(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

LOL! I like the chinese phrase... It's true... Someone did say that for the 1st baby, she sterilise the bottles after every feed, 2nd baby - she sterilise the bottles once a day, 3rd baby - she sterilise the bottles every 2 -3 days...

sama sama laa... last time for our 1st boy, we will sterilise or rinse the tutu with hot water whenever it dropped (be it on the mattress, sofa, floor etc), but when 2nd boy then i hack care laa, i only rinse it when i feel like... wahaha, but hor my #2's body definitely stronger than #1... so too clean no good?
It's true leh. My ah ma always say in hokkien :
"La sap jai, la sap pui" = "Dirty eat, dirty grow up".

Nowadays, I will wipe the chair if I rem to bring dettol wipes... else I will just wipe with normal wipes, more like removing oil stains from the prev kids...
第一胎照书养, 第二胎照猪养. hahahah...
I love this sentance! My SIL is 第一胎照Doctor and KKH nures养, cos she keeping calling KKH nurse hotline if bb got rash lah, dun want to drink milk lah, dun want to sleep lah, no pee or poo lah..she is damm solid!
I salute you.. really love this phrase 第一胎照书养, 第二胎照猪养... later i put into my FB.. LOL..

Ok la. me going tomorrow.. bring ashlynne along...

FONG, long time no see already..

see yo tomorrow ya.

Hi snowger
ya.. i also read up the baby centre and also blog her milestones monthly. At times i read hor.. really felt abit stress, so try to improve her on that.. Ashlynne words also can count by fingers..

Same as valerie, she also point n say " take"... etc etc.. Its only lately, she string words.. but not often..
Jess you dun love me liao ahhhh T____T

Next outing we go KUSHI BOWL ai mai? i think you will kill me saying.. SOOOO expensive! hahaha maybe next one we go downtown east!! i wanting to go there! ^^
i bought at $27 laa... half price u ok boh?

who ask u always vivo swensen vivo swensen vivo swensen... @___@
yeah let's go downtown east one day....!!
Jess but in the end we didnt go at all mah.. hahhaa only 1 time nia. LOL

Anyway.. anyone contact christine? long time didnt see her liao!
ikeike very busy la.. i msn her a few days ago. ask her set up FB for us easy contact.. she not free lor...

Shannon attending JG, same class as Claryce..

Fabbie ah.. ya la.. just now i " complain" why always earl swensen ???? why always vivo????? LOL...Downtown east also can...

Jess, i told fabbie, i prefer better buffet than salad bar buffet.. kekeke.. i crave to eat sashimi.. so kushinbo lor... kekekekekeek.. but pHyl cannot eat raw now.. there shd be other better stuff for Phyl to eat...i suddenly thought hor.. for wanting baby girls shd eat fish balls?? next time, can have Dua nei nei??... LOL.. { According to Phyl's hotdog theory}

I saw Christine very recently at Carrefour Suntec. We talk and talk until Carrefour close shop... LOLz.

Both of us had so much to catch up on lor... She really v v v v busy at her new job lar, that's why...

me going for buffet steamboat tonite! YIPEE!!! I love buffets that are either steamboat OR w sashimi... YUmz. Btw, if u wan a cheaper alternative, u can try lunch @ this place near Tiong Bahru... It's a jap restaurant at this 2 storey hotel opp the tiong bahru market.
so many posts to catch up..hehe

not to worry abt baby's development especially in speech..i always notice that those toys will state suitable for which age and Zach is never that stage..he is too 'backwards' for those toys..he is now onie playing toys for 9mths - 12mths..tat's y i oso stopped recording his milestone..definitely not achievable by average kids..haha
Zach does say string of words but in French..haha which is something me n daddy dun understand. His favourite word is "Where?" and "Eh"..hahaha..
But i m not worried leh cos my mom says i started talking after 2 yo and look at me now..what a chatterbox!
Hey Gals,

Wah got gathering never jio, so long nvr see your already except for Fabbie.

Recently Faye fever on and off, so terok, dunno y. Not becos of MMR, last mth take MMR already fever 1 round. Dun want to eat anything, drink lesser milk, so whiney, have to carry her all the time.
So many posts...

Ya, christine very busy, never see her with shannon attending class leh. When are u coming down to class, Christine??

Later u all cfrm meeting? Claryce got class til 430pm leh.. think u all go back by then liao. Hehe..

Ade, I ordering huggies diapers. Collection at SC centre next Wed. U wan order?
ivy, nope

yalor, ask me to pay buffet $ to only eat grass (salad) is not worth it, i rather to pay to hav better buffet, hahaa... but still, i will try to avoid any buffet nowadays coz for sure will eat a lot in order to make $$ worth, so end up gain more weight :p

er... eat fish ball will hav dua neh neh, u mean the baby gal or mother? hehehee... but y wan dua neh neh, no good no good

we will be meeting at earl swensen vivo at 2pm, come n join us laa ~
Haha.. My neh already v tua.. Haha.. Fishball is not for girls.. It's for boys to bu the ball ball so inside next time many super spermies! Wahahaha..

Paiseh reddates!! Come come!!

So who is the one who told Christine I preggy?? Haha.. Was thinking she no fb how come suddenly SMS me one day.. Hahaha..
I dunno if the other girls did la... but I will be brave and PG (plead guilty)!

Christine was asking how the girls on this forum are. So i told her lor... SORRY!
marilyn, ya..she know..haha..you know what the midwife told my bro when she delivered? Wah..this is a high class bb!

Jess, ya lor..u know she bought J&J wet wipes how many packs? 90 packs! she say cheap..3 for $10 or something like tat. faint..my bro also buay tahan..she told my bro she pay lor..lucky she have high earning power else eat grass. Worse she dun want to let her mother or my mum to take care her bb..cos they are not nurse..she place the bb in the infant cos they have nurse..faint hor.. haha..i am rattling alot here..last one hor, she change milk bottle after each drinking, even need to top up abit more milk, she also take another new bottle..i told her, next time please bring half dozen of bottles out. somemore that time she dun want to give the bb drink more milk even the bb is hungry and crying cos the 3hrs is not up yet..comeon it is only 30 mins apart liao..she dunno what is growth spurt..somemore she is so educated..haiz..keke..my poor neice..keke
Pris reads my blog mah.. Hahaha.. Carmen comes in here sometimes.. Keke.. But we dun really talk abt it here ah.. Shhhhh... Hahaha..

It was nice to meet up with u babes just now! Next 1 I organize will be in July when tara is back.. Keke.. That will be a gourmet gathering where we go for good food with no kids.. Real atas tai tai outing.. Hahaha.. Just for us to pamper ourselves.. Will tell u babes b4 hand n u gals can take leave n arrange childcare. Woohoo!!!!
Hihi,any mummies wanna sell their firstfood book,I have some feb10 mummies that wanna get,let me know If u all wanna sell!!
HIHIHI! (I see my name above! Haha)

I finally log in & post here...don't be angry with me ok? Nowadays abit lazy & also just tired or want to play with Preston. :p

I'm sorry i missed the gathering too...i brought Preston for haircut yesterday. Can go gathering more central location nx time?

Miss chatting & seeing everyone and all the lovely little ones!!!
Hi Mummies

very long nv post here. got a question to ask. where are you mummies sending your babies for preschool?
im thinking of Pat's schoolhouse at Lim ah pin starting Jan 2011 but so far cant find any reviews on Pat's at lim ah pin. what other preschools are good??
i will not be ard in july 7 - 9 cos going BKK for shopping wif gal fren..hehe

let's hv one in june so that i can bring zach out n meet the rest of the kids. Feel abit guilty cos mommy went out without him 2x!
Yesterday the pple who returned from BKK said that it's biz as usual... As long as u stay away from the chaotic areas of BKK? That said hopefully things will look up in July!
Hi Snowger, yes.. usually it does. We went over last time when they had coup and strike. Apparently business seem as usual. My mum worried in singapore but we felt no tension there. However, who knows when they wanna bomb & where?

Now with a baby, i felt a responsibility over her.. Unlike like last time.. die then die lor.. kekekeke

I'm starting my gal with LV Alpha at science park in June, if ok that's prob where she'll stay still end of preschool. Have also considered MMI West Coast, the curriculum is good, but the centre is quite old, wh is why we went with LV. I am waitlisted at St. James but we may not take it up when the position becomes available cos its strictly school w no childcare option, which is what we need right now.

LV is learning vision? nv really explore indepth on curriculum, what do u look out for? i dont/want need childcare.. what's so good about the curriculum for st james, i know it's damn popular.
location is v impt to me coz i always wonder, at age 2, how is my kid going to get up on to the bus, sit tightly without supervision and reach home safely.

i will be sending my boy to childcare in Sept this yr. He will be gg to the same school as my elder one. It a childcare at the void deck nia. I am a cheapo mummy.

St James is very very popular.. Alwasy waiting list one loh.
Kath going to BKK? i think should be okai ba? cus my MIL just went on sat.. i think today coming back.. will ask her for you. haha

Hi all,
Wonder what will you do if you feed your toddler and he/she store food in the mouth and refuse to swallow?

Randall has been using this trick for all his meals..Now he only down 1 spoon in half an hr.


my boy is also gg to LV Alpha 1st June! When are you starting her?

wow love shopping and food therapy in BKK too.
