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  1. C

    (2017/02/02) CLEARANCE LATEST DESIGN PJS 2-12T / DRESSES @$4/ SINGLET SETS @$2/$3!!

    Hi Interestedin GPJ086 - 3T $6 GPJ101 - 3T $6 GPJ 135 -5T GPJ134- 5T BC026-9T BC016-9T Gpj123 - 4T Pls advise cost for registered Thanks
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    Birthday Cake pics to share

    Hi Mummies I am looking for Disney Princess cake anyone looking to let go of their used ones? or any ideas as to where I can buy them other than online? (this is abit last minute) Thanks so much
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo heee..nvm..we meet up next time on weekends..think once autumn kicks in, we should go on another family least not so hot. Maybe this time we go Point Walter for BBQ?
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi ladies it has been a while since I logged in. Life in Perth is good so far .It is so hot now though..Today it is 40 degrees...can melt . SY : oh..if it is a short trip, think you can get those holiday apartments. I think they have short term leases ..but they are a little pricey...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Mummies Its been a while since the last update. I am living in Perth now. So far so good, now SAHM coz of my girl. but will start looking to work next year. life is is not bad..slow paced. Have settled in and made friends. Meet up with Mngo quite often @ church and see Hidora n Ozzie...
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    Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?

    hi amber Yes, eating out in Perth can be pricey especially if you go for those Cafes/Restaurants. Ryatie is right, you could just cook. the supermarkets stock alot of ready-to cook stuff such as premarinated meats you just need to dump in the oven and grill. If you not staying in...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Mngo Congrats! Glad to know that Dec got a place in school liao. I still have not heard about my girl's place. Think chances are low. Apparently only 40 vacancies per intake.
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    Mummies in Australia?

    hi Happy belated Mummies Day to all! Mngo: I love Indian food, you can get rather good indian food at the food court in Carousal. This is a franchise indian stall, but the food is good and quite authentic. Hen, Ozzie, ryatie : Our parents can come visit in Aus, think most of them will...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Wow, education seems like the hot topic now .. Personally, i prefer the Aus system. IMHO, afterall an Aus cert and SG cert is the same, when we come out to work, it is the person's character that matters and this is where i find the greatest disparity. We are taught to conform to certain...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi mummies just got back frm Perth. Met up with Hidora and Ozzie..had a nice time chatting and shopping with them. Settled lots of stuff during my trip...esp about house and car. Will be going back again in May..this time more permanatly i hope. wow, we have 2 grps of mummies..the...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hen : I have been busy arranging my move. Spoke to my Forwarder and he advised that we bring branded Electronics and Furniture as it is cheaper here. I did some research online such as and realised that Korean brands are ok priced, but problem is exchange rate lor. So may be...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Ryatie Working hours will depend on the job and how much u want to earn. Those who do Fly in Fly out or work in the bush (Karratha , Sale etc) can earn alot (6 figure salary a year) easily , but they work in tough conditions . Those who work office/factory job , have more normal hours and...
  13. C

    Mummies in Australia?

    Hello Mummies CNY just few days busy preparing. Just celebrated my girl's 1st birthday too. Well, we have finally set a date for the move.My HB will be starting work in Perth in Mar, so we will be going then. Been so busy organising my new house there through the phone...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    ozziemummie: congrats! how exciting for you! Take care of yourself!
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    Mummies in Australia?

    ozzie not yet. I still watching carefully, the stock market is madness and next few days will be volotile. The USD shot up alot suddently too. R you still buying AUD? heard the property mkt in perth has softened abit..maybe by end of the year, the property prices may become more bearable...
  16. C

    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi mummies The meetup was nice. We had a good time yakking away .. ozzie: ya..this year going to be a tough year for the world economies lor. Cash is king. I am still watching the AUD like a hawk. haha... Hidora: no worries, hopefully things better for you now. I lost my phone few...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    hi ladies I think we jus wait at the station control. and call Mngo when there. Another way is to carry red rose lor..heehee Looking forward to meeting all of you
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Yup,our meeting confirmed . We meet @ City Hall MRT @ 7pm. Please PM Mngo your HP number So far, the confirmed list of those going are 1) Mngo 2) Sunnygirl 3) Ms Piggy 4) Hidora 5) Hentang 6) Ryatie( confirmed??) Did I miss anyone out? If so , pls add in your name to the list.
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    Mummies in Australia?

    hi ladies! Ozzie: u in Perth!! hope u settling in well. yes i think u shld apply citizenship or else very difficult once u pass that critical deadline. I read that Perth house prices have dropped abit, so think u can consider looking for a permanant place liao
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Mummies Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!. The New Year will be so exciting for many of us as it will really be a new start and new life! ozzie: u trying for citizenship? Mus apply before 30June 2010. so do plan ur timing properly and muz do the test before application.
