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  1. Z

    (2013/06) June 2013

    hi, im delivering my 2nd child in a few days. pls add me to the FB group, thanks! [email protected]
  2. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    ty, i think u shld bring him to another place to cut his hair.. same thing happened to my bro when he was younger and he wails before cutting his hair right up to K2! whatsapp me too [IMG=]
  3. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Joelle, meaning the GUG bilingual class for sat is the timings stated above? But my boy cannt sit still type leh.. Scared waste time.. My nephew went to GUG n cos he keeps walking about my sil pulled him out..
  4. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    xx, my sch no such thing.. 1/2 or 2/3 also stay for remedial and stuff. just offload non-core.. so it's bo hua to do it.. i did consider it before but my colleagues advised me against it.. zoie, my sup classes ends at 3.30 minimum! nt including waiting for those who owes me hw.. 5pm is a big...
  5. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Friends, I alr paid for CC, Dec 2011 intake.. cant wait to put him in cc so that i dont hv to shuffle him between both parents throughout the wk.. it's v tiring for us.. workload is nw crazy! xx, how to get off sch at 2.30? adjunct? feel so guilty that im nt spending enough time w my...
  6. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hope, if u dont give him milk and pat him does he go back to sleep? nd to take some time to train.. jiayou [IMG=] btw i just give stage 3 straight away..
  7. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Jojo how is Ryan now? For me I rather let him walk or crawl ard cos it's safer.. When he hear that I'm filling his tub he'll auto come to the bathrm to wait
  8. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Bebe, I booked w cyan leh.. Luckily I gt my deals n refund of uss tix after chasing persistently for a wk! Heng ah!
  9. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Eeeeeee... That's so yucky!
  10. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hope, do consider carefully k.. Hugs.. Zoie, i feel like taking npl too.. Haiz.. Feel that im missing out so much on hao'en's dev.. Yesterday I pried him away frm the kiddy ride and he refuse to hold my hand while walking and went to hug my hubby's leg to get him to carry...
  11. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Ty, will sx outgrow the allergy or is it for life? Poor thing leh.. Nd to b careful what he eats alr... Jenn, what a bu zi dong parent! Is didi better?
  12. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    nx tues i nd to go back to sch alr.... [IMG=]
  13. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    hope, we can all sit in the ball pit together!! hahahah Im thinking of Pat's schoolhouse d'story club for my boy after his kindermusik ends.. any comments on this?
  14. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    xx/yaozi, his is navy.. nt as thick but i think frm the description cannt be steamed properly.. since he's the one doing the ironing i just get him to consider on his own la.. hope, i can bring my ball pit and 300 balls to fill up ur living rm! both days shld b fine for me for nw.. just...
  15. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Xx/yaozi thanks I'll try to go down to some departmental store to see if there's any demonstration before we get one.. Don't want it to end up like a white elephant too.. Cos my hubby's uniform quite thick.. Bb feet.. Ya I think my boy's feet grows at an alarming rate! He can't wear his...
  16. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    yaozi, so the one u hv is just for touching up? i went to the phillips showrm and they also showed me one for touching up...
  17. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Jenn, ok! Ty, my lazy hubby wants those type that can steam shirts as well cos he's the one doing all the ironing.. haha
  18. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    sheryl, get well soon! saw the photo on fb.. it must be extremely itchy! any mummies using those standing steam irons like novita or something? i nd to get a new iron and looking for something easy to use, without the ironing board..
  19. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    thanks tresher/bebe/mezzo/zoie, my boy still refuses food, drink, milk.. really nd to trick him into eating/drinking.. i brought him to gp and he can only conclude lost of appetite due to fever. flu and phlegm is developing so maybe that why it's v xin ku for him.. we tried everything we can...
  20. Z

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    zoie, i didnt know abt the MC part.. so we didnt take one when we went to the PD on thurs night.. nvm ba.. what is the electrolyte you are mentioning? he's still refusing food and drinks, but luckily fever is nw low-grade.. abt 37.5...
