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  1. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Hello mummies!!! **beep beep beep** Mrssong!!!! ...long time no hear from you..hope all's been well =) 1sttimepapa...any family help that you can turn to for now at least? Milk boy now takes at most two feed of milk dfaily nia..pathetic man but he gets 3 good meals of rice etc...
  2. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    beedoh beedoh ....*looks ard*
  3. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Morning mummies & all!! Hey Dawn! Ming, Hongkong ...Personally i feel if you are staying in the outskirts with fresher air, then it might be better for the kids.
  4. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hey mummies!~!~!~! Monnday blue blue deeeeeeeeeeeeee [IMG=] ... hello reiz
  5. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    morn mummies!
  6. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    lol..ruru ...confused me! is it just me? im excited like duno what ...dh say i smiling v silly when i packed the goody bags last night!
  7. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hello mummies!!! Orangey...Same point...As long as the child is growing up well & healthy, being chubby or not is not important...hard hor when u in TW listening to yr MIl's jabs ..but then give yrself a pat on the back ( we all deserve it!) for a job well done nevertheless. bday...
  8. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hello mummies! talk abt yum yum food!~!~! Chips, Pockey & tibits..go boy gets only 2 sticks once a day if he asks for it..dried fruit sounds like not bad but once in a super blue moon for my boy ...i dun wana encourage the habit of snacking in btw meals...
  9. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    morn mummies! no mood to work..whahahha nt much pple ard ...feel like going to the markets to soak in the bustling crowds...hehe
  10. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    orangey..u also must take care while caring for todJ ..hope he gets well enuff these few days to travel weather siao siao...turning cold once again so do keep todJ warm too. Piglet, Do go yrself checked if u still not feeling comfy enuff ...betetr to err on the side of caution.
  11. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hJ ..which is better ? the 1st or 2nd link posted by viama for the gummy?
  12. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb term is like hw many lessons? I presume it's a wkly affair.
  13. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hello mummies.. today's hot topic -> ...berries, bananas & 香蕉 ..^_ whhhaha ..ok im like a banana also..but these days i find myself more willing to read & understand 香蕉 stuff more..probably due to pressure from my boy's CC ctr who has Mandarin class factored in in the...
  14. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hello mummies! celyn...wahahha ...i feel like making some pineapple tarts too!
  15. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    morn mummies! Maddie, LOlz ...same here lor ..nw my boy TELLS me to bring him go sch :P ...Sometimes in moments like these, i also duno wana laff or grrr . Celyn, i wna eat ony lye tarts!
  16. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    lol....someone call me ah *looks at vic ma* yeah my iherb delivery is like ^&((&() ...took like 4-6 wks hor & its not peak season like xmas or anything ...grrr
  17. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hey mummies. 1sttimepapa....hope ah boy gets well soon. naps...CC ctr allows 1.5hrs after lunch, shower & after milk. Weekend naps are typically longer these days...2-3hrs bah on avg .....something rare for us cos ah boy usually naps max an hr nia when attending PG.
  18. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb's a good start lah..cannot boy 1st day in CC...he refused brekky at home & in sch hor..then lunch ate but cos the portion so bloody small, he went hungry & gulped dwn a bottle of milk before nap..Will take time & yes..the "I DUN WANA GO SCH" mantra is what u will be...
  19. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Happy New Year Mummies!!! Start of work & it's midweek aldy :P
  20. W

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Cellow.....chilllLLLLLLL okie...Sometimes we get too caught up in things that we lose control of our emotions ( me also lah ) more bi bop bi bop heart beating too fast okie...things will egt back to normal real soon =) SG_SC mood chor gang ..yawnz..orpit so quiet ...duh
