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  1. B

    Advice to Parents whose children are going to Pri 1

    Apologies to augustmum! The accolades were meant for you haha. I too have sacrificed my job for my kids. Too tired to be anywhere close to being fun and creative otherwise. Catharine, hang in there. Know moms who did not do anything until P1 then struggled to supervise and teach and still did...
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    Advice to Parents whose children are going to Pri 1

    Hi Catherine, Good job! Your son owes you big time. Big sacrifice on your part though, but no doubt worth it. I am somewhat like you as in I'm the one who teach my kids to read and write. If I had left it just to school, dont think they would have gotten too far. ;P But started...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hello, Anyone knows good swim coach willing to travel to Balestier condo pse? Need one urgently.
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi Koala, Just call up the sch and ask? Or check MOE website. My kid is also more physical so i put him in swimming. Thinking of wushu next year. He has been taking piano for almost 2 years but I dont intend for him to continue. Dont want to go through enrichment activity exams wif him! As...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi Koala, Ch is first lang in all these SEED schools uptil pri 4/5. After which, you can opt to take PSLE Ch Higher or regular Chinese. My son's word recognition is ok. Expressive could be a lot better, but ours is more an English speaking environment. Trying to help. Classes at Hua...
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    B{TINGKAT dinner..which caterer is good?}

    Hi, anyone have tried chu yi kitchen catering ? Is it nice ?? Yes, am interested to know abt Chu Yi too. Like their website. Seems that you can customise your order conveniently online.
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    All Chinese as First Lang? Next time can trade Higher Ch test papers haha! ;P
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    <b><IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>201

    Ya must teach kid to wipe his own backside if not already doing so. As for buying food, am expecting a few laughs. My friend told me her P1 kid brought a dollar to school and a dollar home. But insisted he bought something to eat. Another time he overpaid hee hee.
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hello, Wonder how everyone has been? Have registered my kid successfully at Pei Chun (dad is alumnus). How abt you guys?
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    <b><IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>201

    Hi Krn Krn, I was from St. Anthony's but now that it has moved to Bedok, putting my kids there not an option for me. For info, it's affiliated to SAC Sec. There is a sis primary sch -- Canossa Convent.
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    <b><IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>201

    Hello Hazel, You can send me a private mssg with your email address so that i can contact you on FB. Your acct does not seem to allow PMs. Nice to make a new friend. There is still half a year to go to prepare your child. Talk positive to your kid and make him feel excited (but not...
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    <b><IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>201

    Hi Hazel, My son is going to Pei Chun. We registered under 2A(1).
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    I give the boy fish oil. Chinese books I cannot handle haha.
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi Hong, He will mutter "But... what" (emphasis on "what" in Singlish way =P). Flick his spoon coz we force him to finish last mouthful (oops!) There are other examples, but at this point, seem not to be able to recall... Also throw toy on floor if ask him to stop play for bedtime. You're...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Dear all, Let me share with you the irony of it all. Yesterday after i posted my nice positive mssg, found myself texting to hubby: "So so mad with (son). The minute you are nice to him, he starts his nonsense again. What with sticking my keys in soap, and talking back." =P Boy does such...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Think Hong's method sounds sensible. Must know how to hong3 (haha excuse the pun, "coax") kids. Like for my son, his swimming lesson is only 45 min, piano only 30 min. Does not mean more is better. Or another example, if teaching subtraction, i tell him to imagine all the numbers lining up, so...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hello, Hv started a new blog. Latest post is on this sticker chart that i hv to modify DS' negative behaviour. You can pong chan (cantonese for helping) by following me at Honestly i agree that my DS gives me daily headaches too. But like i always say, have...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi mummies, Definitely identify with your problems. On shouting, yelling... I never knew I cud b so crazy a woman until i had kids, haha ;P. Just take the last weekend for example - Trigger points: Shredding tissue into dozens of little bits for fun in car backseat, melting down coz did not...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    B2B3M4, Hv to say i agree wif u, but like A's dad said, try to look on bright side and create our own happiness Spelling is starting again in K2, this time, the list of words are tougher phonetically, sigh. Dis year is the last year to take them out of school, like you say, at a whim...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Sorry I wasnt there at the gathering. Erhm, trip to Penang fell through (overpriced air tickets coz peak period), and i cudnt peel my b*tt off the couch to pop up on this forum. (Lame, lame) Also bit tired out from our vacation in Beijing. Will hv to meet up the next time... Anyway, happy new...
