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  1. R

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Hi Jolyn, I have corresponded with you before. :) Had 2 miscarriages which I arranged a chao du previously and managed to deliver a pretty girl last year. She's turning 1 soon. My girl had a mini accident in infant care yesterday. I can't help but wonder if I should be doing a chao du every...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> I'm not sure leh. I wasn't even aware that 3D scan is included until the last visit. But haven't even managed to do a proper 3D scan cos the last round baby was covering herself. I can check with Dr Chua later! :p
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">ming</font> I'm 28 weeks le, past few weeks, I feel that tummy getting heavier and heavier, turning is getting more challenging. Even getting up as well. Every position seems to squash the baby somehow haha.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> Dr Chua relocating? To where? I dunno leh haha, maybe cos my last checkup was 1 month ago le! I'm also going for hightea next week, I can keep you updated on my 28 week checkup cos it's on thur. :p
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> Yap, lucky inherit daddy's legs. I'm 1.58 and I put on 3kg for my 24 week scan lor. But Dr Chua say cos I lost weight the last time, maybe I'm catching up. Haha. I also eat out most of the time, only homecook food by my mum once or twice a week. I think...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May &amp; Esther</font> For me, I know everything is going on track, except that the legs are longer than average. So the abdominal circumference should not be bigger? My 28 week appt is next week! Hopefully everything is still on track!
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> My baby was 742g at 24 weeks. Dr Chua never say my baby is fat leh hahah. She was actually ok, until I asked her about my weight gain of 3Kg! Hahah <font color="0077aa">Esther</font> 743g is bigger than average?? I'm really surprised! Haha, cos my gynae...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> Seems like the Aug class is full le. They are putting me on KIV list if not, I have to mix and join some Aug or some Sep classes. Haha, I guess maybe eventually I will probably not go for the classes le.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> Oh, delivery got $100 off ah. I was trying to look for the perks of the card. Hahaha, yeah, we will be in the same class.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi May, i should be going for the aug weekend class as well. Did you get the ladies card? Is it worth getting?
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">May</font> I think it's normal. During 20th Week my baby was 311g. I think by 28 weeks will be around 1kg le I hope.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    I just went for my 24 week check yesterday. Baby is 742g! :p
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">Mayday_80</font> How was the Mt A Hospital Tour? Is it done on a 1 to 1 basis on in a group? What did they show you? I'm still thinking if I should go for the tour, not sure if it's useful. Haha
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">baby_jo</font> Nowadays I don't feel cramping, more like pressure in vagina too. And achy-ness.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">sharon</font> Motion sickness? Hmm, could be. I realised it only happens when I take NEL line. hahaha <font color="0077aa">Wenty</font> Looks like happening to a lot of mummies. I see my friends all so smooth sailing, wondering why I so kor mia. hahha Btw, did you did...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi Mummies, is it normal for morning sickness/nausea to come back in the 23rd week? I keep having fainting spells in the train, threw up last week, and yesterday it happened again. Can't sleep well at night too.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">Meredith</font> Thanks babe! That's very helpful. If it's unpaid, then no point taking for me. Hahah. Anyone familiar with Ameda breast pumps? I was planning to get Medela, then I read that Ameda is good too, for those below C cup :p And it's cheaper than Medela.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Can anyone explain to me what's the difference between unpaid infant care leave and childcare leave other than the age difference of the kid? For Paid Childcare leave, I notice that the govt subsidised the employer for the 1st 3 days. So, for unpaid infant care leave, does it mean that...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    <font color="0077aa">agaga</font> I did at Mt E, about 15 mins only. But my scan costs was included in my gynae's package, so not sure how much it costs.
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Thanks all for the info on maternity pads. I didn't realise Guardian and Watsons sell these! I'm looking forward to Motherhood fair this week, most likely going down on Sat morning. There's a breastfeeding talk by TMC on Sun though, I'm interested but will likely give it a miss. <font...
