Spree Site: 水娃娃童装
Exchange Rate: NT1 = SGD0.05
By air parcel from Taiwan. Shipping charges are shared according to weight of items.
Shipping charges are capped at $1 per 100g.
Estimated Date of Arrival:
2-3 weeks after the order has been placed at merchant, subject to re-stocking
Collection Mode:
1) Registered Mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery + $2.25)
2) Normal mail (SingPost charges + $0.50 for stationery)
3) SmartPac ($4.70 / $3.80) depending on size and weight
4) Courier via Ta-Q-Bin (depending on size, starting from $6 + $0.50 for stationery)
5) Self-collect from my place at SengKang, Anchorvale. Time is flexible but please inform me at least 3 hrs before coming. No self-collection on Sunday.
1st Payment: Total Price(NT) x 0.05
To be paid immediately after you have placed order.
As items run out of stock very fast, you are encouraged to make your 1st payment as soon as possible. After 1st payment, your items shall be reserved. No changes in size or color or cancellation are allowed.
2nd Payment: International shipping charges according to weight of items ordered + Local Postage/Courier (if any)
To be paid when goods arrive in Singapore, before collection or posting out
Payment shall be made to either one of the following accounts:
1) POSB Savings Account 126-27681-8
2) OCBC Plus! Savings Account 583-164702-001
3) UOB Uniplus 420-378-211-4
After each payment is made, please either post / email / PM me the bank, transferred amount, transaction reference and the Date and time of transfer.
Terms and Conditions:
1) I shall not be responsible for any mistake made in your order.
2) I shall not be responsible if the spree site send the wrong item/colour/defective goods. Goods are not exchangeable and not refundable.
3) I shall not be responsible for any shipment delay.
4) I shall not be responsible for any lost / damage mail by SingPost or Courier.
5) I shall not be responsible if items get confiscated / delayed at the customs.
6) I shall not be responsible if the quality of goods is not up to your expectation.
7) I shall not be responsible if the spree site has provided the wrong measurements for their products. Please allow 2-3 cm discrepancies of measurements given by the spree site.
8) I shall reserve my rights to cancel the spree if there is not enough response.
9) I shall refund buyers for any OOS items encountered during ordering or during cancellation of spree.
10) No changes to order is allowed after order has been placed with the spree site.
You can either post on this thread, PM or email me at
[email protected]
Order Format:
Email: [You may PM or email me]
Collection Method: Normal/Registered/SmartPac/Courier/Self-Collect
Item URL:
Item Name:
Item Number:
Size (if any):
Alternative color/size if OOS:
Item #2.....
1st Payment (SGD): Total Price (NT) X 0.05