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  1. D Spree (AYNIX)

    Hi aynix07, Have transfered for shipping and post. Will email you my address. Thanks! To Account DBS Savings Plus 063-7-011288 aynix07 Amount S$4.49 Transaction Reference 2837003885
  2. D Spree (AYNIX)

    Have transfered: To Account DBS Savings Plus 063-7-011288 aynix07 Amount S$14.36 Transaction Reference 2784257331 Thanks!
  3. D Spree (AYNIX)

    Nick in SMH: daisyduck Collection method: Normal postage God, I Need to Talk to You about Cheating God, I Need to Talk to You about Lying...
  4. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi mummies, I'm one day past my EDD. No signs of any contractions at all. think baby is very comfortable inside. Very sian of this waiting. Going to see gynae tom.
  5. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    hi mummies, I'm still around. 2 more days to EDD. Just started my maternity leave yesterday. Still no signs of contractions. will be seeing gynae on sat for VE. Congrats to all mummies who popped!
  6. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    eeyore, That's a very comprehensive list of items to bring! Mt A not providing the sanitary pads anymore? any idea what're the free gifts? Last time, they gave bath tub. re: weekend parents I was a weekend mother for half year for my first one. My mum looks after her but i would go and...
  7. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    hi everyone, Was on leave yesterday for gynae vist and there were so many posts yesterday!! Four pages of archive! Haven't read all yet.. dsiitan, Pls add me to the table B Gender: Girl BB Name: ? BB's Wt: 3kg @ Wk38 BB's EDD: 13 Jul Hospital: Mt A Name of Gynae: Dr C H Koh...
  8. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Congrats Li May & MTDT!! So exciting!! btw, anyone knows the 'official' duration of confinement?
  9. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    re: bathing during confinment my mum was very strict for my no 1. I hated it a lot, esp the personal hygenie and food. She only gave me a small basin of water with rice wine to wipe myself everyday. Once in a blue moon, can wash hair and bathe with herbal water. OMG!! No choice, staying with...
  10. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Poppy, YT, I'm also crossing my fingers for baby to turn. Seeing gynae tom. Hopefully he'll give me good news. Really dread C-sect... Sandy, My colleauges are covering my duties during the 12 weeks ML. He used ultrasan to tell the baby's weight. MTBs, Who's going to take care of...
  11. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Fen Fen, I think the Braun ear thermometer is good. Once, my girl had high fever and I brought my pigeon ear thermometer along. Mine registered only 39.x whereas my gynae's Braun thermometer registered 40.x! That's almost 1 degree diff! Will be seeking out any good discounts now, during GSS.
  12. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies! Long time no post! Re: turning of baby head: Mine also didn't turn yet. Gynae says by next week (Wk 35), if she still doesn't turn down, chances are she'll stay that way till delivery and I'll need C-section at wk 38. I'm wondering why gynaes usually recommend wk 38 for C-section...
  13. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi nurbates, I was craving for durians too.. finally went to buy at Geylang during the weekend. satisfy that craving.. hee.. hee.. YB, I gained 8.5 kg so far at 25 weeks. My baby is now 920g, think it's more on the heavier side. When I weighed myself at 23 weeks, it was the same weight as...
  14. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    kite, jazzyjas, linsaw is starting a 2nd bulk order for the pillows. Pls refer to Fruitee's link. 'm also thinking of ordering too.
  15. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Sandy, I can't remember the exact time (prob around 9am). Since you're going to stay with your MIL after marriage, better give in. Else, if something goes wrong (touch wood!), she'll bring this up and blame you. Maybe you can ask your sisters to stay with you the night before. Can chit chat n...
  16. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi Angeline, I love your Elmo! You made it yourself or order from somewhere?? My girl would love it!!
  17. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Jurong gal - Try not to worry too much. Do keep us updated. I too got a scare when the clinic says that something is wrong with my test results. They dun tell us much over the phone and it's much better to hear it from the gynae himself. But luckily, with another blood test, confirmed that I'm...
  18. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi to all, I'm new in this forum. I'm expecting my second girl on 13 Jul. missmoon and jazzjas, I also experienced pain where the leg join the body (in my right butt) last week. It's so bad that I cannot walk, bend, sit. I need help to get up and down. It's as though I sprained my back...
