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  1. W

    WTB: Micro Chargers Tracks

    Looking for Micro Chargers Tracks. Prefer to trade in North area. Reply here or whatsapp me at Thanks.
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    WTB: Lego Roads and Railway Tracks

    Hi all, I'm looking for road base for Lego: Also looking for the Railway Tracks for Lego: Please contact me at with your quantity, condition and price. Thanks.
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    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    ChiyoJade, For our son, we just let him sit onto the potty initially, whether it's pooping or peeing. Doesn't have to make him stand and pee like a 'man' yet since that stage would come only later on. The focus at this point would be to let him understand and respond to the cue of...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Chumint, Yes we are glad the party turned out nicely, with the kids enjoying themselves with those toys at the play area. And yes, it's at our place. ^^ The blowing out of the candles wasn't the difficult part; it was the lighting up. Luckily I got another pair of hands to help me with...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Good morning ladies, Haven't been posting here lately but I would like to share the joy of celebrating Darius' birthday ytd (though his birthday will be on Wed):
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    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Hi Sam, I'm WaveSurfer from the July 2008 thread, and thanks for sharing our Baby of Love blog with the other mummies here. ^^ sunnyduck, Glad you found our experiences with our son Darius helpful. To think he would be 1 year old when the mummies here give birth to their children. How time...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Congrats smiggle for your new job. ^^ I'm still waiting to go for more interviews...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Chumint, Hope Hao Ran will recover soon. A lot of viruses going around... Anyway wish to share this blog with you mummies: Charmaine is a sweet and cheerful girl (she’s turning 4 years old this July) who is unfortunately suffering from Stage 4...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Birthday Bash, Whoa what happened during the birthday party? How come everybody got so tired and sweaty? o_0|
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Beco: Any mummies using the Beco Butterfly II baby carriers? Reviews/feedback?
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Motherhood Fair: Planning to go down this Sat. Is is expected to be very crowded? No stroller advised ah?
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    smiggle, Subscribed liao. But din see anywhere say got free adminission passes ley... :P
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Suntec Book Fair, Smiggle, about the Wink Flash Cards, were you referring to Wink to Learn? If so, are they selling the physical cards or only the DVDs? Think we will drop by there tomorrow; hopefully will find the GEP Fairy Tales VCD/CD set I mentioned above... International Museum Day...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Jacelyn, Hmm din notice FP books when I visited the branches there. I do know the Popular branch at Sembawang Shopping Centre (not Sun Plaza) has a good collection of baby/children books. More variety than other branches and also much more neater/quieter. Talking about that, does anyone know...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Influenza A, Wah mask prices are going to skyrocket again! Expect less people on the streets doing shopping and thus worsening the economy in Singapore. Sigh...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Manga, Hi^5 to Rain too! Zoo, We brought Darius to the Zoo when he was like 6 months old, but he seemed more interested in the vegetation and people than the animals. ^^| Intending to only bring him there again when he can walk.
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Anime, Smiggle: you are welcomed. Chumint: actually I also can't recall on the part with a boy born from the tree in the anime too... Only rememembered the princess and her story. ^^| Deco, I've heard there are shops opposite Bugis Junction selling party stuffs cheap, though I've also...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    smiggle, Hmm abt different countries, I only recalled watching one with 12 countries, titled The Twelve Kingdoms. As for other animes shown on Arts Central beside Inuyasha, there were Shaman King, Scrapped Princess, Get Backers and D. Gray Man, but none seems to fit the description...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Chumint, Hmm probably you have mixed up Bakuman with another series? I've checked the web but found nothing on its anime. Moreover its manga was just released end of last year so its anime should not have come out yet... Darius is doing fine, though getting more whiney nowadays. Last night...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    smiggle, I see. That's why I thought the United Square branch is more responsible, though Darius probably caught his Roseola virus there anyway... -_-| Motherhood, I'd like to have the schedule and list of booths too. ^^
