Thanks Bewildered and 2ww.
I went to TCM last week....she confirmed that I'm not pregnant...but tis few days, i feel pukey when i eat.
btw, what is FSH stage and any gd gynae to recommend?
Hi babysee,
my mense also very irregular de...after charting bbt for 5 mths...i give up...n stop charting this mth...cos i duno how 2 read...showed my gynae...she also din mentioned anything...*sigh*
morning ladies!
JJJ, u miss mi ah..?? =P
I'm on course for 2 days...n yet so many posts ley...
mi no luck ley....2day CD3 liao...*sigh*
MdmKhoo, Jia You ley...i want grab babydust from u...kekkekeke