Search results

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    Wtb Wink shape wear - almost new size s or M

    Up wtb wink shapewear post natal
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    Wtb Wink shape wear - almost new size s or M

    Pls pm me thanks
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    Mayuki(Tokyo Fashion) Fast Spree - Waiwai

    Hi, i've sent u pm of revised orders and the transaction number of payment made
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    Mayuki(Tokyo Fashion) Fast Spree - Waiwai

    Hi, these are my orders Item #1 Item number: 3014348 Item name蝴蝶結點點V領針織外套 紅色 F url: Colour: 紅色 Size: F Quantity: 1 Price: 320 Drop if oos Item#2 Item number:3014303 鬆緊捲邊寬鬆牛仔哈倫褲 深藍 F Url...
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    WTB LG or Parklon playmat L Size

    Looking for LG/Parklon playmat L SIZE. Please PM me with pics, dimensions, condition, location & best price.
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    WTB LG or Parklon playmat L Size

    Hi looking for an affordable LG or parklon playmat L size. Pls include details thanks.
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    (2013/10) October 2013

    Can add me too on FB pls? Edd:oct 5 Dr. June T. At KKH [email protected]. Thank you
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    (2013/09) September 2013

    Yan yan, pls add me to the fb group. My email is [email protected]. I sent you an fb message too. My surname is Chan.
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    (2013/09) September 2013

    @Ann, get the smaller basic items like bottles, breast pump if you really want to buy. I bought my #1stroller at taka because it was cheaper compared to other baby fairs accdg to the staff at baby kingdom or was it baby hypermart. You might get a lot of hand me downs or pressie for your baby...
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    (2013/09) September 2013

    Joining you ladies for sept. ;) had the first scan recently. Hope all is well. Was prescribed progesterone to stabilize pregnancy. Anyone still experiencing nausea? Mine still goes on and off.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Ggchua, i also went thru terrible nausea during number 1's time. It felt like it was whole day sickness and not just morning sickness. I realized that if i keep on eating small meals, it helps. The moment i get too hungry, i vomit..even at night or ealy morning. Hope yours will get better...
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Babymilo, be strong and take extra care of yourself k?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    I had no idea fibroids can be harmful for the foetus .
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Windy, sorry to hear that. Do take good care of yourself
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    My p test came out with faint lines, also getting the usual symptoms. But been having some discomfort down there.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    -trouble with the law-
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    @shirelle, maybe you can teach your helper to answer 'i'll first have to ask ma'am.' Then you can tell your relatives that you dont want to get into trouble by the law and that you dont want to lose your maid in case she or her friends complain about to mom.
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Joining you ladies! Is anyone seeing a doc in kk? My previous obgny left. Any recommendations? Preferably female
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    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Happyhippo, my freestle is fro US and is working fine in Sg.
