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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Just focus on yourself and your newborn. Bo chap the rest... Cheer up!! [IMG=]
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Yah, bopee she's a good maid and can be of help to your household. Nowadays, my maid sibei siong too. Initially I planned for her to do household chores only. But my hubby (men being men), will fully utilise whatever help he can get. So he everyday/week teaches one new bb/toddler-caring...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    2Ks, I agreed with what the other ladies here said. Take the maid, accept your hubby's way of offering help, it's his way of showing love and appreciation for you. (though I agree that men sometimes dunno how to show their concern for us, e.g. scold us for working too hard etc). But that's...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Don't drink 100 plus excessively, especially we don't exercise/sweat much during pregnacy. 100 plus is isotonic drinks which contain salts etc. During my 1st pregnacy, I kept drinking 100plus cos I'm avoiding other soft drinks which contain caffeine. I had my water retention at very early...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    ST: did you keep drinking 100plus? or take salty food?
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Allets: Sorry to hear tat not able to strike this round. Nebermind relax, Breathe in and breathe out, and hoot ur ah lau again!! [IMG=] Poky: Hope your test goes well. Dun worry! Fel, 2Ks, ST: Sit back relak relak, put your feet...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Ermm... allets, got news to share boh? Faster go pee on the stick leh! heehee.... [IMG=]
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Thanks Ling and ST! Yup, has already cut his hair short but he still scratches (though less frequent). So it may also be bad habit ah, will divert his attention whenever he does that! Thanks!
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Hi mummies! My son keeps scratching his head. Seem like his scalp is itchy; no lice detected [yup, due diliegence done [IMG=]]. Got remedies to share share? Thanks!
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Congrats, XFZ!!
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Congrats! [IMG=]
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Woohoo! Come in to greet happy new year to all mummies and I see all the GREAT NEWS!! Major congrats! 2Ks, ST, Jojo, Jamie, Poky (?), Milktea(?) [IMG=] Fel: Wish you get your #2 soon! Sinmey: Yah, seeing all our preggie...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    tres: Yes, I also believe in buying tonics to 'bu' myself, since now dun ve time to do facials etc to pamper owneself yet. I wanna buy ginseng, but the problem is I don't know to buy which type of ginseng (as I don't know my current stage is considered 'heaty' or 'cooling'). Sigh...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    Soli, I have not used any robotic vacuum before. Can't help.
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    dezel: Exactly! Ah lau useless one. He will always "bing-bing-piang-piang" whenever I was trying my damnest to be very quiet in the room (cos #2 is sleeping). Always feel like strangling him when he wake up the #2. Cos #2 cries, will wake up #1. Then my mum will scold me, End up I will kena 3...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    dazel: Yalor.... try for another one lah... Then I will glady pass my 疯姥姥 throne to you one. Haha..
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    dazel: Happy birthday!!! Wah lau eh, birthday girl come and suan me... definitely will tio 4D one..
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    ST: I think tres finally goes to sleep now (aka fainted) after hearing the havoc I'm enjoying with 2 kids... so we have to wait awhile before she wakes up to inform us of her edd...
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    ST: of course NOT!! [IMG=] 2Ks: Yes, really grateful got their help. Will try out those suggestions u made. Again u are right, my ah lau -- one kind one -- *roll eyes*
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    (2011/03) Mar 2011

    2Ks: your cham period sounds too horrifying... *shake head* My mum always pushes the bb to me to feed, once I rtn from work. She said "bb prefers your nee to bottle teat." Will try to adjust the timing or insist them feed. Then maybe the whole routine will 'normalised'... haha. sinmey...
