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    Nu Skin's TRA vs HerbalLife Products

    Hello ladies I just started TRA yesterday... Xmas eve! People think I'm nuts but I really need to look and feel better... Weight 65 kg since having my twin girls, 3 years ago (no more baby weight excuse) and my body age is 10 years older than my actual age! High blood sugar, high cholesterol...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hi all, my friend is running a seminar this Saturday 9am - 1pm at The Rock at Suntec on "How to Raise & Educate Smart, Happy Kids from Ages 0 to 5". The speaker is Dr John Medina, the author of "Brain Rules" and "Brain Rules for Baby". It's short notice, but if anyone is keen to go...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hey how's everyone? Forum much quieter than before... Guess all busy with work, pri school registration and multiple kids for most of us. We decided on tanjong katong primary in the end... Now looking for a place in the neighborhood for when we move mid next year! Anyone still meets up for...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hey all We've moved to a rental in Townerville, which is just one station away from Potong Pasir, so Adan's kindy is not disrupted. Hong Wen school is just around the corner. Otherwise, we were thinking of a school in Katong area, cos we will be looking for a place to buy around there.
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hey gals Have you all decided on which pri school u are registering your kids for? I know there was some posts about this a while back...anyone like me still deciding? Anyone knows whether SAP school will be tough on ang-mo-pai famkily like mine? Adan seems to catch/pick up his chinese...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hey Koala... My gals are identical, but they look quite different in these pics. in varies, some days alike, some days not! most people who meet them for first time can't tell them apart...sometimes their own relatives can't tell them apart LOL! Primary school...wah such a...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hallo mummies! longtimenosee... do excuse me for my absence, have been so busy at work and this is my 2nd last week helping them with a survey/product trial: We are looking for people for skincare product and treatment trials...absolutely free and you get to try products worth...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hi everyone, It's been super long since my last post here and it's for work! My company is looking for people for skincare product and treatment trials...absolutely free and you get to try products worth $128 and treatments worth $178 if selected...! Interested, please use this link...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hi ladies Wow, I feel like a really lazy mom looking at all the stuff you are giving to your kids My girls are still on rice cereal, carrot, broccoli, pumpkin, pear, apple only. Have not had time to read up about what else to give them and worried they'll turn yellow with all the...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Bigtoes Street urchin! HAAHHA....poor thing. It's ok for guys to be darker I guess, if not he'll be like my Adan who keeps being mistaken for a girl! Gals are getting fairer tho...mebbe the old wives tale is correct.. Apparently if born darker, will get fairer over time...? Egg yolk...
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    Twins due in 2008?

    Hello everyone! I have truly been MIA! on this as well as my sept 08 thread! *blush* How's everyone? Hi to the newer moms to the thread Pix of my gals around CNY Now they are drinking between 160-200ml Soy about 4 times a day plus two small solid feeds (11am and 6pm)...roughly...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Jasmine birthmarks! they developed different birthmarks during their second month. also the younger twin has a small dot on her earlobe (looks like someone poked her with a pin...although of course we didn't!!) other than that, virtually indistinguishable, esp in pics!
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Mrs Yap Thanks! jojobar See...I was spurred by your comment on email to come back in to the forum. I probably won't be as regular as before the babies came, but will try to pop in every once in a while...! Next time you see me must say hello ok? now that we know our facial recognition of...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Oh! thank goodness mRs Yap + least my gals aren't the only ones who are under 7kg! Makes me feel better Yet my gals look quite chubby! For those who haven't seen recent pics...this was taken around CNY
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hey ladies... Have been MIA for a while. Super busy with work! And the girls have started waking up at night, after months of sleeping through, due to a bout of cough and fever a few weeks back...sigh. one wakes, goes to sleep then the othe wakes, then sometimes the fb wakes up too! NO REST...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hello everyone long time no post! I'm too busy at work to even read the posts on this page, let alone the pages and pages of archives that I have missed. Have not even been a silent reader these past few weeks! Bigtoes forgot to tell u that I saw your hb's Vday classified ad. That nite I...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Line on legs Eh I thought it was the other way around? Some lady told me that one line means girl next and two loines mean boy next!
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    Twins due in 2008?

    hi all my fav twin is the one who isn't cryng,no favorite one!
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hello mommies! Long time no post! I had no computer till recently. Will be starting work again in Feb and am looking forward to it, as will be quite interesting and exciting I think! It also lets me work from home so that's great!
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    Twins due in 2008?

    Hi everyone and Happy New Year! Have been busy and have not been at computer much since stop;ping work, so have not been on this thread. We tried about 1.5 months of feeding on demand before doing a sleep and feeding routine. usually babies below 3.2kg should not be put on a strict schedule...
