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  1. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Yes dun employ Myanmar helper. They are terrible and lazy. Keep dreaming and fall asleep when working. After loan cleared show attitude, more lazy and everyday start wake up late.
  2. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Yes Myanmar helper is really terrible. Do not engage them. I engage my second helper name EI THANDAR HLAING. She is also terribly lazy, give attitude to me, stare at me fiercely when say her. She do wrong and still not happy when say her. Work almost 8 months still like working day 1. Do...
  3. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Yes somemore is employer suffer, we paid so much to send them over then they do work terrible, still can talk back. They like they can ask for transfer or send them back home, we still need paid for air tickets. We as employer suffer. My helper no need cook dinner and still got my mum cook for...
  4. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Yes they are lazy, just like slowly do then never finish cleaning say not enough time do. Whole day 9am to 5pm only she alone at home still can say no time do, dun even need cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. My current second helper also terrible. Still need remind her do this and that. Came 6...
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    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Do not engage Myanmar helper, they are terrible. Lazy, slow and forgetful. Purposely do not want follow instruction. I engage the second helper is also from Myanmar, also worse.
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    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Hi i do not have her photo anymore. She no longer with me. Perhaps you send me yours and I confirm is it same person.
  7. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Please do not employ a helper call A reminder do not engage this helper Phyu Thwe Aye from Myanmar. She just pay back her last 1 month loan to her Myanmar agency quietly and just suddenly ask me when I sending her back home because she pay back my loan. Never give advance notice, causing me...
  8. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Hi,Doctoral Paul, Thanks for your advise. This is our first time engaging a helper so we never forseen it is so terrible for the first one we encountered. But we already learnt a lesson and will have experience on the second one already. I have also feedback to my agency but they say...
  9. F

    Maid attitude Feedback - MOM

    Please do not engage a Myanmar helper called Phyu Thwe Ayu 24 years old. She is really terrible. I would like to share my experience for my this first helper. Spend so much money to bring her over but after coming for a month say want go back agency, after counseling at agency want me give her 1...
  10. F

    ARSA-Aberrant right subclavian artery

    Hi I also went for amnio test recently and result came back is a normal baby. Although it has ARSA which doctor only advise me during my week 20 scan, but doctor say will not affect the baby. So not to worry too much. Just be brave to go for the test and positive mindset that your baby is alright.
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    ARSA-Aberrant right subclavian artery

    Is the amnio test painful and also risky to do? Worried on the percentage of miscarriage
  12. F

    ARSA baby

    Dear all, Did you all proceed with the amnio test? Is it painful and risk? I just did my week 20 scan and doctor detect ARSA to my first baby girl. I am very sad as it is my first baby, why it happen to me. My first trimester screening did show high risk, however my harmony test show low risk...
  13. F

    ARSA-Aberrant right subclavian artery

    Hi Guys, Did everyone do harmony test just to confirm they are low risk only when your baby is detect either ARSA? Or did you all proceed do the amnio? Is Amnio painful and really have risk?
  14. F

    ARSA-Aberrant right subclavian artery

    Hi Ariagg, did you proceed to do the amnio? I also detect my first baby girl with ARSA in 20 weeks scanning. I really worried and cry whole night why this will happen to me. I also scared of pain in doing the amnio.
