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  1. M

    (2014/09) September 2014

    Can I join the secret fb group? [email protected]. Is preggie with #2 and likely due September. Actually conceived when i'm still breastfeeding my #1 who just turned 11mos. But oredi start to bfg only at night since 2 months back. Now stopped bfg for 4 days liao since I know I'm...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    We heard BB's strong heartbeat last Wed (7weeks 6 days).We also got a surprising find. Two sacs found! Twins!Its either an identical twins (Got family genes for twins on my mum's side) or fraternal twins from the injectables. We concieved via IUI. We found 1 big follicle and two smaller ones at...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    I found that I couldnt zip properly my normal working pants this week. Lower adobmen seems to have become bigger now. I'm only 6.5 weeks. First pregnancy.Don't know if this is normal. Havent got any MS symptoms except being bloated and keep on going to pee (especially at night)
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    girls, anyone start gaining weight already? I weighed myself on the day I got positive on HPT and this morning. Just a span of 1.5 weeks, I gained 1kg. Havnet got any MS (nausea etc) symptoms yet and so is eating normally. Now in Week 6. Anyone knows how much we can gain for first trimester...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    beanbean: I do have gastric reflux. Always vomit a mouthful of the gastric juice after a meal. I tried not to have a full meal to relieve this.
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hearing all the girls here on MS, makes me worried. I saw how my sis-in-law gone through the terrible MS. I'm 5weeks+, 1st time preggie. Not much happening except feeling bloated (I had have gastrits before. So this feeling is similar to that. Still can take it). Can still eat whenever I like...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi girls, May I know when (which week) do you start feeling MS?
  8. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Chevy: you can request for free sample via Abbot Nutrition website. Then you can then decide whether to buy it or not.
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Chevy: Similac Mum can be quite strong if you put too much milk powder. I normally use two scoops for a normal drinking mug. It mix better with hot water as I have seen some solid residues of unmixed powder whenever the water isnt hot enough. i think its a good drink in the morning so that I...
  10. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi girls, I should be 5 weeks now. Having my first pre-natal scan in 2.5weeks time. =) EDD is estimated (by my own cal via conception date) is 21 March. Will update the list when I have seen the doc. Started taking folic acid as soon as I see BFP on the HPT. Doc also recommended that...
  11. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi all, Yes, I will pop in to give encouragement and see how you girls are doing? Maybe BFP will stop popping in next few months for you girls. Take, I will take care of myself and hope the little bean stays.
  12. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Dream: I had only 1 big enough (don't exactly know what size) follicle for the IUI. I do know that my ovulation happen on the day of IUI. Dr.Foong scanned before he did the IUI on that day. I was on Puregon 75ui from Day 6 to Day 12 alternate days before. Tried for 1 natural conception cycle but...
  13. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    DHM,Saralyn,Dream,min81,Lil Ponyo: Many thanks for your well-wishing! Yes, I will take good care of myself. Lil Ponyo: I think you will be in good hands with Dr.Foong. I think he was quite accurate in predicting ovulation and knows when to increase dosage for medicine and injections etc. I...
  14. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Thanks Saralyn. My preg symptoms: 1dpiui: I was already feel sensitive in my boobs. Around 7dpiui onwards, I was feeling very tired at night and slept 1-2 hours earlier than usual. Boobs very tender,painful, swollen and appear to be bigger. but I usually get boobs like that prior to AF...
  15. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi gals, Yes, I got a BFP on 17dpiui! Spreading Tested with HPT twice and came out very positive. (I always test with Watsons brand and when I got BFN before AF, I always lie to myself that the kit is cheap and so may tell me the wrong BFN. But I'm wrong. When its postive, its very positve...
  16. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Dream: Take a good rest and for next few days, do something that you like (e.g. shopping, high-tea, etc). By the way, do anyone know if HCG trigger shot will delay AF? I'm 17dpiui and very sure that I ovulated on the day of IUI as Dr.Foong did an U/S to confirm. No AF yet. Been feeling tired...
  17. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Thanks all for the wishes. Hopefully my AF really goes to a holiday and don't come back to me anytime! Lil Ponyo: I'm planning to wait it out and if I still don't get AF on Day 18, then I go for HPT. Crossing fingers! See how things goes. I get a bit nervous whenever I see him on Day 12...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Lil POnyo & Egg factory, I'm with Dr.Foong too. He's also my fertility doctor. Haven't done IVF yet since he told me to take one step at time. Now in the IUI stage (today is 14dpiui! No sign of AF which is a good sign). Yes, he is a nice doctor. Being seeing him for close to a year...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Dream, Yes, we have close IUI cycles and in same 2WW period. Its good to have some support here since we are sharing the same experience =) I totally agree with you when we see BFN. Sometimes when I get a BFN (no matter how much I tell myself not to pin too much hopes), I still sob & cry...
  20. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi gals, I've been reading this forum for some time and decided to post here. Cos I think it will be good to give support and get support here since friends/relatives around are the luckier lot that doesn't have fertility problems. I don't think they can ever understand the difficulties, pain...
