Search results

  1. B

    gymbuck redemption #117 (40% off new orders) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, below are the orders using Gymbucks. Bermuda Shorts Item #140164503 Colour: White $9.59 Size: 12 Paisley Shorts Item #140168888 $13.59 Size: 12 Thanks!
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Hi Angela, couldn't resist:) Shimmer stripe flippy skirt $14.99 Size: L Print split neck dress $14.99 Size: L $29.98 x 0.6 x $1.45 =$26.08 Thank you!
  3. B

    crazy8 #51(closing down sale) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, Please help me with these orders:) Embroidered Stripe Dress Size: L Price: $8 Twill Shorts...
  4. B

    gymboree #116 (tees from $3.20, shorts from $4 + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, Ignore the above. Pl help me with these orders. Thank you! Zebra Tank Item #140167675 Size: 10 $10.99 Sunny Love Tank Item #140170504 Size: 10 $6.99
  5. B

    gymboree #116 (tees from $3.20, shorts from $4 + 20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, Pl help me with these orders. Thank you! Zebra Tank Item #140167675 Size: 10 $10.99 Sunny Love Tank Item #140170504 Size: 10 $6.99 Bermuda Shorts Item...
  6. B

    Children's Place #63: (entire site 50%-70% off, concierge fees 5%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, Extra orders if have 40%:) Girls Solid Capri Jeans End of Product Name Item #: 2075687_1275 Colour: ICELANDIC Price: $14.98 Size: Regular 12
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    Children's Place #63: (entire site 50%-70% off, concierge fees 5%) - raffles/sembawang

    Girls Sleeveless Embellished Graphic Side-Fringe Tank Top End of Product Name Item #: 2075840_1128 Color: SIMPLYWHT Size: L10/12...
  8. B

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Down belted parka Color: olive/green $108 Size: L (REGULAR) Angela help me to order if have further discount. Thanks!
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Girls Skinny Jeans $19.94 Size 10 Relaxed V-Neck Tee for Girls $10.94 colour; CREME DE LA CREME size: L Relaxed V-Neck Tee for Girls $10.94...
  10. B

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Hi Angela, if the below have 50% discount, can you help me to order? Thank you! Lilac Jeggings for Girls $26.94 Size 10 Dark-Wash Jeggings for Girls $24.94 Size 10...
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    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Cuffed Light-Wash Denim Capris For Girls Size: 10 Amount $12 Cuffed Light-Wash Denim Capris For Girls Size: 12 Amount $12 Thanks Angela! 2 identical...
  12. B

    gymboree redemption #109(new orders @ 40%) - raffles/sembawang

    Amt in USD : USD$41.54 - Gymbucks $19.99 = USD$21.55 International STANDARD Shipping : USD44 / 200 x USD$21.55 = USD$4.74 Total in SGD = USD$ 26.29 x 1.42 = SGD$37.33 Will transfer shortly.
  13. B

    gymboree redemption #109(new orders @ 40%) - raffles/sembawang Size: 3 Price: $29.56 Size: 10 Price: $6.39 Size 10 Price: $5.59 Thanks Angela!
  14. B

    Gap (extra 50% off sale) /ON (extra 40% on everything)

    Hi Angela! Print mix-fabric tank dress $19.99 Size: S $19.99 x 0.6 x 1.42 = $17.03
  15. B

    gymboree #108 (Entire site $12.99 & under+20%) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, Long time no order.... below are my orders. Many thanks! Tiered Sundress Item #140154351 Size: 8 $12.99 Cute As A Bug Tee Item #140149898 Size: 8...
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    gymbuck redemption #101(new orders @20% off) - raffles/sembawang

    Neon Dot Sundress Size: 10 Price: $12.99 Striped Sundress...
  17. B

    gymbuck redemption #101(new orders @20% off) - raffles/sembawang

    Transferred $76.34. ref number: 15087257056 Thanks Angela!
  18. B

    Gymboree #100 (40% off+20%, bucks) - raffles/sembawang

    Hi Angela, since last item OOS, the calculation is as follows:) Amt in USD : US36.16 x 0.80 = USD28.93 International STANDARD Shipping : USD44 / 200 x USD28.93 = USD6.37 Total in SGD = (USD35.3) x 1.40 = SGD49.42
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    gymbuck redemption #101(new orders @20% off) - raffles/sembawang

    Gymbucks redemption Wave Print Dress Size: 8 Colour: Tangerine Wave price: $6.99...
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    Gymboree #100 (40% off+20%, bucks) - raffles/sembawang

    Item 1 Metallic Bow Sandals COLOR: Metallic Pink Size : 13 Price $13 Item 2 Palm Trees Tee...
