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    www.iherb.com_10% off_Free Shipping_Clementi & Jurong Point

    hi, balance of $1.03 just transferred. ref: 7426506994
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    www.iherb.com_10% off_Free Shipping_Clementi & Jurong Point

    Hi alison, just transferred. ref: 7409320582
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    www.iherb.com_10% off_Free Shipping_Clementi & Jurong Point

    Hi Alison, my orders are: 1. Childlife, Liquid Vitamin C, Orange Flavor, 4 fl oz (118.5 ml) Qty: 4 bottles for $23.83 2. Childlife, Probiotics Plus Colostrum, Mixed Berry Flavor, 90 Chewable...
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    Thank you Kim for the update and sharing.
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    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi, I would like to order 1 jar. Will transfer amt in the afternoon.
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    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    can this be applied onto the face? will it be too oily? is this to be applied for daily maintenance, or only when there's ezcema flare-up?
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    Experience Sharing - Kinderland

    hi aigeemum, i'm also looking at kinderland singapore poly or West coast. you're not available for PM. can PM me pls, for the sharing of your experience? Many thanks.
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    Glenn Doman Flash Cards Vs Shicida Method

    Hi lilboymum, thanks for your info on GD. I'm a blur mum, starting on the DIY material preparation, and reading about GD. You mentioned about pictures. Do you show the word, and then its picture in 1 set? I thought GD is about words only. will be grateful for your advice.
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    Hi miracle bebe -carrot juice - thank u, gonna try it. Hi dzaemin, thank u for the link - have bkmarked it. It's a battle with ezcema and sometimes it really gets me down. plus dh also has ezcema. A colleague told me that although the skin looks ok, no flare-up, but it's actually very dry, and...
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    Thanks miracle bebe What juices can one-year old take? so far I only fed my girl apple juice..
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    Hi sandwich, where do you get 'softminus touch'?
