2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Alethea, i bring them to NUH. We r seeing Hsien Chih. Nice guy.. See wat ur PD says then mayb get them to refer you... Same hospital wud b easier...
Best Twins, Yup yup thts me....
Twins mommy, my babies r learning to roll but cant quite make it yet.. They r trying to sit up, usually i help them up n they will fall over after a few secs... hehehe.

Geraldine, Hi!! Ur babies r adorable... U gave birth in NUH? Me too.. But they were born on oct last year... Mine r premmies too.... Say, r u Lynette's fren?
Okeanosmao, Lyricist, ur babies r cute!!!
My gals also going thru' the same phase. The elder can roll over only on her right and she will stay in that position happily to play with whatever she can grab. The younger one is really naughty. She "roll all over the place"!!! And on top of that, she tries to sit up now, but still haven't quite master it. Very funny. Just like humpty dumpty. Kekeke...
hi all,
I'll be leaving tomorrow
Too busy now....Take care everyone
bye bye

soo sorry about your nephew! Hope u and ur family are ok now. Would u mind sharing why your 2 month old nephew passed away? Is there anything that we should look out for? I m constantly worrying whenever i hear such news
Pls ignore my post if this question is difficult for u to answer...
take care!
Hello Twinsmom,

Take care of yourself and do visit us (in this thread) when u've the time. May God watch over and bless your family!
hi twinsmom,
not sure if you'll see this msg, but anyway... my nephew passed away suddenly just 1 day shy of his 2nd month b'day. he had been sick for abt 2 weeks after catching a flu from his older brother, but he had shown signs of recovering after seeing the PD and taking medication. it was just that the 2-3 days before he died he wasn't feeding well. ironically, my sis was just preparing to bring him to see the PD again the morning he passed on. the immediate cause of death from the coroner was cardio-respiratory failure, but they needed to do further investigations to find out what led to it. that was in oct last year. the final report was only out recently. as i understand, it was pneumonia and something else (not sure what becos i heard it from a secondary source). i guess a simple flu grew virulent. thing was, no one even suspected that he was that sick. he looked ok when i saw him the day before he died, just that he didn't want to feed.

anyway, like you, all this left me quite paranoid over my own babies. thankfully, both kai & min have avoided any infections/illnesses for the past few months, and are doing well so far.
hi lyricist,

i was oso quite paraniod over my bois as bbs are quite vunerable to diseases/infections. somemre my elder boi is nt takg milk so well.ha, mayb being a mother, is mre sensitive to all this as compared to being a father.

my younger boi breathe in quite heavily n sometimes will get choke on milk..duno if his breathing is normal as his elder bro seems to hv normal breathing.kinda a worried tat his breathing passage way is v narrow..
can PD normally diagnose new born bbs to hv asthma so early?

recently,my niece caught HFMD the 2nd time at her playgroup n was @ my hse to stay a day.we only discovered tat aft her mum noticed she has ulcers in her mouth.so naturally,i was abit worried for my bois since their immune system is still low..not sure wat is the symtoms like for HFMD found in bbs?
So sorry to hear abt your nephew. Can understand your paranoia. I had a friend who's twins developed pneumonia while on a trip in the UK. They hv history of asthma in the family. Also weather change frm Singapore to UK did not help either.

That is why it is important to watch for your kids' feeding esp when they are unwell. It is common for them to skip feedings as they wld be loss of appetite wt the illness but if they stop feeding altogether, then it wld be best to rush them to the PD. When they start on solids though, they may reject solids & prefer milk but if they refuse both then again, a trip to PD is best.

Unfortunately, babies cannot be diagnose wt asthma until they are abt 4-5yrs old although there is a history of asthma in the family. This is becasue their breathing passage way is still not fully developed for doctors to diagnose it as asthma.

Also note that wt asthma, your child can be prone to allergies as well. So this cld be an early sign esp when you start your child on solids.

If you notice your boy breathing heavily or wheezing & he has the flu, cough at the same time, he might hv bronchitis so watch out for that.

Symptoms of HFMD varies. My friends twins caught it frm school but they only had flu & fever. No ulcers etc. Severe ones will hv ulcers in the mouth, hands etc. Incubation period for HFMD is abt 10days. Therefore in the next 10 days if you kids are still well then they shd be ok. If they start showing signs of falling sick then pls visit the PD.
Geraldine, Sorie if i mistook you. My babies r doing great wif physio.. Improve. They do cry but juz for a short while... Who r u seeing at NUH?

Hi everyone, its been a crazy week for me.. My gal was admitted due to poor feeding after getting Flu n cough.. Now better.. Then the boy started coughing badly with block nose n PD diagnose as brochitis tis morning...After reading abt Lyricist's nephew, I agree... You can never take a simple flu for granted... SO, take care everyone.. Have a gd weekend.
hi Fi Hozali

erh... i cannot remember his name...

mommies, now is the chicken pox season too. So do watch out for pple having chicken pox and make sure ur kids stay away from them!
i guess a mother's paranoia is mother nature's way of ensuring that babies survive to adulthood.

min just had a bout of vomitting after two of her feeds out of the blue yesterday. threw up absolutely everything. she even snorted milk out of her nose. gave me quite a few white hairs. fortunately, no sign of vommitting after feeds today. sigh... babies are such strange creatures sometimes.

i'm just wondering - did anyone here choose the optional vaccinations for your babies - ie. pneumoccocal, chicken pox, etc? what made you choose to jab/not jab? i'm still considering whether to give my twins those jabs.
Hi Lyricist, I've taken my twins for their 1st dose of Rotarix. As for Pneumoccocal, I wld prefer that they take it after 1 year of age, less jabs this way and also tawt the risk is lower so long as they've yet to start childcare/play-school. As for chicken pox, not so soon, right? Tawt it's in the 15th month? Will be taking the 2 munchkins for that as well.
Including my twins, I hv 4 kids in all. I chose not to do the optional vaccinations for them. Even those compulsory ones, I chose to get them vaccinated one at a time rather than those 3-in-1, 4-in-1 or 5-in-1 kind of stuff. My most simple reasoning is that I dont see the need for them having such vaccinations at the time being.

Vaccinating is such an indoctrinated part of our culture that we never think to question it. I have yet to find any convincing, accurate evidence that it works. What component is there in the training of doctors on researching of vaccinations?

The only children I have known in the last 2 years to have measles & chickenpox have been the ones who were vaccinated!

I guess at the end of the day you shd decide on what you think is best for your twins based on their medical & family history.

Nice seeing you again today! Dan & Yaz will be better soon. They looked good when I saw them earlier
hi mummies, are you using those twin strollers other than brands like maclaren ? cause I need to get another one to put at my parent's place, looking for something reasonably priced and side-by-side, don't want those front and back. Thanks
Hi Everyone,

I'm new here.. I just went for the detailed scan and confirmed that I have a boy-girl twin!

The Gynae said that I should start counting the Fetal kicks and that they should not be less than 10 (norm for a singleton). But problem is I have 2 babies and I have no idea how to do the count.. Can anyone please advise?

thanks for the feedback on vaccinations. it's certainly given me some food for thought.

hi betty,
welcome to the thread & congratulations!!
i didn't really do proper fetal kick counts for my twins. as long as there's regular movement from each twin's position, i knew they shld be alright. the nurse conducting my antenatal class at KKH also told us that we could swing our stomachs from side to side occasionally to "wake" the baby up. other than that, i relied on my regular obgyn checkups to make sure that they're ok.

sorry i can't help. mine's a side by side stroller. but before i got mine, i was looking to get the mamalove front-back stroller.
hi lyricist, you mean you have the side-by-side one ? yep, that's the kind I wanna get
can tell me where to get and if it it heavy as I want to put at my parent's place
Try the Jeep brand. Quite lightweight, if not wrong lighter than the Maclaren's. I think it costs abt $200, sorry I cant remember actual price. Can find at Toys R Us but dont know if they still carry it.

Very diffiult to find reasonably priced side-by-side in the shops, they all costs above $350. Unless you settle for a 2nd hand then you may get it cheaper at abt $200 or so.

Reasonably priced ones, I hv seen are the front & back types at Kiddy Palace for $150 or so.
your babs so so cute
& they are quite alert too!
your twins look so alike
thought they were identical
oops, sorry, i read yr msg salah ;P i have the maclaren side-by-side stroller. i got it secondhand for $120 from an expat mom on twinslussing. but it's a really old model, so quite heavy. otherwise, it's in pretty good condition.

actually if you only need it as a spare stroller, why don't you consider a secondhand one? or maybe two single strollers instead?
Sasha, hmm good idea, never thought of Toys R Us, will pop over during the weekends and check it out. Thanks

lyricist, I also have a Maclaren single stroller, ok will see how, thanks
Hi All mommies..

may i join this thread ? Today is my 12wk4d and only found out that i am having twins yesterday during my OScar test at TMC. Both Dh and I were really shocked as we dont have family history of gettng twins and we are 1st. As per gynae, mine are identical twins and this does not require any family genes and it will happen naturally if i am lucky enough. We are panic and happy at the same time as we are 1st time parents and duno what to do at all..Gynae said twins will have higher risk during pregnancy as they mgt fight for foods and will pass blood through each other. So one twin mgt be skinner and one fatter. ** Worried **....

for mommies who delivered twins at Mt A, how much did you spend on the fees for both normal delivery with epi and C-Sect? Accordingly to gynae, it's quite exp to deliver twins at TMC esp if the babies are pre-mature (<34wks), they need to stay in ICU for few nites and 1 nite is $1k for 1 bb..So she said normally ppl will transfer to SGH or KKH for delivery. I am so confused and helpless now...And how do you all handle the twins aft birth? be full time mom or hire a maid with in laws? Pls advise..really need your words now..thanks..
Hmm, was thinking abt what Lyricist mention...getting 2 single strollers. Maybe that will be better for your parents. Because as the twins get bigger, obviously they will be heavier & cld be quite difficult for your parents with the twin stroller. Unless you find one which is really, really lightweight. Maclaren can be quite heavy. By the time my boys are abt 1 yr old, I feel so tired pushing them in the stroller because it takes a lot of strength!

Maybe what you can do is get another single Maclaren (same model as you have now) & buy a stroller connector? Could give your parents options. Just my opinion

Welcome & congrats! I must hv missed your posting. As wt Lyricist, I didnt do any proper fetal kick counts either. As long as I felt them all over my tummy regularly, I figured they were OK.

Welcome on board & big CONGRATS to you. I have fraternal twins but weirdly, we do not have any known history of twins in the family so we were taken aback as well when we first found out!

Your twins, being identical, may face more complications as they are in 1 sac & may or may not share 1 placenta. I think your gynae was trying to tell you about Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) which is very common in identical twins. So you may have one twin who is bigger than the other as he/she may absorb more food etc while in the womb.

I am not sure abt medications for TTTS but I believe in lots of bedrest. It may not seem like it helps, but believe me it does. On a lighter note, I do know of other parents of identical twins whose babies turned out well. So try not to worry unneccessary & enjoy your pregnancy. It is out of this world

I had mine at 29wks at KKH. I was so glad I went there because their NICU is one of the well-equipped in the country & the staff are all well-trained. Also, having had them at KK, they had automatically downgraded me to C-class to help keep my costs down as my twins had to stay for 3mths. We paid nearly 25K for both of them after 3mths!

It is true that in case of emergencies & if the hospital that your gynae is in is not able to tackle it, they will send you to KK. However, KK has the right to reject your case as they give priority to their patients. And most times, their NICU is always FULL!

On a lighter note, I was already a SAHM to a 3yr old when I had my twins so there was no question abt what to do when they were discharged! I do not hv a maid (trust issues!)& currently take care of all my 4 kids myself (yes, I had another baby after my twins!). My only perk is that my DH works frm home so when needed, he is there to help.

It is difficult & challenging taking care of twins by yourself but it sure is not impossible. I am a firm believer in routines & thats how I manage my time, between the children & their needs as well as my household chores.

Hope I helped clear your doubts. Am sure you have other 1001 questions so just ask away!

Have you heard of www.twinsplussing.com?
Thanks Lyricist and Sasha for your advice! I guess I would just make sure I feel some kicks everyday, they should be fine eh? :p
Next time you go for a scan, take note of the position of your babies. Maybe easier for you to know which twin is kicking.

Also, I dont know abt other mommies but my twins sort of kicks at certain times of the day. I felt their the most & hardest when I wake up in the morning & late at night just as I'm abt to go to bed! So that was one way I made sure they were ok
hi patty,
why don't you try reading up abt twin pregnancy & birth? it will help allay yr fears. NLB has a decent collection of books on multiples in its main branch at bras basah (children's section). you can try the following:
1. Clegg, A. & Woollett, A. (1998). Twins: from parenting to five years.
2. Bowers, N. (2001). The multiple pregnancy sourcebook: pregnancy and the first days with twins, triplets, and more.
3. Cooper, C. (2004). Twins & multiple births: the essential parenting guide from pregnancy to adulthood.
4. Bowman, K. & Ryan, L. (2005). Twins: a practical guide to parenting multiples from conception to preschool.
you'll find that you'll only need to read 2-3, becos they say pretty much the same things.

it's true that identical twins are more at risk of TTS, but don't worry, yr obgyn will monitor you closely. besides, there're lotsa moms with identicals who've had healthy babies.

personally, my only advice is to get a good confinement lady who's experienced in taking care of twins, esp if you're a first-time mum. it helped me tremendously as i cld get plenty of rest and recover quickly after birth. it'll also set yr mind at ease that the babies are well-taken care of. plus, she'll be able to teach you how to care for them. let me know if you need my CL's contact.

just relax and enjoy yr pregnancy. having twins are special and really, quite fun

Anyone did the detailed scan at TMC? I just did my detailed scan at TMC and have to pay 50% more because I'm having twins. Total amounting to $141.75, as I wasn't informed of this earlier by my gynae's assistant, I'm wondering if the pricing is correct?

If pricing for twins are higher, does that mean that the delivery charges will also be higher then?

Sorry I cant help you in that because my antenatal check-ups were all done overseas as I was living away. I didnt get a chance to have a consult wt my gynae here when I returned as mine decided to come early

But from what I have heard from other parents, you definitely cant sign up any package wt the hospital & I think for delivery charges, you will be charged 2x for your gynae fee but same fee for the use of delivery suite.

Why dont you call TMC & ask them for clarification? Ask them to give you an estimate.
Hi Betty,
I delivered my twins at TMC last October. The detailed scan charges of $141.75 is correct.

We do not qualify for the usual maternity packages. You can get copies of the delivery charges for twins at the TMC front desk. Actually, the only difference is we get charged individually (i.e. mother, twin 1 and twin 2) for the room and all procedures. My gynae only charge me 1x specialist fee for the c-section procedure.

I did a TMC rates table (for different room types) for one of the mommies here earlier this year. Wonder if I still have it. Will PM you once I managed to locate the softcopy.
Hi sasha, do you know where can I get the strollers connectors ? I have asked kiddy palace but they don't carry
First Few Years at KKH or Paragon. I have seen them in both their stores. Costs $26.90 if I am not wrong. I will be going to KKH for my twins' appt & will check it out for you if you want. If they have & you want to get it, I can maybe ask them to hold on to it for you? Let me know
Hi Sasha

Thanks for your explaination above. And i've also read up the site you recommended,indeed it's useful for me.

yeah will go to NLB to take a look for those books as well. I never expect that i will have twins and now really it's a sudden news to us.

I also doing my check up at TMC but still havent decided on the hospital yet. I took the OScar package which includes details scan, initially i paid $4++ but once they confirmed i m having twins, i topped up $96 more on top of it. So total is abt $502 if i recall correctly.

Twin mommy, mind to share how much have you spent on the delivery charge for twins? As my gynae told me that it's very exp to deliver twins at TCM, in the case if your bbs need to stay in ICU and it costs $1k/nite for 1 twin. She told me normally at later stage of pregnancy, if people find out their twins mgt have the risk of TTTS, they will transfer to gover.hosp like SGH/KKH. SO now i even cant decide on the hospital yet. Just pray and see if my bbs are all right at later stage....
Hi Patty
My gynae also advised me to go to KKH to deliver if I have to deliver before 34 weeks. What he advised was to just go down to A&E and ask for C class ward which will save quite a bit, as the pricing for NICU is tied to mommy's class ward.
Hi Betty

Who's your gynae ? mine is from ACJ -Caroline Khi. Yeah she also said the same, if deliver b4 34wks, shd go to gov.hospital. Does it mean we only could decide the hospital when it 's closer to our delivery date?
Hi Patty,
Yes, the NICU charges at TMC is $1k per child per night. My gynae told me in advance he would refer me to KKH should any complication arise from my twin pregnancy. I decided to "stick" to him at TMC and thank God I delivered at 37th week with no complications. I opt for 4-bedded as advised by him but was given FOC upgrade to 2-bedded upon admission. My gals were delivered via c-section and the 4D/3N stay cost us $5k+. After Medisave deduction, we paid slightly less than $900 in cash.
Hi Patty
My gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang (from Sun Plaza, Sembawang). I guess what we have to do now is to take care of ourselves real well and hope to tide through at least 34 weeks. He also suggested bedrest during 30 - 34 weeks to help the babies stay in our tummy. Still thinking how to break this news to my boss.. sigh...
hi mummies,

PD diagnosed my younger one as 3 mth colic tat will last for 3 mth. he has been crying for 1/2hrs, waking up every 1 hr for the past few days. he said we overfed him, haha, gave him 3.5oz.he is 4kg now.so advised to reduce to 90ml by pd n oso med in tablet form (said to reduce colic).
am i overfeeding him for his wt? he gets hungry less than 3hrs.

hi patty,

i delivered my twins via epi c-sec last mth @ mt a 2 bedded. mummy's bill amounted to $4K+ n aft less medisave, paid $800 plus. as for bbs' bill, mine was a separate bill as elder twin was discharged later due to G6PD n has to stay for phototherapy.both bill amounted to $2K+ but nid not pay anyting aft less medisave.
you can rqst to separate mummy's n bbs' bill so tat u can deduct mre frm medisave.
no regrets delivered in mt a as their nursery ward nurses r v helpful n friendly.they will help/guide u along in bf.
hi mommies

How's everyone? i've been missing for a while cos work is up to my neck!

Anyone still nursing? i was told that i will be outstationed next month. urgh... still nursing, dunno how to tell boss that i cannot go overseas cos babies need my milk!
hi mummies who delivered at KKH, can u share what are the things i need to pack in hospital bag and what are the things that KKH gives? eg do they give receiving blankets for each baby?
oh yes one more qn... we see dr at TPS in KKH,... so does it mean we must stay in c;ass B1 and above? we scared babies need to stay NICU and the charges run up to too high if i stay in B1 and above.... i checked with the counter nurse at TPS and she said if we see dr loh, confirm must stay B1 and above? is it true?
I did not deliver at KKH but one of my gal was warded at KKH 2 weeks ago for minor surgery. I was told as long as we are private patients, we have to stay B1 and above. Think you better check with KKH in advance, ya?
To or you chose your own gynae (in other words, you are a private patient), you can only choose B1 (4 bedded) or A1 (1 bedded).

You have every right to feel nervous abt your bill as your babies will be billed according to the class you are in. But I understand that KK also downgrade the mummy to C-class if your babies are born very premature (say 1mth above). Obviously, this is to help reduce the cost of babies bills incurred frm their stay in ICU or SCN.

I am sure if you are likely to deliver prematurely, your gynae will tell you so. If you are able to carry on till 34 wks, that is good enough. If your babies are of low birth weight with no cpmplications at birth, then most likely, they will stay on for 2-3weeks.

So the bill may not be so bad even if you stay in a B1 or above ward if compared to them staying for 2-3mths.

As I mentioned before, I had mine at 29wks & KKH immediately downgraded me to C-class when my 1st twin was delivered.
My gyane is also Lawrence. He's a very, very cautious and encouraging gynae. He gave me MC (actually hospitalisation leave) from week 30-35 and I never return to work since. My legs were larger than an elephant's by then. Anyway, I delivered 2 weeks after that.

In case you haven't heard, Lawrence can stitch better than a tailor, so you can expect perfect stitches whether you deliver via c-sect or naturally.
thanks ladies, on the billing part. i guess i'd leave it to my gynae then.... shall not worry about it now.... unnecessary stress. believe the hospital will do the best for us one. hehehe

how about my first qn? what does KKH provide... do i need to prepare 3 sets of cothings and 3 receiving blankets to bring the babies home?
Hi twins_mommy
Thanks! That's very reassuring to hear..
But Dr Ang talks really fast huh? Sometimes, I really need to concentrate very hard to understand what he is talking about. heh heh. He did mention that he will give me hospitalisation leave from wk 30 - 34. But I have so much work to do, and I don't dare to bring it up to my boss (who is in her late 40s and not married and workaholic.). sigh..

KK will only provide for the mother during your stay at the hospital: toiletries, disposable panties, towels etc. Sorry cant remember what else
Therefore, you will need to bring your own set of babies clothes & receiving blankets when they are discharged!

How are you coping wt the pregnancy so far?
