Hi Jan 15 mummies!
I'm super late in joining this thread! But better late than never! Our babies are all already about 3 months old! Time really flies!
Anyway would love to get to know more Jan 15 mummies! Can the admin please add me in FB?
My email is : [email protected]
Any other info...
Hi everyone,
Haven't posted in here for a very long time! Please help to add me to the oct group fb.
Age: 31
BB#: 1
Hospital: Gleneagles
Gynae: Dr Chan Kong Hon
EDD: 16 Oct 2012
Gender: Girl
Email address: [email protected]
Fb name: Christine Tiong
Coco Pops>> Your right... it's really in God's hands now...If it's meant to be it's meant to be...this time was really a surprise.. cos we told ourselves that we will not try anymore...then got bfp on V day... was so happy but pretty scared at the same time...
Cocopops > yup hope this time the beanie sticks!
kikilala> oh ok.. ya was thinking about 8 weeks too.. hope can tahan..
haha.. quite kan cheong but the last experience in Nov still quite traumatising....so i'm also scared to go doc..
Hello all,
Been a silent reader for a while..
Coco_pops /Spaahkles - I also had the same experience! Now with my 2nd pregnancy too.. EDD is tentatively 18 Oct. Also deliberating when to see doc cos last time went 6 weeks couldn't see anything and finally d&c at 7 weeks.. was a blighted...
Fiona >> Wow congrats!!!
To all the MTB >> AF came this morning.. haiz.. had such high hopes for this cycle.. Anyway hope to join the Oct 10 thread ...
All the best to all of you here!
Happy New Year!
Morning Ladies!!!
ehlana >> same here! This time it's really sore and super full. My hubby also said it looks bigger... lolz...
Pinkyluv >> Haha.. tx.. my frens same age as me already have 2 kids..even tho we got married the same year...I'm also tempted to go do my hair.. ke...