Search results

  1. M

    WTS: Mustella Diaper Cream 50ml

    I have overstocked on the cream during my recent holiday to Europe. Selling some of my loots cheap. All are brand new tubes in 50ml. Expiry date in 2019. Selling at $6/tube or $15 for 3 tubes
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    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi, there's a Green Monday sale for today 8 Dec only. Not sure if you are able to consolidate enough to place order by today. If so, I would like to tag on the following: $5.83...
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    Amazon free shipping spree at punggol, amk, tampines @ rabbitbaby @

    Hi, there's a Green Monday sale for today 8 Dec only. Not sure if you are able to consolidate enough to place order by today. If so, I would like to tag on the following: $5.83...
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    LeSportsac Spree <monkie>

    Hi, pls include my order. Collection: Buangkok Item: 7891 EveryGirl Tote Url : Color: Glam Gold Quantity : 1 Price in US$: 88 Alternative if OOS: $88 x 1.3 x 0.55 = $62.92 To Account POSB Savings 093-49819-4 monkie_junetns...
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    Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

    Hi Dreamz, can you give me an estimate on the shipping for these? TIA!;m=ATVPDKIKX0DER;m=A2T82LPZDA08T9...
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    WTB - Beco BB Carrier

    I have a Beco butterfly in carnival design. PM for pics if interested.
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    WTB Fisher price laugh and learn series, Rainforest series, precious planet series

    I have the laugh and learn caterpillar and vacuum cleaner. Also have the learning home but sound not working so selling cheaply. PM for pics if you are interested.
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    &&& FANCL Deluxe Tense Up &&&

    Are you open to exchange with local postage stamps?
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    Hi mummies, I had bad experience with 3 maids 2 years bad and didn't have one since. Now that I have 2 kids we've decided to have a maid again. I just got an ex-sin Indonesian maid who had worked here for 3 years before she went home. My main priority is for her to help with housework and some...
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Playdate on 9 Aug 2011 - SN (AM/PM - Indoor) - babygi (AM/PM - indoor) - Michelle (AM - Indoor) - Evejol (AM/PM - Indoor/Outdoor) - lilstarz (AM/PM - indoor / outdoor) - Impulse41 (AM/PM - indoor / outdoor) - Mrs Teo (AM - outdoor) - Pinnky (AM/PM - indoor/outdoor) -...
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Michelle and the other mummies in the organising committee, thanks for the great party yesterday. And thanks mummies for voting for us, was a nice surprise [IMG=] Didn't take much photos yesterday so please share yours on FB. Thanks!
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Lucasmummy, can Meagan and I come too? But I can only confirm on Thursday cos' I'm busy packing for house move. Would very much like a breather though [IMG=]
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    Mummies in Pasir Ris

    Hi peachsorbet, thanks for sharing. Which kindergarden is your little one attending now? If I'm not wrong kindergardens do not offer full day program right?
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    Mummies in Pasir Ris

    Hi YK, thanks for the welcome! CD Punggol only offers school bus within the Sengkang and Punggol area so school bus is not an option. I'm actually considering the schools at the Pasir Ris Beach area but not sure which is good as I've not heard about them before except for Character Montessori.
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    Mummies in Pasir Ris

    Hi mummies, would like to join this thread cos' I'm moving to Pasir Ris, Elias area this Sep/Oct. I've 2 kids, a 3.5yr boy and a 8 month old girl. Would like to ask for recommendation on a good childcare in the area. My boy is currently with Carpe Diem Punggol so he's very used to school with...
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Luckyone, oh I see. Yup, I've heard of Dr Xia Rong but her waiting time quite long, need to book months ahead. The western pediatrician at Elias Mall good? I'm going to move near there later this year.
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Wah so happening here... bb-bao, congrats! Luckyone, can share more about the chinese doctor at Elias Mall? Is it a chinese physician? My elder onw keeps having cough with phlegm and western medicine doesn't seem to help much.
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    SN, very sorry I think I need to pass up my slot cos just realised that I have something on. Any mummies interested to take ovet my slot for the BJG trial on 9 Jan?
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    (2010/05) May 2010 mtb

    Information on the BJG trial at Thomson Branch below, please select the timings: Please find below the trial class schedule for Crawler 1. 1) 8 Jan 2011 Saturday 2.30pm - 3.30pm (3 slots) -babyqi, Michelle 2) 9 Jan 2011 Sunday 11.30am - 12.30pm (4 slots) - SN, lucasmummy...
