(2004/03) March Mummy

have to change Ryan.. or else..will leak through..anyway for him..if his eyes are not open he can sleep back..so no problem.

Hi helena
yup its a photogenic bb contest, for below 1yr. Just write the following on the right of back of photo and pop in at the box at the bb fair level 1 (outside carrefour) till 22 aug:

- Parent's name
- Tel no.
- Address
- Baby's name
- Baby's age
- Baby's birth cert no.

hahah but I dont know what prize they have or when the results will be out.. didnt see any details there.

so coincidental for you also! I had to pop earlier cos water level was low.. haha think if have another bb, I wont have same energy level as now liow... I've brought her out for 4 days consecutively for this week! Tmr may still be meeting a friend to go expo again.. think by time I have 2 kids I'd be staying at home... hahaha

polyclinic also jab at thighs leh, only rotate left right... see her cried like quite painful

Ryan looks much bigger in this photo! He looks quite smart for his age leh! Heee at least he still have a sharp chin, not round round.
When did he have his hair cut? Grew out liow also!

My boy had his haircut at 4 mths too.

I recover quite fast after birth too. Guess being young helps. Only concern is my weight, still 2.5 kg above pre-preg. I think it's stagnant liao! Got to start exercise to shed off the rest.

I have not change diaper at nite b4, in case he wake up and refuse to sleep. Don't dare to take the risk. Think at nite, drink less, pee less, so it's ok.

My EDD was 5 days b4 my hubby's BD. I was overdue and gave birth 3 days b4 his BD. So i keep telling him that my boy is the birthday present for him. It's a BIG BIG present cos I prepare 9 mths for it. So he owe me a BIG BIG present for my birthday.

My boy will cry when the jab went into his buttock and stop once the jab is out. hee hee.... like switch on and off radio.
I am also concerned about my weight.. have gone back to pre-preg weight but still need to lose another 8kg.. to get back to pre-wed weight.
Ryan was also overdue by 3 days. These few days we go for walks 3 times a week and swim 2 times.. hubby set deadline line by next CNY to get back to 55kg..
Gd morning March Mummies...

i am actually back to my pre-preg wt, but still 2-3kg away from my pre-wed wt n wan to lose another 5kg to my ideal wt. got to work harder... :p

come to think abt it, if i am like ruff/bbgal, often bring their bb to swim/shopping/outing alone, maybe reach my ideal wt faster. or work full-time. :p

don think all polyclinic jab at thigh, at least not the one near my house, Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic.

think will go on Sat to submit the photo at Carre4.

Ryan so cute, can switch on n off his crying... wonder if he do that during normal days or not... on=cry, off=stop crying...
hi mommies
today feel really suay... the high chair was delivered last nite.. but find that the reclining mechanism not functioning well, the lock for the chair to the table also cant lock... and worse is I need to bring down the chair to expo for exchange!!!! And they dont have a contact no. at the expo to check whether they still have stock! Really very upset. So much trouble just to save some money...end up may have to take cab down.. waste even more money!
now dont know how liow... go or don go?? the stuff is so bulky and heavy!
oh no, u gals talking about pre-wed wt. Then i have 3 + 2 kg to lose. I'm 51kg now, 48kg at pre-preg and about 46kg pre-wed. But I really excercise and lost a lot of weight when preparing for wedding. My normal weight used to be around 49-50kg. Anyway, I'm happy if I can fit into my old clothes nicely. Now, still a bit tight.

your hubby so bad, set deadline for u. My hubby ask me to lose weight indrectly - he keep asking me to go gym.

no such luck. he only on and off his crying during the jab. At home, once he cry, he cry......

so sorry for u. Can't u wait for your hubby to help during weekend?
Yah, sometimes wanna save $$$, end up spend more.
can u call the store for the expo no? surely they must hv a no. else how they contact the person in charge there?
haizz.. really very upset.. feel like just returning it to their outlet and get a refund (the operator say if want return and refund can do it at any outlet) ... hubby agree to go down with me tmr loh, just feel very upset... hopefully its not too heavy and can take mrt down..

hahaha you are wrong abt losing weight with shopping... I'm still 10kg from my pre-preg weight!!! gosh... cos everytime end up eating fast food (for its convenience and ease) when I go out with my gal.. eat fast fast somemore.. cos really inconvenient to eat with her sitting in the bb carrier in front of me.. imagine eating mee??? hahaha... think will end up soupy on her botak head..
Hi bbgal,
the do not have a returns/ customer service counter? can they repair the chair at any of the JL outlets? then save u $$ for the trip to expo.
I called their main office to check, they say dont have no., ask for handphone of anyone there.. she said I can just bring it down loh, if no stock they will place order for me, or exchange something else lah... really not helpful. I even called the expo staff to check for their no. there... really no operation office there.. so no choice really have to go down.. even when I tell her I have an infant with me with no help, the johnlittle operator also not 'touched'...

this should be the last time I'm buying big item from them liow... last time bought pram also kena same problem... brought from outlet one, and when called to exchange, they ding dong for a few days... after sales service very lousy.. and they are not like what's reported of robinson staff, very nice... johnlittle aftersales staff quite rude in the way they talk...

sorry for all the grumblings....
it cant be repaired cos the material is plastic, the fitting not good and is loose, cannot be bend back for a good fit...the merchanism at the back of chair looks like can pop out if weight is too much... and the chair can come off!.. worse, they dont carry the product at the outlet.. they say they dont carry the products at the expo sales.

If i'm u, I'll return and get refund.
I bought a baby cot from John little too. The delivery service is very bad. They call to change my delivery time at least 3-4 times. And the service person who call me not very friendly too.
its no joke to change delivery timing esp if working and need to take leave or stay at home just to wait for them. I'm serioiusly considering if want to return and refund.. will discuss with hubby tonight...
think might as well return for refund n look for others, since the sale service is so bad... never bought big items from them b4, so din knoe that their service so lousy!!!

i like Ryan's smile in 1st pic but overall 2nd pic is better...
sigh.. wonder if robinsons aftersale service would be better.. cos still have vouchers from them, may return to the specialist outlet then pop over to centrept, use voucher to buy then.. but havent check out what they have... I better re-confirm can return to the outlet, else later bring there they dont accept..
yup, just called their sales line and confirm can bring back to any outlet for refund... the sales person is much better than the general enquiry operator.
set, will return for refund..

Yeah. The 2nd pix looks better cos it shows him reaching another stage clearer: rolling and on his tummy.

Is it at Carrefour suntec or plaza sing?
hi mommies
my gal can move abit on the alphabet playmat liow .. abt 2 small alphabets.. think abt 20cm... at the end of it she's all sweaty.. hahaha.. I kept moving the toys away from her to get her to reach for them... but she quite lazy, kept stopping to bury her head in her arms and the mat..
hi bbgal,
good to know that ur girl has started "moving"..very soon will be crawling too. Ryan .. real headache today.. don't want to drink milk..been fighting with me the whole day. He is constantly turning onto his tummy even in his sleep and keeps on getting into the "kow tow" stand and get stuck.. he can push his legs and butt forward but his hands doesn't have enough strength to keep his head upwards and move forward at the same time..end up so sweaty and redface and bawling most of the time. These few days he is "anti ABC mat" prefer to crawl on the bed coz he can move faster.. must watch him like a hawk..so tiring.
Hi ruffy
Hahaha it's always so interesting to read your description of what's ryan's being up to!! He's really cute and naughty
He's trying to get on all 4s and crawl yah? My gal also kept pushing her legs and getting her butt in the air. Think they are learning to crawl?

My gal's also been quite cranky these few days, put her down a while she will start yelling and pick her up she stops.. like what cclare said, on-off radio, on-put down, off-carry up. And I tried cooking maggie mee for dinner tonight after putting her to nap in the sarong, before I finished eating, she's awaken and started crying when I was half way through my washing... felt so frustrated today. Hope tomorrow will be better...
helena, no prob, u'r welcome.
weekends are always very packed for me also, they're even more tiring than weekdays. hee hee

remember to upload your boy's photos when free! Havent seen your boy yet
Hi mommies

here's something to share/read regarding letting bb spending more tummy time and how to make him/her enjoy it (taken from fisher price web):

(Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, M.D., M.P.H.) Erin, some 5-month-olds find playing on their tummies natural and enjoyable, and others dont. In the past 10 years, since health experts have recommended putting babies to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), weve found that babies tend to spend far more time on their backs and less time on their tummies. As a result, babies get less experience on their tummies and are slower to learn to lift up their heads and chest, which can be frustrating. But doctors believe its important for your babys development to have some tummy-time during the daynot necessarily most of the dayto increase your babys head, neck, upper body, and arm strength and enable him to learn to crawl and explore his environment.

Your baby will enjoy tummy-time more if he can see you and other interesting things. Try placing your baby on his tummy on the bed, facing you, with his head off the edge of the bedyou can play peek-a-boo and he can see you easily without having to push up his head and chest. Or lay your baby on his tummy on the floor, with a small cushion or rolled up towel propping him up under his chestyou can lie down in front of him to play with him, and set out interesting toys within his reach. (Of course, you must never leave baby unattended when trying these exercises.) Try to encourage him to push up with his arms by showing him interesting things above his head (such as your face, a mirror or rattle). As his arms and upper body become stronger, he can begin to enjoy playing on his tummy on an activity mat. As his lower body also becomes stronger, he will learn to crawl forward to reach interesting toys that you set out for him.
Here's some info which may be relevant for mommies who'd be bringing bb to swim:

Here are the basic recommendations to protect your baby from the dangers of sun exposure:

Try to avoid outdoor play at mid-day (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) when the sun's rays are strongest.

Play in the shade as much as possible. This is especially important for babies under 6 months of agekeep them under the shade of a porch, tree, umbrella, or stroller.

Dress your child in light-colored, loose-fitting clothes that cover as much skin as possible. Cotton fabrics are good, and tightly-woven fabric is bestwhen you hold it up to the light, little shines through.

Have your child wear a hat with a brim that shades the face, and preferably flaps that shade the neck. Sunglasses with UV protection can help protect your child's eyes.

Use sunscreen. Sunscreen is recommended for all children over 6 months of age, and for babies under 6 months of age when their skin cannot be entirely protected by shade and clothing. It is considered safe to apply small amounts of sunscreen to small areas of skin such as the baby's face, ears, neck, and hands. Here are some sunscreen tips:

Choose a sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays, and has an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15 or higherthese will filter out over 90% of the harmful rays. Choose a water-resistant or waterproof sunscreen if your child is playing in the water. A stick sunscreen with paraffin can be good for your child's face since it doesn't drip into her eyes and cause stinging.

Test the sunscreen on your child's back first to make sure he doesn't develop a skin rash.

Apply the sunscreen 20-30 minutes before going outdoors. Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, especially the face, ears, neck, shoulders, and arms. Be careful around your child's eyesand don't put sunscreen on his eyelidsbecause it can burn if it gets into the eyes. If he gets sunscreen in his eyes, use a damp cloth to wipe his eyes and hands.

Remember to reapply sunscreen after swimming and every two hours.

I am trying to upload my baby's pix but the size is too large. Do you know how to re-size it using Imaging?
thanks for the articles n the tips on swimming, am brining Matthew for a swim next week at my colleague's condo. hope i can remember the tips.

ya, u need to use microsoft photo editor to shrink the photo b4 u can upload.

u can send to me if u don hv microsoft photo editor, can help u to resize. email me at [email protected]
yup, like what ruffy and cla said, I also used microsoft photo editor to re-size. You managed to re-size? It's under the menu bar 'picture' - 'resize' choose web size small.. I had to compress (do 'picture' - 'compress') cos it was still too big after re-size. Have to shrink till < 50k. Oh, save it under different file name if you want to keep the original size.. I did a re-upsize for one pic and the pic was altered, not as defined. Hope this helps.

Hope the tips are useful. Got them from fisher-price web, quite a lot of tips there
also do remember that the water also refract the sunlight, thus UV rays are more when in water.
there is a kind of chair by Saftey 1 which can be use as a highchair/ feeding chair ..it can place on the floor ..attach to a normal chair or just put on the table when feeding the baby.. there are 3-4 adjustable levels for the back and can be used as a boster chair when the bb gets to 3-4yrs old. Just bought 1 for Ryan..coz his highchair still too big for him to use..and he can't really fit into the rocker chair. and hard to clean.
this one is plastic..so easier.. and nowadays he likes to sit up so he will be more comfortable in it.
cost only $70.. at Lucky Baby (2nd Flr).. Beauty World Centre. Bukit Timah Rd. There are other high chairs there from $30- $150. can take a look when u are free.
Hi ruffy

Thanks alot for the info! Is the name of the chair called "Safety 1st All-in-1 Reclining booster seat" or "On-the-go-fold-up booster seat"? I saw these 2 on babysayang website. The problem is our dining chair is cloth cushion kind, will it damage the cushion? The shop has other normal high chairs?

So you'll have to keep your high chair for later use... how come it's hard to clean?

Maybe will ask my sis to go down with me.. hubby not very keen in getting the high chair, already told me off not to buy anymore when I went to see what other models they have after we returned the high chair to johnlittle today.
it is that Saftey 1st.. all in 1 reclining booster seat. I think that you may have to put(tie) another piece of cloth first on your chair or may get friction tears.. depends on how sturdy the fabric is. The shop does have normal high chairs..saw about 6 or 7 of them there. The one that can shake/rock is only $138 or so.
No..the high chair can be cleaned.. however before we bought this chair I used to feed him in his rocker..and his rocker..is quite hard to clean as it is only surface cleanable. The high chair from China cannot recline..and is a bit too big for him at the moment.. it can comfortable seat a child up to 5 yrs old.
There are also quite a few children's clothes shop on 3rd level. IT is the building with MCdonalds on the ground floor.
ruff, cla and bbgal,

Thanks. Will try to do it in the office tomorrow cos I dun think I have those programmes.
Cla, will try and it not successful, I'll send them to you. THANKS!!!
oh ok, I misunderstood your posting, thought the highchair is also the rocker. You got a good deal there, babysayang selling the chair at $89.90 even though it's already at sale price. Thanks for the directions, it's been a long while I last went there, not familiar with the place there also. I've direct bus there but a long ride, heee can consider going if bb not cranky tmr.

My gal's photo is in the funny face series.
sent last month but didnt go and monitor.. think no chance of winning.. I printed out to show her next time.. heehee .. you sent in your boy's photo?

You seen gynae regarding breast pain? Now ok already?
Good morning mommies!

Can I check with your gals, if I want to give banana to my gal, do I just scrape it off the fruit give direct or do I cut a piece and mash it? No need to cook right? Will it turn black? What other fruits can I start with? Papaya &amp; apples? Find it abit gross to handle mashed fruits, esp when they come in contact with the air and turn darkish...
Hi bbgal,
most fruit/veg must cook as bb stil under 1yr old. Yes.. banana will turn black after cooking but it is still okay to eat. can start with apple or pears.. apples do not turn colour so easily after cooking and puree. Ryan loves applesauce..
Gd morning mummies...

to me, i din cook the fruits when i feed Matthew. If cook the fruits, all the nutrients will be lost.

i hv given Matthew apple directly n he is ok w it.

i think u shd start off w soft fruits like banana or papaya, can just scrap off using a small spoon.
like cla, I was thinking if the nutrients be lost if we cook the fruits?

just give 2-3 tsp will do right? yesterday I gave rice cereals to my gal 1hr before her next feed, last few times I only gave her abt 3 tsp, this time she wanted more and ended up giving 6.5tsp. But 1hr later she still 'ask' for milk and managed to finish 155ml. Normally if we want to replace one milk feed with rice cereals, how much should we give? Saw on the tin its 100ml of water with 3 tbsp of cereals. If replace with cereal, does it still last as long as 3hrs or more? It's always stated in terms of bowls in books, how big is one bowl??? gosh... I'm feeling info overloaded and very lost...
not very sure about lost nutrients..however there maybe lots of bacteria in uncooked food therefore many books recommend that the food be cooked before giving them to the baby. tsp- is teaspoon right? For me.. I give Ryan 3 table spoon (TBSP) of cereal to 80/100ml of water.. as the instructions in the back of the packet. If I want to make sure it last about 3hrs ..then add in 3-4 spoonsful of formula.. If you give only 3 tsp..it is like a snack for the bb. I don't really follow the bowl theory coz as you say the size of bowls varies. If I give him 1 jar (heinz) he can easily finish it within 1/2hr and it lasts him 3hrs also. I think it also depends on Rayna's stomach capacity.
i always thot cooking r more for those veg that are hard.

for me, i usually make it into smooth texture, not watery, so that is easy to feed. Now giving Matthew abt 5-6 tsp or cereal + small amt of water to make it smooth. n then let him drink some water after a few mouth of cereal.

i could hardly make it a feed for Matthew. He will need milk 2hrs after a bowl of porridge.

Check out this for weaning receipe that we can try.
