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    Amazon #27 - raf plc/sembawang

    Hi Would like these items Collection : Raffles place mrt lunchtime Item # 1 Item Name: EHEIM Quick Vac Pro Automatic Gravel Cleaner and Sludge Extractor URL...
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    Glenn Doman Flash Cards Vs Shicida Method

    Hi Looking for glenn doman math kit (must have teaching instructions. Kindly pm or email to [email protected] the price, kit contents, condition & collection pt Thx
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Morning mummies Gbh U are pregnant lor hehe. I recall waking up alot at nite in 1st tri. Anyway it is all worth it [IMG=]
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Piglet You can try those non-contact thermometer. I bought one from SMH either spree or bulk purchase corner...can't remember exactly...coz mine will use her hand to push out the Braun one when it enters her ear. Re: Cod liver oil 1 year old can eat that already?
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Anyone got mover to recommend? Just to move 1 household item
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Siew ping & 1sttimepapa How about spreading a foldable mattress next to your bed which baby can nap in & also have space for u to sleep on? Safer than bed & if baby dislikes cot... I find that after she falls asleep on mattress, I can transfer her to cot. Or at least feel...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Morning mummies. Siew ping So cute your baby will nod & indicate her wants. I wish mine can but she does the opposite & shake her head when she dun want something. Not funny when she does that when being fed...not cooperative in eating
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Baby bites Taste good till I even snack on it at one period. From then, I concluded that it is too salty for baby since I found it tasty :p Compare the sodium content of the chicken flavor with other brands of baby biscuits (like pigeon) & you'll see that it can be 4x higher. I...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Morning all....feeling tired too so wearing specs today. Celynlee, If I ever go back Royce playgym, it will probably be for the food in liang court. The ramen restaurant on the same level super yummy. Recommend the chicken spicy soup & fried pork belly. At the basement, there's a...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    SG 84 I reckon they are ready for zoo. They can start cruising against the polar bear glass screens, hear the diff sounds that animals make (the monkeys are quite noisy), experience the smell (animals' poo poo) and some parts we will have to carry them lar to see the animals. Got water play...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Good morning. Hooray another long weekend. Dawn Congrats!!! I also wish for #2 but hubby said he not ready lol. Weekend Probably I'll hit the zoo. Adult $20 x 2 = $40 already. Might as well buy membership already hor...for 1 year $190+. I dunno if she will like the zoo but I'm sure...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Oregon, Dawn My girl drinks 180ml every 3 hours when she is with me. But coz she drinks it to the last drop, when my MIL takes care of her during the day, she will give 210ml...sometimes finish sometimes dun. I started slowly switching her from Enfapro to Gain IQ 3 recently and since...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Gd morning. Yippee tomor PH liao Oregon Woah. Really! I feel so relief that there are others same same :p Hubby colleagues met her for the first time a few days back and ALL said "wow so big". Those that carried her last 1 min coz their arm cannot tahan Zoo Seems like this...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    How many milk feeds should 1yo have? Mine still loves her milk (5 times) but take only 3-5 spoons during each solid meal. All those calcium = 8 teeth & 12kg in weight. I think she needs to diet but I dunno if cutting back milk is the way to go??
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Tried disciplining her this morning. She was fussing without tears. I said "no" but aiyo so noisy. I cannot tahan. How long before we give in?
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    I believe all the mummies in this thread have seen how dedicated you are as a father; seeking advice, attending to your son, getting him to the clinic. Sometimes it is the nuisance weather. My girl had flu 4 days then on 5th day rained heavily. I didn't do anything different on that rainy day...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    They might vomit milk more often. Don't be alarmed as that is one way they expel the phlegm. Poo poo is another way apparently. Night waking increased for me during that time. Pat the back to loosen phlegm, pick him up, hug him, show him love. It wouldn't become a habit and before you know...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Thick FM causing phlegm may be true. I recall I was at a clinic and overheard another mummy saying the doctor advised her to thin down the milk for her phlegmy child. In regards to food, I avoided giving chicken & also fruits coz many are "liang". It was when I started giving iherb...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    1sttimepapa I also had that experience once. Important now to keep your son warm, no direct fan, vicks on feet with sock and if you can tahan...wipe down instead of bathing. These are to avoid further moisture. What's the doctor's rationale to dilute milk? Sin ku ni ler. I know it is...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Gd morning. It's Friday :D 1. Intro tomato this weekend...tomato checked 2. Play with bubbles at voiddeck...bubbles tube checked 3. Play with dough...flour checked Hmm what activities are you planning for your weekends? Weather forecast rainy
