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    Capella s705 VS Peg Perego Pilko P3

    hi shidajat, i'm also considering getting the capella. may i know how much you paid for yours? thanks!
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    hi...I'm going to deliver my first child soon and I also want to try to BF.. I've heard that it is advisable to BF directly as even giving the baby the EBM in a bottle may confuse them. Is that true? Also, if I express the milk and store in a milk bag / long can it be kept if...
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    Any Good Malay Massage lady to recommend thinking of engaging a postnatal massage lady after i gave birth. just like to ask...when can we start the massage session if its natural birth and is it wise to do massage if cesarean? Also...what's the market rate like? anyone can share their experiences? Thanks!
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    Advice needed: free KKH baby stuff

    Hi Priviledged, Did u opt for the A1 premier package? I'll like to know how much you pay too. The Admission nurse explained but I still find it confusing. The package...does it include the doc's fees and also fees for baby's stay/nursing? thanks!
