Potty Training:
I think it's difficult to force our little ones now, cos they can stand up from sitting position v quickly and they run off pretty quickly... me so far only manage to get my ger to sit in potty sucessfully ONCE... And that's becos she stood in front of me and do the "kek sai" face. The other times I know, too late liao...
Watsons one is jumbo pack offer. U can try your luck at the more ulu Watsons...I checked at J8 and Vivo - so dur... When I asked, the person say the stock all there... tsk tsk... Reminds me of the Giant offer where they sold each jumbo pack at $19.99 that time.
Din noe u use mamy poko, else I will lug 2 packs for u... My parents n hb oso went. I buy 4 packs niah...
I did not go there on purpose to buy lar. I was on a 1 day trip to Penggarang, there is a 1-2 hr shopping where they drop us at Jusco. So I popped in and saw, limited to 2 packs per customer, so I buy lor (4 packs). plus the deal got FOC extra 2 pc of pull up pants... SHIOK!