2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Anyways, any of you here members of Twins Plus Singapore? I only know Fi who is

My doctor didn't put me on steriods but put me on Ventolin to control my contractions. Goodness, I must pray very hard that the babies are healthy so that they don't end up in NICU even if they're born full term.

Dr knows about my wishes. In fact, he was the one who brought up the issue of delivering naturally first. But at that point because both babies heads were up, he said we'd have to wait and see. Now, I have one twin, who's head is engaged, so I'm hoping that the chances are higher now. Anyway, both twins are about the same size. The one that's engaged is just a tinier bit heavier.

I don't mind delivering either way. I guess I just would prefer natural delivery so that I can recover faster. Otherwise I'll be struggling with trying to nurse them as well as recover.

I'd like to breastfeed. Was told to get a good breast pump so that I won't have to spend the entire day with either of the babies latched onto me. Also, that way, husband, confinement maid and my maid plus the bevvy of mothers can also help with the babies. I think my house is going to be full of people!!
a warm welcome to all the new twins/multiples mommies-to-be

congrats on the new arrivals! looking forward to seeing their first photos

gracia & chloe are so sweet! i love their names.

sasha's right - make bedrest fun! just chill out on the sofa with the phone & all the remotes at yr fingertips. rent an entire season of a fav TV series, load up on fav mags & books, play computer games on a laptop, surf the web, and when you get tired, just nap. keep lotsa healthy snacks on hand/in the fridge for those times when you need a nibble. there're always ways to idle!

nope, not a member. why?
Massage your tummy, speak to your babies. Tell them its not time yet
Sounds silly but also works! I am happy that your gynae is supportive of you having a vaginal birth.

I wld recommend a vaginal delivery as the wound heals much faster if compared to having a C-sect. On the other hand, wt a C-sect, there is more recovery time. There are also positives you can take frm it if it happens eg: your babies don't go thru the trauma of the vaginal delivery.

Breastfeeding: I think it is much easier if you were to breastfeed them together as this wld save you time esp if you are expressing. Feeding on schedule rather than demand may also help. Some mothers however, prefer to breastfeed one twin at a time to bond with that particular twin during feeding.

I think its a good idea if you were to breastfeed your babies in the day & your hubby, helper to feed your babies EBM for night feeds so you can get your sleep & rest which is very essential as it makes such a difference! You can express before going to bed.

No lah, just wondering. Who knows, maybe we've met at the parents-sharing sessions, gathering etc...I have only met Fi & Twinsgal so far frm this thread
mooch, congrats on yr twins..waiting to c yr bbs photos.

lyricist, i saw the twins ad on national geographic channel, looks pretty interestng huh.u intend to submit the photos?

dorayaki, i like yr gals' hairstyles, so stylo!

welcome on board, mtbs! enjoy the process at hm..
wow.. a few of the mtb here seems to be pretty close to delivery.... do rest well!

your twins' cute and lovely! they are identical twins, i presume?

btw, just to update you gals on my developments, just went for a scan this morning. do check out my blog for the details: http://nafeeza.blogspot.com/
haven't decided yet. what abt you?
actually, i've watched the docu already, twice - very interesting esp since it's so relevant to us. Nat Geo did a really good job with the production. the in utero twins sequences were so realistic that i kept wondering if it's real or animation. i was riveted to the TV.

i have a blog too, but i'm such a lazy writer...

Hi Lyricist,
I read your blog and was inspired by your birth story, especially because you delivered naturally. Were both babies turned down?

Chances are for me, one is turned down and engaged and the other's head is near my rib. So I don't know whether that'll hamper my chances.

When's this National Geographic programme?
hi EnJ,
my presenting twin (lower one) was head down, which was why i was able to deliver naturally. i can't remember whether my other twin was head up or down, but it doesn't really matter as long as the presenting one is down.

recovery is much faster after natural delivery, i think. i was already walking, ok... hobbling, around the next day.

check out this weblink for the programme schedule: http://www.ngcasia.com/inthewomb/index.html?action=program&lang=eng
wooo thanks for the link for the programme schedule lyricist... i also want to catch..... must remind me on 24 june if i forget..... hope i get to watch it at home and not hospitalised by then.
yes sasha
its true. sounds silly but doctors mentioned talking to baby helps. a mom even talked her placenta into moving up rather successfully according to Mrs wong!
Hi lyricist,
Submitted my gals' pix to support NGC, though I feel there's nothing that interesting at their age to share. I think its more interesting to see adult twins' pix and hear their stories.

I think you did a good job in blogging. At least your kids will be able to read those blogs later on and get a good picture of what went on while they were developing "inside". I'm too lazy even to start a blog. Hb did have one on his fatherhood journey though. I just kept a scrapbook cos its easier to write and paste photos. Kekeke...

All babies are beautiful bcos they have such innocent look. Yours will be cuties too!

Yes, my gals are identical. They didn't look too alike initially and I wondered if they are identical as my gynae claimed. Doctor told me they would start to look alike by their 6th months and they did. Now, we can start playing the guessing game again. My hb got it wrong last night when the active one sat quietly on my lap when he returned home. She was down with flu/cough and just had her medication, hence could "behave" herself like her elder sister. That really got blur daddy confused! Kekeke...

Your blog is very well done too. having the entire journey noted down is indeed very memorable, not just for the other readers. I'm sure it'll bring back fond memories to you in future too.

You like their hairstyle? I'm waiting patiently for their hair to grow. I think they'll look more like gals with cute hairclips. Though I try to dress them in pink outfit and skirts, I still get questions like "Boy or Girl huh?" when I'm out in the mall. Sigh...
I just went out and bought more baby clothes from the market. Can never resist.

Anyway, I have one twin who's head is down and it's very uncomfortable. Especially when she moves! Sometimes I feel it in the cervix and vaginal area! I hope she doesn't punch her way out.
hey mommies!

came back yesterday after a whole chaotic discharge, and strapping of car seats and all! all went well, dunno how much i can write before they start squealing again..

but smooth C sect on Saturday for me, went in at 630am, got ready and all, 730 docs all came in did their thing, 0753hrs, my girl came out first at 2425g. 2 mins later my boy came at 0755hrs at 2330g.
me doing ok, next day i forced myself to get off the bed, and walked to the bathroom hurt like hell! but i manage to and have been on my feet ever since then, walking slowly but doing things myself.. i sneaked a shower in the hospital the next day too! heehee
before my mil and mom and confinement nanny's coming to scold me
stitches doing ok, guess i have high threshold for pain lah

i shall try to post the pics here, but if not, my hubby has posted some here: http://picasaweb.google.com/antoncarmen13/AustinCayley

good luck to all those delivering soon! now i am a new and blur and sleepy and tired mommy, but blissfully happy

mommies, i need some help...

jus got back yesterday, and since got back, they like wanna feed all the time! i am on BF, but have to supplement after BF, cos they not getting enuf, according to the nurses, as they did a test. but since yesterday, i felt like my breast getting heavier, is that a sign of BM coming?

nipples really painful, is that normal? i put soothing cream already the Avent one.

for BF, in the beginning, how many mins on each side? i kinda ration them to one breast per bb, but in hospital i leave them for like 15-20 mins each feed, then cupfeed. but got home yesterday, they like can suck longer leh! like 40-50 mins per baby per breast! so is that normal? how you gals do it? or am i doing it wrong? or they using me as pacifier also? i need advice!

cos of the longer feeds, i land up my first nite home, i didn't sleep all nite, jus one after the other feed! help!

i shall write more when i can! have to go tend to bb now!
welcome back & congrats on the smooth delivery! austin & cayley are such good weights and such chubby babies too! really happy for you
cayley esp looks so girly-sweet. looking through yr photos really brings back memories...

sounds like yr BM is coming in. did u manage to see a lactation consultant at the hospital? you need to massage yr breasts & nipples to get the milk flowing.

painful nipples cld mean that yr babies r not latching on properly. they shld hv the whole areola area in the mouth, and not just the nipple per se. you do need to take care & make sure that yr nipples do not become so bruised and sore that you're not able to BF. when you've twins, you need both boobs to be in working condition.

i'm less sure abt the amt of time spent feeding. the books i read said that you shld not spend more than half an hour BF per baby, but i find easier said than done esp since they still appear hungry. the babies are still learning how to suckle efficiently. to check whether they're drinking, see if they're suckling and swallowing, and not just using you as a pacifier. since you're supplementing with FM, they shld be getting enough. remember to pump after you BF to stimulate supply & build up some BM stores for them.

anyway, i only bf my two for the 1st 2 mths before exclusively expressing BM. maybe the more experienced mommies who BF can help?
wow, your hubby actually keeps a blog on fatherhood - really kowtow to him! such an involved daddy! usu it's only the mommies who'll bother. my hubby can't be bothered. the day he writes, pigs will fly.

anyway, i need to figure how to backup my blog. otherwise if there's a server crash, that's months or years of effort down the drain.
hi lyricist, aunty karen is in.. i can't imagine not showering leh.. and not washing hair! normally i dun wash hair one day and i feel icky already.. so i try to compromise now i try not to wash till i really cannot tahan?

for the BF, yeah i expressed out today jus to see if i even have milk, and 10 mins of my left breast gave me 1oz. i wonder if that is alot or not. but can feel breast getting heavy and full. i did see a lactatin consultant and she says they are latching on fine, but i still feel my nipples sore, my areoli is big, so you can't really put the whole thing in bb mouth tho.

twins_mommy, what is the site of the fatherhood blog? me interested to see!
weocome back Mooch! wah ur BM doing you proud la.... jia you jia you.... i so scared i don't have enough BM when my turn come.

your babies look identical ... i can't tell them apart at all..... me so useless... hahaha
hi mooch,

welcome back, well,its a new beginning.slowly,u'll find tat u hv no time to pop by here liao..hee..
yr bbs wt are gd,ard the same size rite? same as u,the v nxt day once out of drip,i forced myself out frm bed w/o nurses help.so pain n out of breath but finally managed to overcome the fear.not only u showering at hospital, me too! i showered for 2days b4 being confined at hm..haha..
yr BM will come aft 2-3days frm delivery.most prob,yr BM is coming soon.at hospital,nurses told me to BF for half an hour is enuff. then at hm, BF 20mins on each breast as nipple will get sore aft 20mins.is tat y ur nipples r painful?
on BF, mayb sasha can explained to u mre.
enjoy yr motherhood!

i do like their hairstyles,i'll also b asking 'boy/girl' if i do not knw their gender.gals sure look like boys when their hairstyles are short.even for my bois,some still ask me 'boy/girl', was tinking to myself, so obvious leh.

saw yr blog too..lazy too write,but i kept scrapbook for my bois..so nxt time they can look thru the whole process.
Hi Mooch,
Congratulations! It sounds like quite a challenge!

I'm quite scared of the sore nipples and no milk situation too!

Anyone using the Avent IQ Isis Duo? Thinking of getting it during the sale. Is it worth it?
mesh, thanks!
it was quite ok for me, i am rather active by nature, so i am up and about at home now, even from day after delivery. that was my fear too! of having no BM, cos i really wanted to BF. but seems like i do!

okeanosmao, yeah! now i still have time to pop by here, but can't say when i have to disappear liao! today the babies sleep all day! this morning after 945am feed, they slept till 1 pm! now i worried tonite they won't sleep.. sigh.. mommies are all about worries..

yeah lor! once the drip gone, i out of bed, and drag myself to toilet! so painful man! until cold sweat type.. but after the first few movement, it got a bit better and better lah.. hehehe
i thot i was the only one, i shower until like so shiok! like never bathe 10 years like that! hahahaha

on BF, so means, one baby 20 mins on 1 breast then switch to another breast for the next 10? and same thing for the next baby? yeah so far, its painful, like so used kinda feeling, cos i thot its one breast per baby, so if i feed the boy on the left, the girl will be on the right, each time ard 30-40 mins.

EnJ, thanks! it is challenging! dun worry about the BM, i think it comes naturally, speaking now as a new mommy.. i was so worried they not getting enuf, cos they keep on like wanting more! even after sucking on my breast for 45 mins! so today i try to express it out, and in 10 mins, i got like 1 oz from left breast.. so i more fang xin. the right breast i kept, no express, to wait to BF them when they get up, and its a bit leaking already! so maybe it jus comes naturally and not stress out too much?

i got the Medela Swing, and i like it.. have the massage before pump action and its not bad

yeah, yr babies do look alike, but can't really tell till we get to see clearer photos of them. have fun taking lotsa pics of them!

eh, you shld be able to bathe what! didn't CL prepare the special herbal bath (that "da feng cao" concoction) for you? as for washing hair, i didn't bother to follow tradition - i just wash every 2-3 days. that's the longest i can tahan having greasy hair. CL won't say much lah. i wld wash hair & then quickly go to my bedroom and blow dry. even if she finds out, she'll just ask "you wash your hair? don't do it too much, not good for you", but she won't scold or stop you. just don't let your mum or MIL know.

just keep on expressing. yr supply will slowly increase, trust me. i eventually had enough to feed both babies total EBM. just rem to drink lots of fluids & eat well.


actually i thot scrapbooking takes more effort! all that decorating, cutting, pasting...
i asked my mil the same qs too,if bbs sleep too long in the aftn,will they b able to sleep at nite? my mil scold me leh, she said all bbs do is sleep.
at hospital, i latch them on for 30mins each breast.still ok,not sore n painful.mayb u can try 30mins on each breast.i saw frm bb book tat BF on each breast must not b mre than 20mins,if nt, breast will b sore n painful.
as for BM,confinement period u will b drinkg red date water n milo. these 2 beverages can increase the milk supply as well as fish soup.
initial period,i can express ard 80ml on each breast but nw,my milk supply is gettg low aldy n hv stop BF them.
oh did u asked for empty bottles to store yr BM?

for yr refn:-
The average baby breastfeeds for twenty to thirty minutes every two to three hours during the day. At night, a baby may go four to five hours between nursings.

Enj, i used avent manual pump passed dwn frm my sil, to me,i tink its ok for avent brand. my colleague recommend medela, v gd, xcept its v noisy.u can asked mooch if its noisy during pumping.

my scrapebook v simple, photos + some decors only.nt like those professional type scrapebook.
as for the twins contest,my bois are still small,not much of story to tell but it sure do look interesting.
i've only seen singleton documentary,v curious to watch hw twins/multiples grow.
i always keep tinking hw can a bb b formed when it was initially a sperm fertilizing an egg.so amazing.
will definitely watch tat documentary.
i asked my mil the same qs too,if bbs sleep too long in the aftn,will they b able to sleep at nite? my mil scold me leh, she said all bbs do is sleep.
at hospital, i latch them on for 30mins each breast.still ok,not sore n painful.mayb u can try 30mins on each breast.i saw frm bb book tat BF on each breast must not b mre than 20mins,if nt, breast will b sore n painful.
as for BM,confinement period u will b drinkg red date water n milo. these 2 beverages can increase the milk supply as well as fish soup.
initial period,i can express ard 80ml on each breast but nw,my milk supply is gettg low aldy n hv stop BF them.
oh did u asked for empty bottles to store yr BM?

for yr refn:-
The average baby breastfeeds for twenty to thirty minutes every two to three hours during the day. At night, a baby may go four to five hours between nursings.

this website also has infos abt BF:

Enj, i used avent manual pump passed dwn frm my sil, to me,i tink its ok for avent brand. my colleague recommend medela, v gd, xcept its v noisy.u can asked mooch if its noisy during pumping.

my scrapebook v simple, photos + some decors only.nt like those professional type scrapebook.
as for the twins contest,my bois are still small,not much of story to tell but it sure do look interesting.
i've only seen singleton documentary,v curious to watch hw twins/multiples grow.
i always keep tinking hw can a bb b formed when it was initially a sperm fertilizing an egg.so amazing.
will definitely watch tat documentary.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread
The due date for my twins is in Nov. Any twin mummies having similar due dates?

I went for a talk last sat organised by Stemcord. Understand that for twins the amount of cord blood collected is less than singles. Did anyone of you opted to store your babies cord blood? In fact the Singapore Cord Blood Bank doesn't accept donors having multiple births. I'm not sure if I should store the cord blood at all.

Really need some advice.
Hi Dorayaki, good to c the princesses! Their looks have changed again! Still cute cute but why oh why, did you shave their heads?!

Mooch, u r one brave mummy! I still think my C-sec pain is the worst pain I've ever experienced and till today, I still shudder when I think about how unbearable the pain was when I was forced to get up from my bed to go to the bathroom. Your babies are of good weight and Cayley is so sweet-looking! Like Lyricist says, it really brings back memories!
Their baby hair started curling all over the place when they were 5 months old. So funny looking! And both had their hair "flying" in the one same direction. As if they had their hair "set" for some retro party. Hb couldn't stand it any longer, so I was forced to bring them to the salon. Hee... Their new hair is evenly spread across their tiny heads now and looking more "normal". But I'll just have to be patient and wait for it to grow.

Your little twin stars are blessed with nice, dense hair, if I recall correctly.
Have you purchased any nice hair accessories for your gal yet? I'm so looking forward to "styling" their hair when its long enough. Kekeke...

Your babes are sooooo... cute. Oh my, they also sleep facing different direction like my gals initially. Amazing...
hi mooch,
congrats on your smooth delivery and your darlings are really cute and their weights are very good for twins! u must be very busy at home taking care of them... dun worry, there's lots of experienced mummies here to help u along.

hi lyricist,
read your blog... wow.. was really inspired by the birth story! you are really brave to opt for natural delivery! btw, did you stop work half-way through your preg? also, how are you managing the taking care of your twinnies now? well, just would like to learn from all the more experienced mummies here cos it's something i need to think about soon... well, the possible options are:
1. enlist help of mil + engage maid + myself
2. get CL + myself

well, my mil is quite experienced with babies but twins would be a first time for her... haha... worried if she can cope or not.
Hi Dodo,

As lyricist, me too opt for natural delivery when i delivered my twins but the midwife in charge was against it. But luckily the doc on duty (subsidy patient so no gynae of m yown) was very encouraging and agree with my decision. In the end, i managed to give birth my twins via vaginal birth and they were 6mins apart. And the best thing was i need no stitches at all!! I was so relieved man as i had told the mummies here before how scared i am if i had to be c-sec! My babies weight were 2.135kg and 2.1kg respectively.

The only thing is that i had profuse bleeding shortly after labour even after the 1st jab (was told the jab was to stop the bleeding) but only stopped after i was given the 2nd one. But that was really a very memorable experience.. i had gone thru 21 hrs of labour for my eldest gal and just 2 mths ago with the twins. To think abt it again..i really missed those moment, from the day dey were inside me till i brought them to c the world... Tears of joy just rolled down my cheeks at tyms...

Dodo, u may opt for natural but wateva it is, do listen to ur gynae's advice as he/she noes better both urs and the bbs condition. We'll definitely pray for u to have a smooth delivery..same goes to all MTBs here who'll be delivering soon!

By the way, how to post bbs photos here? Sori..feeling so stupid..ekekeke!!
hi dodo,

honestly i really didn't feel that opting for a natural delivery was that big a deal until everyone kept telling me so, incl my own doc. when i was pregnant, most of the books i read on twin births are all written from a western perspective where natural delivery for multiples are the norm. i guess i'm just lucky that i had a smooth, complications-free pregnancy which made me a good candidate for a natural delivery, as well as a supportive obgyn.

a lot of moms are afraid of the pain of a vaginal birth, but i personally am more terrified of having my stomach sliced open (sorry to be so graphic!). anyway, like twingals said, yr gynae's advice is the key thing, since he/she shld know yr condition best. i wld've gone for a c-sect if it was necessary to ensure that my babies came out safe and sound.

re. childcare, i'm taking care of my two with the help of my MIL. i think it depends a lot on yr babies' temperaments and whether they're easy or more high-need. mine are relatively good-tempered kids (but they also act up occasionally!) so actually two of us can cope very well. in a pinch, i can also cope with both babies by myself but it's a lot more stressful with little downtime. with MIL around, at least i get to bath/nap/surf net/read in btw my chores.

i also hire a part-time cleaner to come in once a week, plus tingkat for dinner, so that's cooking and cleaning taken care of. don't worry lah, you'll learn to cope. and it's a really good thing that your MIL is experienced with childcare.


to post photos, i think you've to make sure that yr photo is less than 50kb/400x400 using a photoediting software. to edit photo, just doubleclick on the photo, and yr system will open it up in a photoeditor (i'm not sure what program you have in yr computer). just resize yr pic & save as new file.

then click on the Upload Attachment button below, and under browse, just go look for the pic and click open, then upload.

hope this helps.
i don't suppose any MTB here wants a preowned baby cot bumper & a pink net bouncinette? i'm giving them away.

cot bumper - looks well-washed but otherwise very clean and in good condition.

pink bouncer - netting a bit loose, but otherwise in very good condition (no stains, tears, rust, missing parts). can be converted to a rocker. no wheels. you can always buy a new mesh netting from most baby retail stores (at least cheaper than buying the whole bouncer).

you'll hv to pick them up from hillview ave, esp item 2. pls PM me if you're interested.
wow wow....so happening here...

got your message tried to reply but kept failing dont know why, A VERY BIG CONGRATS TO U AND HUBBY. Your little ones are sooo cute
, Ya good that u r having CL cos mil and mother together can be one hell of an idea haha...at least for me

Thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us
U r
Sorry i wasnt in touch with the computer for two weeks, just came back to singapore

Yep i m aware of this cry it out method, its a shame to say that i hav trained other people's infants to sleep independently a few times,but failed when it came to my own. Oh i have managed to train my first one...but still not as good as u have mentioned, i still hav to hold him and rock for 1 min and kiss him before putting him down awake or half asleep. Its my first one who is very difficult. I tried the method with him and failed. Firstly mil and mother kept messing up my training...hubby wasnt very supportive of the idea of leaving him cry it out. In fact we both quarelled a lot on this matter. I dont know if his colic is making it worst for him to fall asleep. The kind of routine you have set for kids is what i want too long before i got preggie, now it seems sooo difficult keke...

I showed my hubby your posting and he seems to agree with me now, Thanks to u! i m thinking of training him again next month when he is exactly 4 months.

Yep your son seems very much like my first one...he has also stopped crying extensively now but still cries a bit before falling asleep, funny sometimes he likes to pretend to cry before sleeping keke...think its "self soothing"

Dont worry the colic will pass very soon, how old are ur twins now? Huh taking care of twins already is a difficult task, colic makes it 5 times worst in my view. Hang in there, things will change. I almost went into depression last three weeks due to many things, luckily i pulled myself up

to all the newbies

your gals are very sweet.. how time flies?? they hav grown up

how is everything with you? din get to see your kids photo...

hope everybody else is doing well aswel, sorry i didnt read all the posts so forgive me if i have missed to meniton something important.

Take care all
thanks lyricist, twingals07 for your advices... ya.. will definitely listen to my gynae on the best approach as every individual is different.

ya, that's a good method you have to manage all the chores and taking care of the twins! part-time helper is definitely better than a live-in maid ... less problem to manage haha. thanks for sharing!
Hi dodo/ah da

i am fllwg this thread as well,but didnt really post it cos i just learn frm here more than sharing experience hehe..here all expert mommies for twins.

Ah da,
Futher to your post in Nov mtb,my gynae did mention that if there's no history in family of getting twins, it probably is identical twins. If you ovulated 2 eggs and fertilised at same time,it meant u have family background who got twins b4 ler then only got 2eggs..anyway we'll know it aft birth hehe..
Hi all,
Had a mini scare because had a bit of bleeding on Thursday night. Friday morning went in for CTG and doctor realised I was having contractions 9 minutes a part and I wasn't even feeling anything. Anyway, I was warded and put on Ventolin. Thankfully, the ventolin kept the contractions under control and I was able to go home the next day. Was so miserable in hospital and it was so expensive. Was also so worried that the babies would come early. Even had the steriod jabs just in case they decided to come early.

Anyway, I'm home now and happy to be home.

On to other things, I'm also reading this book, A Contented House with Twins by Gina Ford. It seems very good. It teaches us how to handle and feed twins and train them to sleep through the night. Of course, my mother is very skeptical because she says it's just a book. But I think it's a very good place to start and it's an easy book to read.

Hmm, question, now that my baby's head is engaged, will it mean that there's more chance for me to go natural? The other one is still up though.
<font color="ff6000">Dorayaki</font>, my girl has quite a lot of hair and it's grown quite long to the extent that she now looks like a mad scientist!
But my son was born with naturally sparse and thin hair which is very soft (like carpet grass! hee). I bought one of those head bands from Kiddy Palace for my girl but guess it's not very comfy cos' the minute I put it on her, she will pull it off. Checked with some other mummies in my Jan forum, apparently their DDs also don't quite like it. So now, I only put a hair clip to clip the front of her hair, partly also for aesthetic purpose!

<font color="ff0000">Twinsmom</font>, welcome back! Any pics of your twins? How are they?

<font color="0000ff">EnJ</font>, both my twins were also engaged but my gynae was ag. natural birth. Oh well, think it really depends very much on your gynae. As I was aware of the slight risk (1 comes out naturally but if the time lapse between the 2 is longer than expected then there may be a risk of lack of oxygen) when it comes to twins and natural birth, I didn't insist (also didn't think my gynae would allow, think that male gynaes are more gung-ho abt it tho).
Oops! sorry not cry it out method but Controlled crying. If I do the cry it out think hubby will kill me keke...anyway we wont have the heart also la

thanks! I posted their 1 month old pic but not any latest ones jus too busy setting up another home with two young babies
Havent even get to transfer them from my cam to pc yet :p I'll be stayin here for two weeks so wil try and post k?
my bois are 2mths old now.nw yonger one's colic is under controlled but still on medication.tink it has kinda slow dwn but agreed bbs wif colic are hard to control & handle.i was also nearly going to breakdown tat time,having negative thoughts all the time.

however,my bois are easily prone to illness,one by one they are having fever/flu.abit worried though.

my gynae also dun encourage natural birth.my initial plan also through natural but she was against it as she is worried tat there will be risk for the 2nd one so i opt for c-sect lor.
if yr gynae encourages u for natural birth then jus go ahead for it.

i saw from sin ming report abt stem cord/cord life.a doc encourages singleton pregnancy for keeping the umblical cord blood however, he dun encourage multiples/complication pregnancy for storing.i cant remember the reasons but u can ask them abt it.
Hi okeanosmao,

Thanks for the info. So I guess none of the mummies here stored the cord blood of their babies.

I did email stem cord and cord life before. They didn't discourage me from storing. However, I'm hesitant about storing with them. I've taken a look at the terms and conditions in the contact of stem cord. Basically, it's stated clearly that it's none of their business if at the end of the day, the cord blood cannot be used.
Alethea and Okeanosmao,
Yes, I think I'll see what my gynae says. I hope he allows me to try at least.

Anyway, does anyone know how much it costs to deliver twins at Gleneagles? After my one night observation there that came to more than 1 grand, I'm getting a bit worried.
ah da,

i tot of bankg their blood cord too but when i c the annual fees tat i nid to pay,for twins will hv to pay double.i drop the idea.if for 1 bb,i'll defintely go for it.

aft the birth of my bois, it turn out tat my elder twin has g6pd so i guess his cord blood cant be use for my younger twin.

so if yr family has history of clean medical record, u can also consider dis or u can try asking yr gynae abt dis,most prob yr gynae can give u advise on dis.
well, there's pros n cons of bankg dis.

glenE so expensive? mre than 1 grand exclude deductg cpf isit?
Hi mommies,
Can I ask all of you a very silly question? haha..
My hb and I have decided not to turn on the aircon everyday for our bbs coz 1stly we dun want them to get used to aircon, lest they can't adapt to new environment in future if it happens not to have aircondition.2ndly, the bill is very dear, and guess wat, turning on the aircon on a daily basis has caused our bill to hike doubly. As such, we decide to use the fan instead.
My mom has this tendency to blow the fan away from the bbs.., coz she's afraid wind might enter their bodies.but this has somehow resulted in a lot of discomfort and they'll start wailing away when their bodies are not sufficiently cooled down. So, I did an experiment...when my mom's out of the house, i blew the fan directly at them and miraculously the bbs slept so soundly....so what do u suggest mommies, should I blow the fan directly at the bbs or not...coz when they are very uncomfortable esp due to heat, i suffer as well....hahahahaha...

i oso thot of banking my bbs cord blood but like you, found the cost prohibitive esp since we've to pay double. then i wanted to donate it to SCBB (S'pore Cord Blood Bank). just happened that one of their reps approached me when i was waiting to see my doc at TPSS on one occasion. she was trying to solicit for cord blood donations for SCBB. i was quite keen, but when she heard that i was carrying twins, it was "oh sorry, you're not eligible becos multiples are high-risk, so we do not try to retrieve the cord blood for these cases". i was rather disappointed. was thinking such a waste. even though i wld waive any rights to their cord blood to SCBB, at least it's available shld we (touch wood) or anyone else requires it. oh well...


i'm the opposite from yr MIL - i prefer to blow fan direct at my babies. and yes, i do find that it helps them sleep better and they do get less cranky. my ILs prefer to oscillate the fan, but i find it less effective.

if the weather gets too hot for even the fan, i wld switch on the aircon for a while, just to cool down the room or during the hottest part of the day. i usu switch it off once the sun sets. like you, i definitely do not want my twins to get too used to airconditioning. but my two definitely sleeps more soundly in aircon. sometimes, it's a trade-off btw yr babies' comfort and developing "less desirable" habits

It's after Medisave deduction! The CTG for 8 hours and the drips and all added up! That's why now I'm getting worried.

I'm also thinking of not exposing them to air-conditioning too much. I think it's not good for them. But then, I'm worried about ME being hot, especially during confinement and with all that food, so I don't know how!
Hi lyricist,

yar, I'm also quite disappointed when I found out that SCBB doesn't accept cord blood from multiple births.

It's really a waste to discard it away. But also no use to store it with a private bank if at the end of the day it cannot be use.. sigh...
i only shortlisted stemcord n cordlife,nvr tink of bankg wif SCBB though its useful for other ppl but if anyting happens to yr own family,u will not get to use yr own 1st instead use other ppl blood cord.tat's y private bankg is expensive.
not sure y they dun allow multiples pregnacies to bank, if our pregnacies are all healthy no complications,y not rite?
will yr bbs catch cold if blow directly at them?isit they are facing the fan?

tat's expensive leh..even though i stay mt a. for 1 day monitoring oso doesn't cost tat much.if urs natural delivery w/o epi or any assisted,shld not be so expensive bah.as far as i knw,only gynae will charge u a little bit expensive for twin delivery,tat depends on how gd is yr gynae lor..my gynae charged me only c-sect costs same as singleton delivery n oso charged $100/day for aft delivery consultation @ hospital.tink yr gyane will oso charge tat.u can ask him abit it.
i told mt a. to deduct medisave separately for mummy n bbs,dis way,it will be much cheaper than u deduct only frm 1 medisave.for bbs stay @hospital,they will charge nursery bed n all sorts of lab tests.if bbs found to hv jaundice n reqd phototherapy,they will charge oso.
u can try searching for charges tat are posted here by other mummies n try calculating the costs.tat's wat i did too from my colleague who has given birth at the same hospital.

if weather is hot @ nite,i will on aircon @ 28degc.not too cold for my bois.other than tat,will jus on the fan in the aftn rotating.at nite,will only blow at us..hee..my mil oso dun allow direct blow,she will tell me off if i did tat.
my bois oso cant slp well if they r hot,especially my younger boi.i even bot latex mattress for him to slp.the bouncinette oso becomes his bed aldy.
My gynae said his fee would be about $3500 already! I don't know whether that's C-section or what.

What do you mean charge mummy and baby separate for Medisave? How does that work or save more money?

Today, it's very hot! I tried to nap and woke up sweaty! Sigh!

yah, i agree with you - if one's pregnancy is smooth & complications-free, even if you're carrying multiples, why can't we extract cord blood? but then again, i'm no doctor & i'm not sure abt the procedures...

so far, my twins have not fallen ill yet (touch wood), whether i direct the fan at them or not. i think as long as they're not wet when you blow cold air at them, they shld be fine. sometimes, their diaper leaks during the night when the aircon is on. that's when i do get a bit worried.

Hi ladies,

My backache is getting terrible. I'm only 17weeks. Any of you experiencing the same thing during your pregnancy? I thought backache only comes later in the pregnancy stage? Not sure if it's normal.

I'm already sleeping with pillows supporting my tummy. Don't know how else to ease the ache. Any suggestions?
