't turn out well.

ok I check out my email.
I don't go in early enough to see the assembly, but my mother in law brought her in on wed and mentioned that a teacher was telling the kids abt her trip. Were you there that day? She mentioned that the teacher was not using positive words.

Shereen is the young chinese lady right? She seems really nice and interested in the kids. Maybe the main teacher has been in childcare for too long that she's desensitised... a bit tidak apa. She's not a bad caregiver but she could be more attentive. I went to 2 other cc, one was cherie hearts at West Coast, but I didn't like the semi-D set up and it was overcrowded. MMI at west coast was also good but the building is so old!!! and smells old!!! The teacher at MMI was also a very quiet lady... so comparing all 3, LV still wins for me.

Olivia is ok with the food given, no rash but both of us now have a runny nose, so I may not be bringing her in on Monday. I'm a bit worse off compared to my daughter. Suspect that I caught it from my sis. I've got a meeting on 16, even if I come in it will be in the afternoon to pick her up. Yes will need to meet with the new teacher. By the way, the new classroom is at the other end of the centre. Quite surprised cos I thought they would keep the same age groups together.

For some reason my immunity all of this year has been very low. Not really sure what's going on with my system, but I never really used to fall sick. I'm weaker now compared to before. I'm regularly buying stuff from iherb in the hope to boost my immunity, from acidophilus, colostrum to pau d'arco. Am also thinking of taking mushroom supplements... any tips? Anyone else like me going supplement crazy?? So much has changed about my body since getting pregnant. My belly is not really very jelly but it definitely pops out more than before, and somehow it seems my ribcage has expanded. Even though I'm the same weight as pre pregnancy, the old clothes don't fit anymore. But the worst has got to be the weakened immunity
Hi tamms,

Not bringing Randall in next Monday too coz he just came down with cough today. I wasn't there for wed assembly as I was feeding Randall breakfast but I went for thurs and seems they rotate the teachers. Huh?, u mean they were sort of scolding them? Which teacher your mil remember?

Thinking of putting Randall in cherie hearts where Bryan is as the centre is new too. Perhaps will see how later.

Yes Shereen is the Chinese lady. She also observed how I fed Randall the other day and how I have to make him sleep.

Tamms for yourself you can try manuka honey. Also sambucol for adults work really well too.
Not that the teacher was scolding them, but she was telling them about her trip to Jakarta and pointing out things that she did not like abt the airport. As a teacher she should have been using positive words, telling the kids what she did and how she enjoyed them. But I didn't hear it first hand so really no comment.

I like Cherie hearts as well, but the nearest one is still too far away. Besides, many moms I spoke to have posisitve feedback abt LV. Spoke to a parent before I signed up as well, and she was very happy to have her kid at Alpha. I think maybe I'm just trying to come to terms with leaving my kid int the hands of another caregiver.

I'm taking sambucol now, finishing soon, will dip into Olivia's stash before my new order arrives! by the way, I'm an iherb junkie, I love shopping with them! Have manuka as well but would prefer not to take so much sugar.
Seems like a lot of kids are going to cc.. hope they are adjusting well.
received a call from JG abt Zach's playclub and he's still on waitlist for the 9am slot so I opted for the later slot.. dun wanna be in the waitlist but now i abit half-hearted on whether to send him to JG or GUG or Shicida..:p heheh
thks for haring ur experiences n ur comforting words.

but I'm super worried.. Summer started to be v sticky recently.. It's as if she noes she's going to sch soon. She'll onli wan me to carry her nbput her to slp.. Shutting daddy out.. There was once daddy carried her when we were out shopping. She was ok until she spotted me.. N started screaming for mummy... As if daddy kidnapped her -__-" sigh

did Bryan show such signs of seperation anxiety?

I also view the Cherie hearts near my plc jus in case my co Cc doesn't work out. Wats the fees like for ur branch? The one I view is abt $530 after subsidy
Adel, glad to heard that you found a good CC for bryan liao..

Kath, u heard of littletree? i tot of trying tat one.

btw, anyone got spare destin-creamy to let go?

my boy also get very sticky recently. Worse is not say carry even daddy also cannot push his stroller. Mummy must push. headache..

I am also worried dunno how is he gg to adjust to cc in this case.

from what i think..the kids and teachers are mostly from the old centre, LV NUS, so they are not totally new so the centre should have abit of experience. I think probably that's the plus point. Only thing is to hope to new teacher is good. I signed up when they were at Kent Vale and when they shifted to Alpha, I believe some teachers left so new ones came to replace. Also Alpha is smaller compared to the one at Kent Vale which has 2 storeys.

Btw, I prefer the science lab area compared to the current room because its dangerous if the exit door is unlocked and the toddlers went to open it leh...

you are attending the Forum outlet? For me, went to both JG and GUG trial but still prefer JG because the teachers there are more dramatic hehe. You queued for Shicida already?
merydith, i hv not q-ed for shicida leh..must queue huh?? Hahaha
zach is registered for jg at chiltern, east coast.. will juz go thr. as for other, see how he adjust after going cc

I'm only guessing..coz there seems to be a a queue for everything lol.

Chiltern house? Heard good reviews about the language prep. They got toddler class? Coz I only remembered last time I check is only for N1 n above.
Adel: Glad that Bryan is happy at his new school.
I'll only send Preston to school next Jan but thanks for sharing those tips to prep him.
Wah mommies
So many post.

Kath, how? you chosen which slot? Me and Xuelyn taking up the 11.30am class.

So great that Bryan took it all well. most impt they are happy there..

Xuelyn and i went to see cherie hearts. But i m not sure as i m only looking for a halfday, playgroup. Cherie hearts seem more like a cc ...

GUG have trial? i actually thought of it but then heard the management sucks.. teachers are not caring..
I got intention to let me boy join the weekend enrichment class at GUG therefore brought my boy visited GUG during the weekend, found the teachers are not bad but the management staffs are not so friendly... I'm thinking of try the trial class on July then decided whether let my boy join their weekend enrichment class or not.
ugh, so GUG admin staff hasn't changed eh? I walked in years ago to inquire about some classes and their attitude was so bad, I decided there and then not to bother trying them out.

and I've never walked back in there since. what lousy service from people claiming to want to educate young minds. che.
Hi Sam
thats what i heard.. Bad Management attitude and teachers not caring. I am told they are just teach blindly... unlike JG, teachers do care more about their students. I took JG trial class and attended the holiday camp.. so thought not bad..

but still, wonder wats GUG will be like

There are so so so many enrichment classes.. blurz...
jo, called the lady, Rosa but she not ard. Hopefully she will call me back. Hb oso say take 11.30am class instead of 2pm. hopefully still got place.

Wah, so many babies going for class liao. me still Tu-ing... Cos JG diff to get class... I heard GUG is overated? oh well...
