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  1. L

    Any mummies having back pain after epidural anasthesia during delivery?

    I have backache too, but I believe it's not caused by epidural. I think it's because of my bad posture & always carry baby. I discussed this issue with my yoga coach, she helps to do back massage & teach me some posture to "relax my back muscle". I also try to maintain a good posture...
  2. L

    Any Mummies going to try for 2011 babies

    Hi Carebear, if you start to "plan" for baby, better stop the bai feng yuan, coz it's contraindicated for pregnancy! It's good to take folic acid even before conceive. I took prenatal multiviatmin (Obimin - contains folic acid & Vit B complex) before I conceived my 1st one. I read an...
  3. L

    4 mth old baby waking in middle of night.

    Hi J Lim, my baby is going to 8 months next wk, & she still wakes every night... not for milk but she just simply wanna play! Just like ur boy, she can wakes up to 10x/nite! I'm seriuosly considering Ferber's method, but still in dilemma as I think it's pity to see her cries... she's always...
  4. L

    Any Mummies going to try for 2011 babies

    Hi! I'm planning for 2nd one in 2011. Hopefully will get a rabbit baby! All d best to all of us okie? ;)
