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  1. rain_drops

    小可艾童裝 ~ Little Cute Kids Clothings ~ chongyp ~

    Oops...I think I got it wrongly. No worries. Please keep the funds & informed me if I need to top up or refund. Thank u.
  2. rain_drops

    小可艾童裝 ~ Little Cute Kids Clothings ~ chongyp ~

    Hi, I've transferred $10.80 to your account. Trans ref: 10156008852. Please check. Thank you.
  3. rain_drops

    小可艾童裝 ~ Little Cute Kids Clothings ~ chongyp ~

    Hi I wish to order this. 小可艾童裝【Q1001】蕾絲星鑽內搭棉褲(5~17)/5色 Size : 15 & 17 (1each) Colour: Black Alt colour: Dark Grey Price : 88 each Thank u.
  4. rain_drops

    Birthday Cake pics to share

    Any one can advise me where I can find small numeric-'6' candle? small enough to put it on a cupcake.Where to buy from?
  5. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Boy.....I think the gathering is a success with so many mummies attending.Cherish had so much fun.She was chanting to play with all the friends the next day until I had to remind her that Friday is school day.Haha.... Looking fwd to next gathering.Hopefully Ann will bring 2 Vs,Austin &amp...
  6. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Both Cherish & Celeste are using Pureen's Strawberry Yoghurt Shampoo.It has a lasting Strawberry fragance tat last till the next day.previously were using Kodomo's foaming Orange shampoo but it causes spilt ends.Can u imgaine bb hair aso got spilt ends?
  7. rain_drops

    Advise on good kindergarten in the east

    amie,my mistake.My girl is attending playgroup at Blk 51x.She's is in the same class as ur boy.heehee... cherly,Bethesda just newly revonated right?My girl always 'aim' the playarea within the church. hippo2002,Im staying at the point blk 5xx with my in laws but I bought a unit at Bedok...
  8. rain_drops

    Advise on good kindergarten in the east

    amie,my 3 yr old gal could in the same class as ur boy.She's attending at Blk 4xx.I din realise the class was this big (22 students!) until I asked the teachers so as to prepare goodie bags to distribute for my gal's birthday.She learn to sing & colour and I believe the teachers taught them good...
  9. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Ann,casted my vote. Happy Birthday to all the April Preschoolers!Cherish celebrated her birthday yest
  10. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Looking for me??? Long time no see all of u. A little update: Cherish is attending 2hr playgroup far so good.Way before she started 1st term,we 'brain-washed' her by saying school is fun and make her look fwd to go school. Celeste had been very attached to me and very...
  11. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    I remember once she fell asleep at 7pm.I was trying to change her into PJs while she's taking her 'Milo' but woke her up instead at 11pm.She end up sleeping at 2am.Wah....tat night was very siong coz both me n hb also dozed off but she kept 'ka-qiao' us.if she sleeps at 10pm (usually her...
  12. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    My Cherish has given up her naptime.I dun know why she's so energetic,can stay awake even meimei and my nephew take their naps.She usually KO by 10pm.Else she'll tire herself out and takes nap at very wrong timings like 7pm and wakes up at 9pm.Faintz
  13. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Hi all, Firstly,Happy Birthday to all Apr Tots! greetings,Clover.My girl,Cherish also has this bad habit of 'digging' her nose while she had a flu some weeks back.I'll firmly say 'no' or beat her hand to remind her not to.Sometimes she thinks I'm playing with her when I beat her hand.So I...
  14. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    cutecute,Congrats on 2nd prince's arrival!Take care,k.Stay positive. Home,congrats on ur pregnancy.Stay happy. Angel,it's not easy to potty train.I failed to potty train Celeste.I think when they are ready,they will be ready.Take it easy. Ann,I think it's ok.It takes a lot of time and...
  15. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    hi,will cast votes for our two handsome boys. I will be available either on 2/4,16/4 or 23/4.Cherish will be celebrating hers with family on 9/4,while Celeste's on 30/4.I even bought presents liao.Kiasu me.hehehe.......
  16. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Hi mummies, Cherish had her 1st haircut yest.My MIL and my mum was nagging at me for keeping Cherish's hair long.She's often 'eating' her hair and things got kinda messy when she cries where hair at the sides will stick the her face.hahaha.....gross. We were at Suntec yest,witnessed a young...
  17. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Hi all, I'm so glad that I've been missed. Home,I've always wanted to ask how's En at 'school'? cutecute,dun be upset.I'm sporting short hair too,in fact I like it coz my lao-er,Celeste will not have a chance to pull my hair.hahaha....She ends up pulling her own hair.Take care ah...
  18. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Hi mummies,Cherish haven't go for the 18mth booster jab too. Cutecute,congrats.Can save $$ on clothes. ccw,really envy u.How I wish I can be like u,but I think I'll go crazy.I spent 3 mths at home looking after 2 girls during my confinement, almost killed me. Hi cutebao,I remember ur...
  19. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Hi mumies, sorry for MIA again. Me went on a cruise in a sick condition with CHerish and hubby.Got better but sick again.The flu virus is still present in my house.My FIL and maid the latest victim,I think I caught it from them again.Sigh,just hope to get better so as to avoid spreading the...
  20. rain_drops

    (2004/04) April Mummy

    Angel,confirm on.Please help me to get a pack.Strawberry ,blurberry or raisins are fine for me. Ling,if u're interested.lets organise and all apr tots can be in the same class. Aloe,do watch out for fever,usually within 10 days of injection.Some experienced fever almost immediate while...
