(2004/03) March Mummy

Hi mommies

you mean promotion at kiddy palace? Hmmm I didnt notice it leh.. wasnt looking at the bottles/teats section... was checking out the clothes and toys

your friend's house is new ah?? heard that if bb cries the moment he steps into a house means the house not clean

our hubbies all impatient with crying bb huh?? I'm one kind who wont give up even if bb cries outside... kind of like cannot let her have her way... or affect my plans.. one friend's friend's principle is that cannot revolve ard bb's life, must let bb revolves ard her life.

hahaha I said I'm not getting anymore big items from johnlittle liow.. dont want to go through the same torture again.. heehee

ryan doesnt sleep on tummy? you must be a panda right now ... try to catch some sleep when he naps later!

ahhh... my gal super cranky today cos of the hot and humid weather! she's already wearing singlet and still sweaty and sticky! maybe should bring her shopping go air con places...
but I'm feeling abit lethargic today...
Ryan will only sleep on his tummy if he is on mummy otherwise he prefers sleeping on the side or back. Today's weather doesn't seem so good and they say will have heavy rain in the afternoon..so won't be bring Ryan out for a walk ..maybe next week..can meet up shopping?

I try not to sleep during the day when Ryan naps esp after lunch.. so won't pile on the extra kg that I already need to lose.
sorrie, i mean the promo at taka bb fair. is there any website where i can find the details?
you mean today? cant go out today liow, she still napping now and her next feed is at 3pm, by the time we move our butts, will be close to 4pm... no time to shop cos I need to be home by 6!

she's been screaming and yelling whole day, put her on playmat refuse to move and kept yelling... this siao mommy here also yelling at her.. now sore throat..very pek chek today .. losing my temper with her.. this morning she woke up at 6am+ feed liow still refused to sleep, kept crying, only shut up when gave pacifier... then woke up again at 9+ cos poo.. thereafter just remains so cranky!
just a bad day today! Today aint friday the 13th what! I'm getting more violent!
no..mean next week... My boy only slept 1hr this whole morning.. now awake coz he has the hiccup. Ryan also is not very happy when he is on the ABC mat this week..so restrict his movement to the bed.. he doesn't take the pacifier..he doesn't like it so we stopped giving it to him after 1mth. I have to wait till his hiccup go off before I can feed him or else food/milk will be flying everywhere. Today he is only quiet when sitting on me..so no choice.. put him anywhere else will get a earache. Today have to "tong" with him the whole day coz daddy won't be back till next morning.. Friday is "guy night out for him." Ryan..very hard to get angry with him..coz you scream at him..he will scream back only louder..then will start to laugh at you or stick out the tongue at you.
oh okie okie
where you want to go shopping at? which day? other mommies want join us also? hee hee..

my gal's up already, now sitting on my lap helping me to type.. hahah just kidding.. messing ard with the stuff in front.. so good, no need pacifier, no need to worry abt weaning him off that.. my gal cant sleep without one, unless really tired.. hahaha ryan so cheeky!

aiyo my hubby also came back only this morning at 6am+ but he's becos of work.. slept awhile and went back again at 12pm... so your hubby always stay out till saturday morning? play majong ah?

can i ask, when you use the ABC mat, do you wash or wipe them clean first? I bought the mat quite some time ago, but never display out yet.
mine was hand-me-down from sil, she washed/cleaned for us before giving us. Now i only vacuum but havent wiped it before.
My hubby only play HK mahjong..so cannot find players here in SG.. no he play MAGIC cards.
No preference for places to shop. Free on weekdays except Wednesday morning when the cleaning lady comes.. Swimming on weekdays in flexible coz just go to the condo next door and my friend is Stay at home MTB.
I wipe it with the bb detergent we use to wash their bottles..then once a week will spray the antibacterial spray on it to kill the germs..and let it rest overnight.
i can join in for the shopping too, let me know where n what time... prefer to be Tues/Thurs afternoon. Morning a bit tough,need to clean him n so on.
tuesday or thursday afternoon is fine with me.. I think should be no problem with bbgal also.
suggestions on good place to meet?
gosh, I'm fighting a battle at home today.. just rock my gal to zzz land...

okie tues/thurs afternoon should be fine... wanna check out the taka fair? but gotta check if there's nursing/changing room in orchard area first.. any other places?

what's magic cards? so where he go to play? me blur sotong..

is it safe to spray on the antibacterial spray? wont ryan lick the mat? seems like this mommy here abit lazy leh.. never clean so often.. I just looked ard for any dead insects whenever I put her down on mat.. once there's a dead fly quite near her and I only spotted it sometime after I put her down... phew.. gross...
taka is ok w me. there is a nursing rm in taka 3rd floor, children dept.

hee hee... me seldom clean the mat too... onli once a week, using the bb detergent. din wan to use the antibactier spray 'cos scare is harmful to baby.
protecting ur gal's privacy already!

ya, better to do all the changing in the nursing rm, won't cause other people w inconvenient, esp when the bb poo...

nowadays quite a lot of shopping centre do provide nursing rm.
hahaha kind of.. also to prevent her from stinking the whole place.. will be very embarassing if she poo and pollute the air!
Magic cards.. refer to the type of trading cards that boys play. This game has been around for more than 10years but he only picked up the game this year. He plays it at the shop in Toa Payoh. The company that he is working for has 20 retail outlets. He is in charge of the weekly tournament at the Toa Payoh branch..so play while working hehe. At night they have a private gathering among players in Bedok. Most of them go there after work.
I'm not sure whether it is safe or not.. anyway I leave if overnight so should have dried by then..and there is an ioniser/air cleaner placed near the mat so should be okay. Ryan does not lick the mat..only scratches it.
oh that's an interesting job he has! But you mean adults also play such cards??? think my hubby's 7YO nephew has 2-3 stacks of such cards, dont think he plays with it but must bring 2 stacks with him wherever he goes, those are his amulets! He even cried in public when he forgot to bring them out one day!

My gal will rest her head on the mat whenever she's tired.. think sometimes her lips will touch it.. thus not safe for me to spray then.
Ryan's asleep? Hope he'll be well-behaved tonight and let mommy sleep well!
Morning mummies,
ryan.. can never sleep well. He woke up at least 3 times last night.. and by 6am is awake and wants to play
Yes.. Adults play Magic cards also..they have tournements all over the world..and in USA they can win up to $50000 at major competitions.
Wah, so fast its afternoon already! Waiting for bb to wake up from her nap then go shopping!

ryan needs a spanking
.. You still feed him (all 3 times) when he wakes up? Could it be more of a habit now? Can ignore him? My gal woke up crying ard 1am+ last night... was a mistake to carry her out cos her eyes even more wide opened.. so fed her water and put her back to sleep..

me getting more like country pumpkin now.. didnt know there such games in the adult world..
Hi bbga,
just brought ryan back from his swim lesson. Teacher taught him how to put his head underwater.. he wasn't frightened..so it is good.
Normally when he wakes up 12am and 3am..he is hungry..if I don't feed him than he will still make noisy non stop. however at 6am.. no point in feeding him coz he will refuse his feed .. the next feed would be around 9am then.
So next week we meet on tuesday or thursday?
Hi ruffy/cla

We make it on thurs can? Hee..cos need a break on tues, went out today and maybe tomorrow and monday also got errands to run

how many swim lessons have you sign him up for? Does it mean that at the end of the whole course ryan will be able to swim?! or is it just to let him get use to water and like the experience?

hahaha one security guard at the centrepoint said my gal not very friendly.. hahah cos she just stared at him and refused to smile at him even though he tried to tease her and chat with her. Ice queen
Hi mommies

Here's something to make for you kids to play with (I havent finished making yet to try out with my gal):

- Collect 10 core cylinders of the toilet rolls (dont know whats the proper name for that)
- Wrap them in colourful paper or cut-outs from magazine
- Find a ball abt palm size

Hope with this they can have a bowling good time!

Can also paste numbers, shapes, animals, etc to teach them next time (eg which number/shape/animal is being knocked down)

I havent try out with my gal yet so dont know if this will be interesting to her.. but she does like to play with throwing and catching ball, so hopefully she will enjoy rolling ball and falling pins.

Any other suggestions what I can do with the rolls (beside making pen holder)? I've collected some but dont know what else to do with them.
thurssday is fine with me. Ryan's swimming lesson is on saturday 3mths course for $90.. water confidence course.. On weekdays swimming is just practice with me at the pool what he learnt during the weekend. By the end he should be able to kick and use his hand to paddle. hold his breath underwater for a few seconds ...float on his back.
The toilet roll cyclinders.. what we do for Art lesson in school is to use it to make animals, picture frames.. ends of posters etc. They do sell bowling packs which cost about $5...so can save the hassle of making. I'm not that good in art ..heeh.

Attaching my baby Caeden picture on the baby contest on 22th August 2004 at kembangan cc. Baby Caeden was born on 10 March 2004...now about 5 months..Nas

Gd mrng to all mummies!

thurs is fine w me too.

brought Matthew for a swim on sat at my colleague place... he was a bit shocked n scared when i put him into the water but he din cry. after a while, he started kicking. we played for abt 15 mins. will download the pic when i am home tomorrow...
Morning mummies!

Your ryan can put his head underwater liao! That's great. Over the weekend, I tried to run some water down from my boy's head. He's not scare. I may bring him to swimming one of these days liao!

I got a highchair and walker from KP at toa payoh over the weekend. They have delivery service, but charge $15. Free delivery only for purchases above $250. The highchair is quite bulky, so have to pay for the delivery.
Afternoon mummies,

yes.. have to enter the pool with Ryan when he swims coz have to hold him or he may drown.

so we meet on thursday at Takashimaya? What time 11am/12pm?
Hi ruffy
hee.. yah I know can buy the bowling set off the shop, but since I've collected them so just wanna make something with them

Ryan can float by himself? Do you let him use float? I bought 1 pair of arm float sometimes back, not sure if that will be useful.

11am/12pm is fine with me, think gotta check with cla cos she was saying afternoon.

What kind of high chair did you buy? Is it those can convert to table and chair or just a high chair by itself? Now thinking of buying those just highchair alone cos can adjust height, whereas those table/chair one only 1 height. How much is yours? Can share if its good to use after you have tried using it? Thanks!

So you showered at your colleague's home? Using shower head or tub? My gal's godmom say can bring her to her condo swimming pool when its ready next month.. but I havent tried showering her using shower head, so dont know if any problem with it... now trying to let her get use to water over her head.

Hi Nas
Your boy looks like a big boy! Is that his prize? What did he win?
today is my work day n was busy closing a/cs.

think 11am/12pm, shd be fine. beside Taka, where else r we going?

i din shower at my colleague's place. i put him in the sink n washed him w some bath soap, then press the tap for water n splash him... think next time i shd get a small container to bath him. he is not used to hv water over his head, so i hd to be careful.
Ryan can float on his back by himself..but still must use my hand to support his head to keep it above the water level. During the swimming lessons we don't use floats.. but when I bring him swimming alone.. I sometimes let him use the float inserts that come with his swimsuit.

I think we meet at taka first then decide where to go? so.. 11.30am 1st floor.. which place?
err.. you use cold water to bathe him? reminds me of the advertisement for one brand of sink. hahaha I think I saw those inflatable bath tub somewhere.. more convenience that way than bring a container? but dont know if I remember correctly loh...

bb can really float on their own? so cute.. think if I bring my gal to swim, I also need to use float.. hahaha.. I cant swim and also got swimming pool phobia!

can we meet at the telephone booths in between taka talking pt (b1) and delifrance? can overlook to see the taka square below. Think less crowded there.. I'd want to pop by the bb fair to get bb detergent. Other than that we'll see where to go then?

cla, can PM me your hp no.? I've exchanged with ruffy liow. Just in case someone's late due to bb's feeding.
hi mommies
Do you all still wear booties for your bbs for bedtime? My gal's booties are getting tight, but if dont wear, think it will be cold cos her hands have been feeling cold these few days. How long should we continue to put them on?
morning mummies,
I stopped wearing botties and mittens for Ryan since he was 3mths. His feet will only be cold if he is directly under the aircon..otherwise he is fine. Maybe you can try socks for your girl instead. Babies have the natural tendency to float when they are relax in the water.. Ryan always looks like he is sleeping when he is floating on the water.
Okay we meet by the telephone booths at Taka on Thurday @11.30am.

These few days Ryan always turn in his sleep and get stuck in the cot..make so much noise. The cot is too small for him to sleep horizontally.. thinking of getting a normal bed for him so he can "crawl in his sleep" and don't disturb us so much.

Thinking of bringing Titus for swimming but I haven't lost all my bulges so very conscious of my figure.
He likes water cos he always looks forward to a splashing good time!

Is anyone of you, other than myseld and cla, joining in Linda's appeal in regard to the bb bonus?

I bought the 'babylove' high chair. It's a high chair by itself, adjustable height and reclining position with wheels. Cost $89.90. I think it's quite good cos my boy sits comfortably in it. The only problem is that the attached tray is too high for him now. When he sit in the high chair, his forehead will hit against the tray when he bend forward. I only let him sit in it and watch us having dinner. But he won't sit in it for long cos cannot tahan seeing others eat.

I let my boy wear socks at night when he's sleeping cos its in an air con room. Other than that, I don't let him wear mitten and booties anymore.

I don't mind joining in the appeal. How do I do that huh?
you need not be too concious.. I too haven't lost all the extra buldges.. but getting into the water will help me lose some weight also. Anway.. if anyone passes by they normally focus on the baby and "forget" the mother with the baby
Hi mummies,

any of your babies had rashes on their boby before? My boy is having some rashes on this tummy. Quite mild now, but I thought I shld do something b4 it gets worse. He's been scratching it yesterday. Do u think I can get some rash cream from pharmacy? any recommendations?
Socks seem abit tight ard her thick ankle, will have the marks from the elastic band, whereas the booties are getting smaller for her. Guess will look for those less elastic kind of socks.

I think I saw the high chair, cant remember the brand but it was $89.90. Quite like it. I saw another one at Tampines Isetan, same price but think different brand. I like the one-hand operation for the tray, it has another small tray beneath the big tray. But the height adjustment needs two-hand operation. Think KP one is opposite. Is the chair cushion cloth-material? Isetan one is removable plastic material. So you have to hold your boy when he sits? Or is the reclinition good enough to let him sit on his own?

hee.. I cant even fit into my swim wear.. and I'm not prepared to buy a new one.. I look like I'm 5mth pregnant!!! But like what ruffy said, people will focus on bb more. Plus if you are not in bikini, maybe the guys wont even look your way!
So just go and enjoy the swim with your boy!
is it heat rash? my gal kena it quite often, now using the dermaveen wash, much better, sometimes would apply the cream from pd, quite ok.
Maybe u can get soft shoes for her. They are wider at the ankle. I only let Ryan use shoes/socks if we go out at night coz he has sweaty feet. However if you are letting Rayna wear shoes must be careful they don't fall off without you noticing. Ryan has a tendancy to kick and sometimes his shoes fall off..have to constantly check his feet.

sometimes Ryan gets red patches on his forehead etc because he is hot.. however after he cools down the red mark will disappear.


socks are a bit tight for my boy too. I always fold the band of the sock so that it won't be that tight.
What u mean by one-hand operation for the tray?
The cushion is cloth. Think it's removable, so can wash. He can sit on his own when the seat is reclined to the maximum. That is provided that he is willing to lean back on the seat. When he bend forward, got to support him, otherwise he will hit his head against the tray.
Don't think it's heat rash. He used to have lots of heat rash on his neck and face. He never scratch them in the past. But this time, looks like the allergy kind of rash leh! It's right above his belly button, unlikely to b heat rash rite?
