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  1. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    anama, hope u have a smooth delivery sri leo, thats share same bday with u! hopw u have a smooth delivery too
  2. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    breastfeeding videos how to stop a crying baby
  3. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Happy, Congrats!! Anama, yes heard alot from my frends and prepared a small present for my #1 and packed it in my hospital bag soft toy sounds good to me my boy is into lego and i got a small lego set for him as the present i have also stocked up some new toys in my storeroom for...
  4. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    hi harmy, added u, pending admin approval
  5. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Congrats to JnH and Janice!! hello baby clara!
  6. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    beetlebug, for my massage lady...she advice to start 1 week later for natural birth and 1 mth later for c-sec sri leo, for a second time mummy, expecting a faster gynea has advice me to admit myself when i feel contractions every 10mins apart
  7. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    JnH, how heavy is baby at 35weeks?
  8. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    re: sterilising pills my frend pass to me and i didnt dare use...cos the water looks bubbly...doesnt even feel clean to me ended up i will rinse with hot water again so i fell no point wasting money on it
  9. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    <font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Special Prices for Aug 12 Mummies Pls let me know ur name/nick when ordering Fully covered nursing cover, nursing tea, lansinoh and fenugreek</font></font>
  10. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    shashamama, think leng leng spree wont be in time...normally takes bout 4 weeks can only see 2 links...seem like agape cheaper at $425comparing with megababystore Medela Pump In Style Advanced Metro Bag $480? are you planning to bf when u r back at work or u be a SAHM? My frends who have...
  11. M

    (2012/05) May 2012

    <font color="aa00aa">Fully covered cotton jersey nursing cover, nursing tea, lansinoh and fenugreek for sale</font>
  12. M

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    <font color="aa00aa">Fully covered cotton jersey nursing cover, nursing tea, lansinoh and fenugreek for sale</font>
  13. M

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    <font color="aa00aa">Fully covered cotton jersey nursing cover, nursing tea, lansinoh and fenugreek for sale</font>
  14. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    hazel, think from scan they can tell baby not v low so dont need to do cervix check yet? for my #1 gynea didnt do also and my baby was overdue...from scan can see he engaged but still high up
  15. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    mummies keen on meet up before we pop? looking at Lunch next Wed, 13 June &amp; Dinner on following Thurs, 21 June
  16. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    AG, i used pigeon nursing pads..bought tollyjoy, cheaper but not as good u can consider washable ones but i find it troublesome get it from the cheong choon store? its much cheaper..the last i bought less than $10 a box actually not everyone needs nursing pads...some of friends dont leak...
  17. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    happy, hehee..yup thats her signature repeat so many times! hb and i enjoyed her class for #1
  18. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    i also pump in public toilet for my #1 after ML and managed to bf him for 27mths i have 2 sets of spare parts and sterilise them at home in the morning and put in lock &amp; lock (air tight) take 1 set when i need to pump, luckily my pump easy to fix
  19. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    re: disposable panties those delivering at TMC, they will give u 2 pieces but can purchase more at the pharmacy at TMC it is those netted type, hold the pads super well and its easy to wash(esp stains), rub gently with water is sufficient and dry very easily i bought a few pieces for #1 and...
  20. M

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    morning re: fairs normally they are held quarterly, taka one in mar and feb re: non rinse bath for newborn, using those non rinse bath/top to toe, etc...just put a few drops to the whole tub of water only, hence you do not need to rinse baby re: powder PDs generally dont recommend...
