(2008/07) July 2008

every school holiday they will organise. can check papers
maybe next time we can organise a baking one!

Qing... What did u buy at gap ah? I walked in and couldn't find a thing but managed to buy 1/4 of all the clothes at mango hahaha. They should pay me for being their walking advertisement

Skinny jeans from gaP right? Wanna hunt for some for g
hi everybirdie.....!

been so long since i posted in this thread. still reading on and off. are we talking shopping now??? *grin*

the job has been causing a lot of stress, leading to my health problems, which lead to family relationship (ILs, parents, husband) problems. luckily the boys are in the pink of health. oh scrap that.... C1 has a viral wart on the base of his left thumb!!!

i can only conclude that
nu ren ming ku
... and that there is good reason to celebrate mother's day more lavishly than father's day.

and got 32 days to leave to clear!!!! until 31 Mar next year. not including the 6 days of childcare leave + 6 more days of working moms' sick leave (valid with child's MC only). that gives me 32 + 6 + 6 = 44 days to clear.
lalala. what if i tell my boss i intend to take one month off?
Wow! That's a lot of leave..any chance for u to get away from work?

Believe it or nOt but I've not stepped into h&m or a&f in SG at all!

Youpi how r u doing? Must be very zen and slim with all that yOga now ;)

Feeling tired and need to have some time to nua and not do anything at all!

Itheater putting up the Arabian nights in sep! I love them and am sure this one would be good too, But not buying tix cos we may not Be in town.. Go check them out!

Batgirl, I saw the couch at parkmall too! CarPark level right?
Do it! You deserve it.

I missed too many sessions of yoga and feasted too much instead so am the complete opposite of zen and slim. More in the Santa "Ho!Ho!Ho!" Claus category right now ;p

I've not stepped into A&F either. H&M has nice kids' clothes, go look.
PB: there's also an ice-cream making one but the factory is off AMK industry according to my friend.

Cellow: that's a lot of leave to clear! Clear in months! Spend one part with C1 then another with C2! Then yourself and the rest slowly clear till march.

Heard from my friend KL has kidzzania(alrwady started) and Lego land. So you can plan individual time with them for a short trip!
Jo, i just came back from Kidzania in KL last week. the kids had a blast but I had no time to upload anything yet.

This week they are spending the mornings in a friend's house doing a holiday prog with a preschool teacher out to earn a quick buck! i am just glad to have them occupied!

and next week it is back to school!
Doggiebb, is it safe or not har? Parents cannot go in one right? I was thinking of bringing them there but paranoid mummy is worried that the kids will be lost! haha..
safe. we are in there all the time. how can leave them unattended. just that for some jobs, you cant follow all the way in but you can see them through the glass while you lounge around the entrance.
Doggiebb: crowded? Wow! You very full of energy! Am trying to go during non-peak period. Heard they are coming to Singapore in 2014, not sure how true. Legoland seems fun too, my friends bought tix from groupons, good price.
i am so tired, can?

in-laws are here so bringing them here there and everywhere. but today MIL and SIL did something real nice. they were supposed to watch calla while i went out on date with poppy, but poppy decided she wanted to stay home. so MIL said "you go! go shopping! enjoy!". i think she could see my thought bubble saying "where got money to go shopping... all the money going to diapers liao". next time i know, she takes out some money, gives it to me and says "buy something for yourself, not for bluebunny, not for the girls. for yourself". woooooot!

i ended up getting a blouse from H&M and enjoying dinner by myself at din tai fung

wow Kidzania looks so fun!!! *i* want to go play :D

take some days off to chill, go for facial and massage! staycation?

aiyoh me too. using the excuse of 'bringing out of towners around' to jiak like there's no tomorrow
I've stepped into H&M once and not into A&F at all. I *think* A&F clothes are overrated. I mean, did you see those hideous red pants they put on the male models that time? Haha.

Aww. That's so nice of your MIL!

you are going kidzania in july! have fun! one trick we did was to let the kids be sushi chefs at around 12. after that they ate the sushi for lunch!
Just had a stuff-yourself-silly-with-durian session with the colleagues and woo... Shiok man, those super soft and bitter Mao Shan Wang!!

Quick go grab some, season ending!

Great Singapore sale too! Haha
yup she sure is

hey those who have kids in school, how are birthday celebrations done? today we got a rude shock because we realised that whatever we brought replaced the children's lunch menu! i thought they would have their lunch, provided by school, and then cake after. but the teacher said nope, they just eat cake.


i wouldn't have minded bringing some food for the kids but i didn't know! i checked with poppy and she said ya whenever there's a party in her class, they only eat cake. surely we can raise some concern right? or am i being too nazi about this
I think maybe it's lunch that's why you're so nazi about it. It's the same for Dec's school. When there's a birthday celebration, it replaces the school snacks. But because it's snack/breakfast, I guess it doesn't sound that bad because he would already have gulped down a cup of milk before school.
anyone been to germany? any recommendations on where to go or what to do or see? totally clueless

frankfurt or munich or berlin?
Me me! I went in 2008, and am going again in Sept this year.
I got recommendations! Eh see, I'm so excited over you going la.
How many days are you going for?
When in sept? With dy n dec? We r going 8sept! But haven't decided where or what etc.. Any recommendations? Need to read up n do some homework
ok... and anyone knows where to get a decent 2nd hand (or very affordable) washer, dryer and fridge?

haha lotsa info needed lately....
We are going 6 Sept! Haha what a coincidence. No Declan tis time.
Berlin is a must go. Loads of old buildings, history, and museums.
Frankfurt is just another city, not much worth seeing.
Munich is great for the beer gardens.
Then depends on your route and length of trip, there are many more towns along the way.
Ya if replace snack no prob. But lunch? Cannot la, right?

I would skip koln/cologne altogether. Nothing much there except the main cathedral

Hey got any recommendations on good fish feeding spots?
I also need recommendations! for kids activities in Bangkok... so apprehensive on bringin them there, but cannot bear the thought of leaving them behind..annual company staff trip.

PB, what do you mean on "good fish feeding spots"?
Lelong Lelong!
I got 2 child tickets to Gardens by the Bay's OCBC skybridge, got to use by today. Anybody wants? Just take it and use, don't waste!
wow u r going germany! nice..how come Declan not joining this time?

hee i realise u guys are good travellers!

hey saw the pics on FB of the kids. did i miss an outing? looks so fun!!!

your mil is very nice!!!! i shd tell u gals about mine but not going to post it here. she said some things abotu her son which i think was totally inappropriate....

hee last year i did the same thing. brought my kids along for company trip. but this year hee, they are not tagging! so i hope i get to have lots of fun and we are going phuket!!

u renting out your place? i can try to ask a fren where to get the second hand ones. think she found some when she rented out her place.

re birthday celebrations
i din do any this year. but usually i bring my cake ard 3pm after their nap so it replaces snack. so no issue on the lunch cos the kids can't possible skip lunch and wait till 3pm for the cake.

PB, did u try talking to the sch? find it a bit strange. if it replaces snack, yes i can understand but if it replaces lunch then a bit weird...
Found out we need to provide brand new appliances so gotto check those out instead.

Wah so shiok get to go Phuket for co trip, enjoy! I've not been there myself before!
i tot second hand shd be ok? my fren provided second hand....

hee yah yah i m so looking forward to massage and cheap lingerie shopping haha....

yes! so fast hor. he still looks so small....think his sch bag will overshadow him....
His current school la. The playroom turned into 2 N2 classrooms. Even the dining area has been turned into a classroom. Wah biang.

I m starting to wonder if his reluctance to go to school since Apr/May is bcz he wants to b w me (his stated reason) or the lack of space in school is a contributing factor.

We had a PTA mid June and I saw to my dismay that there is no common area left, except the toilets. C1 and his classmates hv lessons, dine and nap in the same space.
Cellow... Kids their age need space! Eat, learn, play, sleep all in same room? Claustrophobic!! School need to open so many classes to meet demand? That's at the expense of the children's needs of space ! How many kids in a class?
how come? sudden increase in intake? but the intake size is regulated one....based on amt of space they have, they can only take in a certain number of kids. cannot be suddenly they take in so many students and need the space.....
sy and mich,
due to HFMD scares, i have not been inside C1's school premises for a while. only drop off at door.
now i m not happy la.
they are technically meeting the MCYS teacher:student ratio. BUT. the space constraint is like.... yes claustrophobic is the word.
Aiyoh space for children sacrificed to better business is not good. Most kindys actually do less than the MCYS ratio, as in fewer students to one teacher than regulations require. If you do decide to switch, better now than later. What about the one that Ethan is in?
C1 has a longer day than me now la.
sometimes i think of the hours he is in childcare.... sigh...

signs that i m working too hard
1. seeing a pix of 3 bats, C1 told me, this is papa bat, this is C1 bat, and this is C2 bat. where is mama bat? i asked him. working, he said
2. C1 and i brush teeth tog every night. after i returned from an overseas biz trip, one night lying down in bed doing our bedtime routine, he turned to me and asked, mama did your boss brush teeth tog with you at night when you were away?


[well, actually #2 was quite a hilarious pix which I shared w my boss. in the next breath, i asked him for 2 weeks' leave. he agreed. what else can he say :p]

Mr C and I are off to repair our marriage, holiday getaway in HK this weekend. C1 has been coughing and coughing... got Mr C to bring him to PD ystday. get well soon C1... otherwise I wont be fang xin to jet off to HK

I am going down to Great Beginnings again to take a look.

have fun in HK

yes i agree that C1's comment on brushing your teeth with boss is hilarious. but a bit sad

itchy backside me asking.... i have an aunt who used to stay at chuan park, ground floor unit with a tiny garden. anyone knows a condo like that around my area? we love the area but are rather squashed in this tiny space. wanna remain in this area cos we love poppy's school.
