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    Mummies in Australia?

    Janz, Wow..seems like you have settled down nicely in Canberra. You even hv your own apartment..that's very cosy! I'm very happy for you. Seems like you are adapting very well. I'm thinking of learning baking too! Hope I can find time to bake when I'm there... Imagine having cakes and tea...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Janz, Nice to hear from u again. So u're back in Canberra? Yea, I've been wanting to ask u, since your hubby is studying there, how do u guys cope financially? Is he on scholarship? Heard that daily necessities there are slightly more expensive than spore. How did you manage to juggle...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo/ sunnygirl Thanks for the encouragement! I will try my best to go over if I can. Life is too short to have regrets...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Thanks sunnygirl & mngo Both of u are so encouraging! Really glad to know u gals. It's good to know optimistic people like u gals! :D
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo Sometimes i wish i could be impulsive and just pack and go. Actually I'm quite keen to go over but there are things holding me back. I believe things can be sorted out eventually if I really decide to go. Right now, I'm trying to find out more abt Perth so that I can have a rough...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Sunnygirl Schooling for kids will be expensive I think? Besides that, my daughter won't get to learn mandarin which is a pity. Mngo I doubt my hubby wanna stay there for good, unless the few years there make him reconsider migrating there. Also, my parents are in spore, I cant bear...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo wa..i wish i could go too.. but there is just too much to consider.. so many commitments and opportunity costs invloved. I know i will enjoy myself there..but what if i hv to come back after the posting and i cant find a job? This is my main worry. On the other hand, this is a once...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi sunnygirl Hmm..seems like housing there is not cheap. I'm still not sure whether I will be joining him or not. I think his office is in the suburb area, not city area. I think he should be going there for 3 yrs. (Not cfm yet) I think my daughter will enjoy growing up there. I'm in a...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Sunnygirl Wow..u r already PR there. What small biz will u be doing? That's quite good..can supplement income. So u have bought your house there? So envious! Are the houses there expensive? Your house comes with garden? I don't think we will buy house there. Cos if I join my hub...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi sunnygirl, Welcome! Wow.. u r migrating to perth? Wonderful! Will u be working there? Do u hv any kids? WHich part of perth are u going? Have u found accomodation yet?
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo sad to say... never. But I'm planning to go during yr end. To stay there for at least 2 wks. I'm quite a mountain tortise.. :P
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo I hv nvr been to target/ kmart... hehehhe But i heard their stuffs r pretty good and their customer service is very good too!
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Linda, Thanks for the info. I find life there pretty exciting, esp shopping for bargains! You really know where to hunt for bargains and good deals. This is quite impt cos we must be very thrifty there, cannot spend unnecessarily anymore if I'm not working. I must say target and kmart are...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo Ya. I find it hard to believe also. Alot of people told me Melbourne is nice. Maybe she visited all the wrong places, that is why she said is very boring? HMMM!!
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    Mummies in Australia?

    mngo, wow..daily necessities are expensive huh. That will add on to the cost of living there. My colleague just came back from her sydney and melbourne holidays. She said it is not fun at all. The things there are much more expensive compared to here, transportation, car rental, food, dairy...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    Hi Linda, Thanks for sharing your experiences in perth with us. Now I have an idea of what to expect there. Salute you for coping with 2 kids in a foreign land...without any help. I wonder if i can cope cos I'm so used to getting help from my parents and my hubby. I find that I cant seem to...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    gingerale He is doing sales of machinery parts.
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    Mummies in Australia?

    hahahha Poor thing. I don't think i can survive without aircon..i think some cars have both air con /heater functions. Not sure if they hv it there but i think it could add on to the cost of the car. If really no choice, have to settle for non air con ones.
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    Mummies in Australia?

    cjx, Thank u!! Wow..the resturant seems very nice. It is quite modern too, yummy.. think the prices are quite reasonable too, not so expensive. Wow..i love burgers! Hmmm.. i think i will definitely get fat there!! Gingerale hehehe Working life here is quite stressful..but if we...
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    Mummies in Australia?

    cjx, I heard there is a jap restaurant in perth, not sure where though. I thk it might be the one u're referring to. Can't imagine not having jap food when I'm there. mngo Many of my friends who went oz to study never came back. They all became PR there. Life must be better there, else...
