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  1. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Manda, How's your gal???
  2. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Good morning lovelies, Merry Xmas to all of u!! *xoxoxo*
  3. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Hello mummies, Though shifted but still want to chat in this forum!! ;pp Manda Angry birds pottery my son did in school this term.. Very nice!! His was 6 lessons but I forget price Liao. Wendy Did u receive the molds i hung at your gate?
  4. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Yoko See lah.. Stay home till Monday ph also don't know ;pp Tonight 38 session at Jurong Central Park Mac confirmed at 10pm with Wendy, Yoko, Chelsea, Pink, Manda n me... Who else want to go? Pls feel free to drop by if u can make it ... ;)) c u gals later
  5. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Venus U can come 38 with us on Friday?
  6. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Chelsi/Wendy Meet 9 or 10pm at pioneer mall mac?? Who else can make it?? Oh pink, candy, Manda. Yoko!!! Where r u???
  7. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Venus I m shifting to Bishan next month for a yr then TPY when my house is ready .. ;))
  8. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Gals, shall we have a mac meeting next Friday?? Who can make it??? Shifting in mid nov so thought of having a 38 session b4 I move..
  9. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Not planning leh.. Thought air tics n hotel booked?? Postpone???
  10. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Baby chelsi is right.. We shdn't blow nose 2 hard.. No good de..
  11. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Wendy HCP easy to use.. Can buy online at gmarket.. Got a few sellers.. Popular ones r bestgmall, 99 miles n starshop.. The price do fluctuate a bit. I bought the esiway pan too but stock only coming in end oct.
  12. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Yoko Y both kids at home? PSLE marking as well?? Kekeke ;pp
  13. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Wendy I think as long as not everyday bleed shd be ok.. If really worried then let doc check Yoko I buy one only lah.. The other pans r for my MIL n cousins.
  14. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Wendy Forgot to tell that junxi sometimes also wake up with bleeding nose cos I think he go rubbed his nose too hard while asleep
  15. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Wendy No worries abt the nose bleed.. Very common in children. Junxi has nose bleed quite often.. Doc says usually it is nothing to worry abt. One of the reasons is because their blood veins is very thin so break easily n once broken, very easy to break again ESP when rubbing n blowing nose...
  16. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Klite After collect all the chops, what happen?
  17. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Chelsi House clean clean already?
  18. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Good morning gals ;) Yoko/Chelsi I also will miss the two of u n our weekly 38 lunch session very much ;( P/s: I will also miss the rest of you but not as much as them. *quickly run n hide*
  19. J

    Nu Skin's TRA vs HerbalLife Products

    hi all, just to share my experience...pls note that i m not selling TRA... I m 154cm and my weight was 48.5kg b4 TRA.. the reason i took TRA was i find my body fat a bit high 26.9% and i wanted to go back to my pre-prenancy weight of 45kg n lose the spare tyre around my tummy.. i took...
  20. J

    Lovely JW Mommies

    Good afternoon lovelies!!!
