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  1. B

    (2015/10) Oct 2015 Mummies

    Hello mummies! I'm new and am keen to join the FB group pls :) my EDD is 10/10, and is expecting my #2 (#1 born June 2013) Not sure who's the admin but can you pm me for the details needed to add me please? TYVM!!
  2. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Fefe - I can understand! Getting paranoid too, am thinking to lay a waterproof sheet on my mattress just in case. For you better not move so much! Doc did mention gravity will somehow expedit labour so do put up your legs and rest more more k! Don't worry when the time comes I'm sure it'll be...
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    (2013/06) June 2013

    Btw tips from the clinic nurse: shaving done by hospital staff can be horrible so am advised to go do waxing prior to delivery.
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    (2013/06) June 2013

    Estaefran - lookin good in those photos! Thanks for sharing on the contrary I feel time flies especially this month! Maybe because I'm really feeling the nerves from the impending birth. I am 36weeks now and haven't done any strep B tests? My doc hasn't mentioned about it ether. Is it...
  5. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Kome, I'm down with sorethroat and runny nose instead. And nightly insomnia, sleeping 3-4 hrs. For swollen feet try raising them up and get hubby to rub them? On a brighter note...Happy mothers day to all!
  6. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Katherine - my EDD is 10th June. Planned on natural birth at first but gynae warned me of possible complication so I'm thinking of choosing end of May for csection. Trying to drag as far as possible so baby can mature more inside.
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    (2013/06) June 2013

    ST - my baby weighed 2.3kg at 33 weeks and doc didn't say anything leh! How come yours is overweight? Are you very petite? Counting down to the Big Day now. So nervous.
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    (2013/06) June 2013

    I seem to put in the most weight over second trimester. Now I feel full more easily le
  9. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    35weeks. So far 12kg weight for me, baby is 2.5kg I feel baby poking my sides a lot!
  10. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I bought some sleep nursing bras from Mothercare they're quite comfy but the best ones are from Emma Jane! I got two of those they feel so stretchy and light. All the bras I bought are unpadded.. Feels more comfortable. Katherine - better check with your doctor about those cramps. I had that...
  11. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Katherine - so far doc hasn't warned me about my diet. It seem each time I visit him my weight increment is 1-2kg and BP ranges between 60/90 to high of 70+/110 he doesn't seem bothered. But I heard it's common for BP to suddenly shoot up towards the end so I'll be careful too. Gigi Soul - I...
  12. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Felt heaty from the hot weather and had two coconuts already the past few days. Also cos I had quite a bit of fried food :p
  13. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I've put on almost 12kg altogether so far (approaching 35wks). Second trimester put on the most weight.
  14. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Hope all mommies are doing well! Yes, final stretch now anxiety is building up. Happy and nervous at the same time. Momoko, when I went for my 33 wk scan, baby weighed 2.3kg and doc said when born will be 3kg at least. I'd be goig for my 35wk checkup next Tuesday. My baby's head has been...
  15. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    I agree, massages are so good. And helps sleep better. Speaking of sleep, I've been somewhat insomniac and sleeping irregularly at night. I don't even nap in the day. Also it hurts to turn in bed as the pelvic area feels so weak and achy. Anyone else having similar experience?
  16. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Fefe! Happy to hear you and baby are doing well and the meds are working. Hang in there, hope our babies can stay in our ovens till told to come out! I'm also walking a lot even though these days more 'chuan' when walk for long. Also doing lotsa housework - its neverending! I've not done any...
  17. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Oh no Fefe! Hope your boy stays in there a few more weeks! Did the gynae explain what might have triggered the contractions? I think best you rest more and minimise activities. We still have one more lesson to attend! :p
  18. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Kome, what is your BP measured? I read that towards EDD our BP tends to be higher. Have lots of rest! ST, you may try using baking soda/powder to remove the yellow stains, and it's safe for babies
  19. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    estaefran, yep. Her total hospital charges (means exclude doctors' fees) are over 4.2k after GST and the 'extra' bits I mentioned earlier, while her package for epi- natural was only 2750. This was year 2011. Maybe that's with the use of forceps or vacuum, I'm not sure. Not forgetting these...
  20. B

    (2013/06) June 2013

    Was planning to deliver at Gleneagles partly also because my gynae's there. But if it's going to be a planned delivery I may consider Mt A now. At GEH my gynae's nurse advised us to prepare cash of about 6-8k. Anyone here knows if it's possible to schedule csect at 39weeks? And what are the...
