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  1. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    noscon: I dunno whats the difference between red rice wine and the normal (yellow?) rice wine. My MIL got her relative to make home-made rice wine for me last round and it taste very nice and sweet, especially when it was used to cook rice wine with chicken. Very fragrant. This round...
  2. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    ST: Thanks for the info on consuming bird nest in the last week of confinement I just went Hock Hua yesterday to top up some more herbs...... bought wrong quantity last round and the quantity sure not enough to last 28 days.
  3. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    2ks, pinkberries 84: I felt cheated le! I bought the Sheng Hua Tang at Eu Yan Sang and they charge me $37 bucks for 1 packet!!! And I thought its the usual normal price.
  4. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    ST: Can we take bird nest during confinement? I worry baby will have phlegm. Yup, will be taking 1 bottle of chicken essence everyday. This round will get CL to boil own chicken essence with dang gui as well or add DOM to drink. Last confinement I thought breastfeeding cannot take alcohol...
  5. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi mummies, can share on confinement herbs to buy. Just went to buy confinement herbs last weekened and need some advice on the list So far, these are what I have bought: For confinement tea: 1. red dates 2. black dates 3. dried longan 4. wolfberries 5. dang shen For tonic...
  6. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    So far, these are what I have bought: For confinement tea: 1. red dates 2. black dates 3. dried longan 4. wolfberries 5. dang shen For tonic soup (soup packs from Eu Yan Sang) 6. Ba zhen soup 7. Dang Gui Soup 8. Shi Quan Ta Bu Tang 9. Du Zhong soup 10. Seng Hua Tang to clear...
  7. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi mummies, Can share on confinement herbs to buy? What are the really essential items? Thanks.
  8. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chase: The first month CL will be cooking. Subsequently will order confinement food for another 2 months. Last delivery I ordered lunch delivery from Empire food for subsequent months before I return to work. The food is ........ And many catering do not cater for 1 person hence no choice...
  9. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Alison: I am taking maternity photoshots next weekend Since this could be my last pregnancy so I thought might as well take it. Estaefran: You signed up with which studio?
  10. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    ST: I preferred latching also but guess what my baby refused the bottle one fine day and we were so traumatized cos I need to go back and work and he rather go hungry for the whole day then to drink from bottles! End up my mum needs to spoon feed him and he still spits out! Very naughty...
  11. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Chase: I will be getting confinement catering from 2nd month onwards, probably from Natal essentials. Hopefully the food is good Momoko: I bought Pigeon rapid steam sterilizer too. I like the shape cos I can dump in my pump parts to sterilize as well Very convenient and easy to use. For...
  12. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I only gained 4.5Kg at week 32. Baby is around 1.8 Kg and gynae advise to eat more She thought I dieting! My last pregnancy also gained 8.5 Kg throughout and I shed off almost immediately after delivery as baby weigh about 3.3 Kg. My tummy still very small and very squeezy I guess cos I...
  13. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Azel: I was reading up on confinement recipes from different sites and many use DOM, especially in the chicken essense. By right alcohol will evaporate after cooking/boiling, but these recipes add in DOM towards the end of cooking so I assume the alcohol will still be present. However, we...
  14. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Azel: The ang pow for CL depends on you. No fixed amount actually. I gave $88 on the first day and last day I gave $68. I gave a more on first day so hopefully she will be nicer to my baby
  15. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    I love babies: My massage experience was quite good. Engaged baby bellies for my first delivery in 2010 and this time round getting them again. I tried them for pre-natal massage at home and they are also very good. For massage, my objective is just to relax and maybe help a little to get rid...
  16. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    littlebabysmurf: congrats Don't worry, your milk supply will come in soon. It's around 4th day onwards, it should be in. Postnatal massage: I did the Javanese massage but I only put on the binder for 1 hr for the first 3 days and subsequent 4 days I only did the massage and no binding...
  17. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Gigi Soul: I bought maternity pad from pureen last time for my first delivery but I really hate it. It gets out of shape easily and not very absorbent. Only good thing about it is it's quite soft. This time round I bought Laurier F the premium range (packaging from Japan one) with a length of...
  18. R

    (2013/05) May 2013

    I guess if its natural birth, will not need breast pump. I remember my supply kicks in ard day 4 only. By then, I am already at home.
  19. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    ST: I sign up with Cordlife as my No.1 also with cordlife, hence too lazy to change. Hazel: I have jus finished packing my hospital bag. I am in week 32 now. It's still quite early but I prefer to settle everything early so that I do not need to worry.
  20. R

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hi, Any idea how to join the facebook group. It seems like it is very quiet here.
