Search results

  1. cherishbebe

    Breast Pump Recommendations?

    I have s1 and 9plus. S1 is bulky but strong suction and good for exclusive pumping. 9plus is gentle suction and very light. Good to bring along.
  2. cherishbebe

    Which carrier for breastfeeding on the go

    I nurse my 11mo in ergobaby but I still use nursing cover as he gets distracted easily.
  3. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Maybe you on the aircon with higher degree or leave a gap of door open..
  4. cherishbebe

    Looking for Spectra S1

    I have 1 to let go. used from 8 june 2015. Bought $379, selling at $300.
  5. cherishbebe

    WTB : Spectra S1

    I have a 2 week old s1 set to let go. Bought at $379 with local warranty from spectra singapore. Letting go at $250. Pm me if keen.
  6. cherishbebe

    Gynae cost and packages

    He was assigned as my Gynae when I was subsided patient. Good and nice Gynae but I switched to private as I prefer female Gynae. Cannot comment on his stitching skills
  7. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I got nuk disposable panties..
  8. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    My Gynae also seeing me in week 33 then 1 more in week 37 and induce.
  9. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Dr jocelyn wong from acj is not available from 10 jun to 23 june too..
  10. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Waterbag burst is more like a pool of hot water rushing out..
  11. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    I aim for 2.6kg to 3kg for easy delivery. But since I am giving birth 3 weeks before my due date, I need to eat more for baby gain.
  12. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    We have the same edd... what is your baby weight?
  13. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Have warranty?
  14. cherishbebe

    small bright spot seen in the baby’s heart on anultrasound exam

    I had bright spot in the fetal liver, but blood test and ds test is ok... so I did another detailed scan in another week, the bright spot became smaller.
  15. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    The weather is so warm, I am thinking how to survive during confinement...
  16. cherishbebe

    (2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

    Your hubby cannot represent you and baby?
  17. cherishbebe

    What is the confinement nanny rate for 2015?

    I booked 1 thru confinement the rate is around 2.5k. Due in June, will comment after trying out.
