(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hello mummies! I haven't logged on for a while. Just came back from holiday in Australia. Went to Brisbane & Melbourne with hubby and Emma. Just got back last night. On leave today to rest, then back to work tomorrow. It's kinda nice to get back to routine after a long break.

wow Echo, envy.. shiok shio,, Had a nice break???

Jappooh, haha.. our babies seem to have expensive butts. Ashlynne use huggies also rashes abit.. MP works for her..

Ashlynne, use MP overnight because MP is very thick and absorb well at night. Infact.. i m lazy la.. even in daytime she also use MP. since it absorb well and ashlynne drinks lots of water a day.. i also dun need to keep changing. LOL..

Hi PAS!!!
My mum ask for a coach for her Mother's day gift.. LOL.. Can pass me your website to choose?
But MP got so mamy type. Which type you use at night? Rachel is using Huggies Ultra at night but it dont seems to hold her urine since she now drink more water. So thought of change brand.
thanks. yah had a good break. but very difficult to travel with baby. got to bring so many things. we even lost a few things along the way, cos we were so busy looking after emma that we kept leaving things behind.
echo, how was the weather? we will be at going for road trip end of may till june for 11 days..hehe
i m looking forward to it..now not sure shuld I bring 1 week worth of clothes and wash/buy there or juz bring all.. if bring all, i tink zach will need 1 luggage of his own. :p
Tina,I have been using mp for night time since birth of my bbs,very good always last throughout the night,nv change.
Ml only one kind for open diaper the rest are pull ups.
Jowin: same, my boy also use MP, finds it good for him too as absorb well .
Oh ya, here's my site www.mybaggies.blogspot.com

Tina, MP only got the normal & pull up pants type rite? u mean got other type?
My boy will use the normal type & pull-up only when we go out.
I agree its more ex, but wat to do, after 1 bad experience of diaper rash, i very scare of diaper rash...rather spend abit more for their expensive butt

Ivy, the watson offer is for jumbo pack?

echo, wahh! shiok rite?? u keep leaving things behind?? u self drive there rite??
I'm also looking forward for my Japan break!

p/s any one started on toilet training?
the weather was crazy. in brisbane, it was warm (20) and then got rainy and cold (15). after that, we went to melbourne and it was very warm (22), and that got super cold (9 deg!). by the time you go in may/june, it will probably be very cold.

i washed clothes a couple of times when i was there. already had to bring a lot of things - toys, clothes, car seat, stroller. it was totally nuts. good thing we didn't bring too many things. if you have access to laundry, better if you wash. less stuff to bring along.

we try to toilet train my boy. Didnt let him wear diaper during day time. Ask him wan to pass urine have to go take potty. U knw wat he always pee on the pant liao then bring the potty to us. End up we have to go and search where is his pee..haha

when he saw my elder one didnt wear shorts he will go bring potty for his gor gor.. So funny loh
haha, once we also tried to not let him wear diaper & ask him use potty...refuse to sit on the potty..then stand up n start running..next thing we know he has pee! so we have to clean up the mess..;p
my boy like to sit on potty. We ask him to poo poo. He can sit very long and nothing come out. Then we ask him to get up.. He go walk walk and come back sit on potty again. Like a chair to him. Faint..
echo, thanks for the info..
for me, i will not bring toys cos no point lar, he will not hv a chance to play wif it unless at night but then again, our iPhone is his toy at the moment and i hope it stays that way till June..
I not bringing car seat over cos intend to rent from there but stroller yes..to save cost, not buying a light weight one but to lug our peg there.arrgghh..
i must make a list of things to bring over, including washing powder for zach's clothes, i may choose to handwash his clothing in the end.. :p
sounds like moving hse when its just a holiday trip rite..;p i certainly felt so when doing packing for holiday nowdays

at least urs willing to sit on potty, mine refuse...
I went to most of the Watsons in Singapore and their stock is pathetic... mostly is left one pack of M and one pack of L!
I need L so land up buying from M'sia Jusco @SGD18plus. Better deal that spore lar...

So nice to go Australia! 9 degrees is really freezing! Me going to boring Genting... Scary since we not driving so have to cut down on the things we bring. Tat time we drove up to KL, so I could still pack the whole boot with my ger's stuff. Take coach cannot liao...

the packaging for the open diaper looks like this:


wah u went Malayisa to buy hor.. My big butt boy wearing XL loh. Ya $18 is cheap loh.

Go genting still ok lar dun need to bring so many things. When i bring my boys there the 2 of them share a 29" inch bag adn me and hubby share a 20" bag.
at least half objective met...cos u manage to get him sit on potty.
mine is 100% objective not met & end up more cleaning;p

mine also wearing XL le...i tink L he still can, but XL more comfortable la.
$18 in Malaysia is cheap!
Watson in SG selling the normal pack or Jumbo pack? i went shengsiong yesterday n they left 3pack of XL & i bot all 3 packs..
LOL.. maybe i can help to do BP for MP for East side mummy.. no profit type.... Pasir Ris , the medical shop selling at $14.20 for normal pack L size ( open type). comparable to the SMH BP , its cheaper. I think its about $0.32cents per piece ba. There no jumbo pack.

Watson jumbo pack also around same price as medical hall?? But then, it run OOS so fast!!

Echo, ya.. travelling with baby really need LOTS to bring. So far brought her to Genting. We check in 1 luggage of all her stuffs and mine n HB only handcarry ours.. Tiring but enjoying.

Pas, thanks ah.. i show my mum tonight.

jappooh.. so good ah.. potty training le. I tried to leave her without diaper.. in the end, i got so busy wiping all the time.. But we tried to teach her, if poo poo, have to tell. so far, no suceed.
Potty Training:
I think it's difficult to force our little ones now, cos they can stand up from sitting position v quickly and they run off pretty quickly... me so far only manage to get my ger to sit in potty sucessfully ONCE... And that's becos she stood in front of me and do the "kek sai" face. The other times I know, too late liao...

Watsons one is jumbo pack offer. U can try your luck at the more ulu Watsons...I checked at J8 and Vivo - so dur... When I asked, the person say the stock all there... tsk tsk... Reminds me of the Giant offer where they sold each jumbo pack at $19.99 that time.

Din noe u use mamy poko, else I will lug 2 packs for u... My parents n hb oso went. I buy 4 packs niah...

I did not go there on purpose to buy lar. I was on a 1 day trip to Penggarang, there is a 1-2 hr shopping where they drop us at Jusco. So I popped in and saw, limited to 2 packs per customer, so I buy lor (4 packs). plus the deal got FOC extra 2 pc of pull up pants... SHIOK!
Hmm... U going uh? When? can help me check the disc for Philips Avent? Need to buy bottles... It is at Spore Expo? Cos that's quite far for me lar to travel all the way there... ;p
Thanks Ivy... U just help me find out the bottles & the bottles accessories got how much discount... Wonder when is the next Philips warehouse sale. My MIL's relatives wanna buy the bottles lor, so gotta check the price for them...
<font color="aa00aa">wahhh so many people @ here doing Bps... how can you miss me!! www.babbiee.com for preorder cute gap tee and Jams kitchen from japan!

Sianz lar.. my gal do the MMR kana so high fever.. wana sponge her also she dun allow me.. so i need to wait till she sleep liao then i can sponge her forehead.. so far she's like 38 on and off.. but yday was scary. suddenly shoot up till 39.7. faints.. lucky manage to bring it down.. Arghz.. And topid me forget to give med right after the jab. usually i will give her the fever med.. but this time i forget.. faints..

Usually after MMR the fever will last how long? i cant wait for her to get well!
Ur gal's fever is quite high wor... is it her first jab for MMR? That time my doc told me that for sponging is the forehead, neck area (esp the back) and the inside of the thighs... I usually will wet one hanki to wipe the whole of her head if she got fever...

usually fever is at most 3 days right? Not too sure oso. If the fever is high (like abv 38.5), maybe u wanna call PD to ask oso.
Rachel also kana fever when she got she MMRV but is on the 4th day after the jab. Her fever lasted for abt 3 days.
PD suggested to bath her instead of sponge her, cos at their age difficult to sponge. Day time full bath( meaning from head to toe), night time avoid her head.

But if temp keep going up I think better consult PD.
<font color="aa00aa">tina.. yeah.. same.. mine is 4thday too! okok. will see after 3 days.. will see how it goes.. shes now 37 to 38... up and down now..

snow - i sponge when she's asleep.. no choice she keep crying when i sponge her.. i also dun wan to let her cry so much.. since she so xinku le..</font>
Ya I know what you mean. The last time I tried sponging my ger, she wriggle here and there, then cry lor. but i usually dun take very long to sponge... maybe abt less than 5 mins only. ;p

Btw, when u "sponge" or rather take wet hanki, use tipid water (i.e. tap water) not ice water hor...

Full bath in lukewarm water?
wah. girls.. when ashlynne had her MMRV fever, i sponge her with ice water... she cried... but then, it works... her fever went down quickly.. Dun know la... i let her cry abit although heartpain...dun think normal tap water temp. works if really fever..
I was told by my pd not to use ice water for sponging during super high fever as this could cause the kid to go into shock due to the sudden temp change. I used lukewarm water to sponge Bryan when he had that unknown fever which went up to 39.4C and it works.

I'm crossing my fingers and doing all that has been suggested here, barley water etc to prep him for his MMR jab this coming Tuesday :S
Hi Luthadel
I see. But lukewarm water, dun seem to help leh.. of course not super icy cold.. Thanks for letting me know... will take note.. touchwood.. hope no fever again

my boy have fever at ard 38.3degree when he have MMRV jab. But it came at the 9th or 10th day. Is ard 3days for the fever..

I use tap water as well. My boy dun like us sponge him too..
Ur boi will be fine lar... Dun worry too much, some old pple say give "pao sheng" water before the jab oso will prevent fever...
Or give the fever med immediately aft the jab. I give only when my ger hits temp abv 37.5 degrees.

tat's really cheap considering NTUC's offer is usually $21.45.
I give Valerie Paracetamol right after her MMR jab and another 1 dose at night, as advised by the doctor. So far on the 9th day after the jab, she develop slight fever, abt 37.6 degrees on and off till the 11th day.
my ger sama as ur ger... i only gave her Paracetemol on day 9 before she went to zzz cos her temp rose to abt 37.8 from 37.6... on and off the next 2 days, her temp still warmer then usual but did not go beyond 38...
