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    Any blogs on baby?

    Hi, you can see my baby boy & little girl in my blog here too :
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    Any Recommedation for Phonics Enrichment Class ??

    Hi Tamarind, Where is the montessori phonics class you are referring to? tks
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    Hi hsee, m attending the trial this Sat at the Halifax rd branch. Will u be there too? How old is ur child?
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    Hi CC2 & Tamarind, Thanks for the replies. The lesson sounds fine. M just afraid that Zoophonics will confuse her cos she already recognises and can say most letters tho her pronounication is still not very sharp, Yes, m planning to go for the trial & c how. Just attended the JG...
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    Hi everyone, For parents who brought the kids for zoophonics lesson, did ur test if ur child could recognise the letters without the animals? So, for Zoophonics at Thomson, all the lessons are just about the letters and animals? Actually, my gal at 18mths can recognise and say most letters...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi mummies who give Earth Best or Healthy Times cereal, Can I check whether u add veggie or fruits in the cereal? My bb seem not to like it plain. What do u add in the cereal if so? Thanks
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi lilipit, Tks for the info...wanna introduce that to my bb...hope she likes it
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi mummies, Does any1 know the difference between snow pea & sweet beans (shaped like snow pea but the pea/bean inside the pod is bigger). Both can be found in ntuc. Are sweet beans a cateogory of pea or beans? Wan to give fresh pea but the snow pea is so small while am afraid the sweet...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Sp Nope...havent tried their recipes cos bb is just taking brown rice porridge with mashed veggie..waiting till bb can take fish & meat then will refer to the recipes...hope she'll like cos so far, her porridge is rather bland weiwei, Would eating papaya or banana help? My bb oso had...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Sp, Hope the book is useful Quakers, I usually use some hot water to ensure it(the instant oat) isnt too lumpy, then i add warm ebm to c how 'watery' i wan.. ebm can't be made hot cos will lose nutrients. Oso, be careful oh how much ebm to add cos can become very watery... Re peas...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi quackers, I just gave her instant Quakers oats recently when she turned 6.5mths. I gave her for breakfast 3-4 days in a row to test for reactions in case there's allergy etc. I make it abit thick with some EBM cos she doesn't like her cereal to be watery anymore. Sometimes, i add mashed...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi Tingting, I started my bb on cereal since 4mths & gave brown rice porridge since 6mths.. the texture has been increasingly less fine.. so by the time, i gave quaker's oat (mix with ebm), she can take it. In fact, the texture is very much like brown rice porridge which allows bb to chew...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    I'm a mummy, I got my book from popular. It's written by Lynn Alexander & Yeong Boon Yee & highly recommended by the National Book Development Council. It's a dark pink colour book. Mummies, Do your have prob with bb having hard stool or pinkish fluid coming out from bb's anus...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Lani, sp My bb takes the instant quaker's oatmeal (red tin) as breakfast to vary from gerber rice cereal. She refuses it the first day we let her try but on the 2nd day, she finishes 1 tablespoon. Then, on the 3rd, we increase to 3 tablespoon & she finishes it all! Nowadays, she takes 2 -...
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi Lani, Just wondering if u have fed your bb oatmeal like Quaker's instant oatmeal? My bb is 6mths+ & I have just introduced it. I'm oso thinking getting "Origins" Oat brans (it is organic) but not too sure how to prepare it. Or anyone knows how to prepare it? When can we introduce...
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    Hi Chin Leng or anyone, Not sure if this is the right thread to ask the following question: How to upload pic to the thread. I mean how to reduce the pic size so that the pic can be uploaded? Thanks
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    Advice pls: Starting on Solids

    Hi all, I've been trying to find those porridge thermos (Tiger brand) but can't find in ntuc or best denki. Where do u get a gd one that can keep the porridge warm from lunchtime to dinner time? Thanks
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    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi Cookies It's quite normal for bb to stretch up to 10 - 12 hrs when they turn 4mths if they are fully fed during the day & if they are trained to sleep throught the night i.e. they are not allowed the habit to drink milk in the middle of the night. So, don't worry. Small bell, The...
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    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi cat_tail, Tks for your reply. Guess i'll be too lazy to transfer & since each part of the tray can be remove. It'll be easy to thaw then. My bb just started on some sweet potatoe & she likes it Mummy to be. Yes i'm keen still.
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    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Hi cat_tail, So, it is also ok to leave the frozen food in the tray till we want to use? Do we need to put the tray in ziploc bag? We can also keep the frozen cube taken out from the tray in ziploc bag? Pardon my ignorance cos very new to this still thks
