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  1. J

    First time mom-to-be. Pretty excited but anxious because of some prpblems lately.

    Hi, may I know is it normal to have whitish/slight yellow accompanied with clumps of discharge during pregnancy? this happened a few days ago. I'm about 4 weeks & I have also just had very light spotting with discharge when I went to pee. Would appreciate some advice pls.
  2. J

    Spotting during pregnancy

    Hi, may I know is it normal to have whitish/slight yellow accompanied with clumps of discharge during pregnancy? this happened a few days ago. I'm about 4 weeks & I have also just had very light spotting with discharge when I went to pee. Hope to have any advice pls.
  3. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    Hey babe. I found a paraben free toner.eucerin. Mayb u could chk it out. :)
  4. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Add mi too can? 91832652
  5. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jz knew one of my fren got preg. She jz got married beginning of for yr n gt gd news. Felt hapi for her bt somehw sad for long le yet noting. I knw its smeting tt we cant control, bt jz feeling little emo.
  6. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    Don mind can share wat kinda comestic u n skincare u using currently?
  7. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    I asked my tcm. She says as long as paraben free shd b fine. No nd specifically go organic
  8. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    Saw so many prods wif paraben. Even curent im usin also gt. Nd switch to smeting safer alrdy. In fact, I saw the simple prods gt paraben in sme of its series
  9. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    Any specific brands to tk note?
  10. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Halo. Im wif kkh. Also did my 1st ivf in june bt bfn. Thy scheduled me for oct slot. Don feel sad, be positive. Meanwhile try to tiao yr body n don pressure yrself too much :)
  11. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    Wat brands would b consider safe? I heard skinfood, the simple, innisfree, etude house. How bout deodorant? I cant live wo perfume..haha
  12. J

    Makeup during ivf process?

    I knw its better to avoid during et n er. But Is it safe to use makeup products, perfume, deodarant, etc during ivf procedures lik stimms?
  13. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dear ladies. I checked bk wif kkh appt ctr n thy gotten dr jessie to col mi rgding my enquiries. She told mi gd ting is all 3 eggs gt fertilised bt cz thr 2 is grade 1 or 2, so wasnt able to et. She mentioned 1 no elasticity n the other non polar body, both v technical terms to me. Basically I...
  14. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Halo amiee. Yes I feel u. My failed 1st cycle was more painful than wat I had wif other prev menses. Also late for few days. This time round wich is 2nd mth after ivf, seems more on time though bit delayed. I also tryin acupuncture to tiao body for ivf. Wan tiao to ttc also cannot cz hub...
  15. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I tot it was strange..haha. Then I wouldnt knw period is gonna come
  16. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I don seem to haf any symptoms after ivf leh..
  17. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    All the best! I shd b doin my 2nd in oct or nov
  18. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Does anybody not experience sore boobs b4 menses, after goin.thru ivf? I lik no symptoms durin menses now..
