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  1. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Mom2nat Yeh, all the boys n girls in this thread look so different, grow up liao. It wz like y'dy when they were bb in our arms Parents have fun too snapping non stop like paparazzi
  2. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    How to know if Chinese is 1st lang in that pr school? My son doesn't seem interested in Chinese. I wanted to send him to Chinese enrichment class he said he doesn't want. And my hubby oso against the idea. He prefers to send my son to swimming lesson, in line skating, more physical...
  3. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Congrats Giggler Another tick off the list Bboomer Dunno Chinese as 1st lang or not. Still dunno at p1 level right?
  4. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    I got err msg when I click the website
  5. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    B2B3M4 Pls share the website for Metta student care in Pasir Ris Emily I baked cup cakes and bought presents for kids in Chen Chen's class. Bought a small cake for cutting at home and brought my family members to celebrate in restaurant Giggler Y is it dat u did PV yet hv a 2nd thot...
  6. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Pigletz Where do you send Gareth for swimming lesson? Is it once a week? How much is the charge? Viv Birth rate for 2004 is low. Wish u gd luck Do you outgrow allergy to grass? Do you go to park? Because of Chen Chen, we didn't bring Png Png to sea side. Png Png has not...
  7. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hong I viewed 2 student care already. Ava I will send Chen Chen to my alma mater Did u send Adan to Chinese enrichment class? It's gd dat he picks up Chinese easily. Chinese is more difficult than English esp writting Chinese characters Pigletz R u going to leave Gareth with...
  8. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Giggler Chen Chen is with I Creative Learner, not I Can Read. I heard my ex neighbour who sent her gal to I Can Read said that it's not bad
  9. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Leng Leng Thot u meant asking your kids which naughty hand does the naughty act so punish naughty hand Hong My mum requested me to put Chen Chen in student care. Chen Chen is getting out of hand. He has no fear of anyone at home. If he is at home, he can watch TV programme whole day...
  10. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Mom2nat I only know skyblue, ruffy and Bearbit r teachers. Skyblue teaches in Pasir Ris, Ruffy and Bearbit quited and do own bz. Who else? Common, tell me who teaches in Gong Shang Leng Leng Hmmm....assign something that they hate doing most to naughty hand - your's writing their...
  11. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Giggler, Sanrio Your no 1 oso same as Chen Chen. I really hope it's just a passing phase. This is much worse than teriible 2. I start having grey hair now. BBoomer I used the reward chart since 2 yrs ago. My boy lagged over time. He postponed doing the chart wif me till we forgot if...
  12. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hong It's not a matter of amount of homework I give to Chen Chen. He procrastinates. He can sit there daydream, play with pencil, eraser, toes, blah blah, blah for as long as he wants I will send Chen Chen to Gong Shan Pri school. Which school will u b sending Janelle to ? Mom2nat...
  13. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    B2B3M4 Can't agree more on the study parth of our first child. Well said on everything u said abv. Well, career path depends on opportunity. I m a v gd eg. I wz under a director who really grooms n treasures her staff. Since her departure, old time staff like me is sent to cold...
  14. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Viv Your gals r pretty!! Alicia's daddy So sad dat we missed the gathering. My boys were sick n stuck at home in the end. Wishing everyone a terrific and colorful 2010!!
  15. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Mom2nat Ya. Shirley. Who else? Lapbooking class for Png Png. Hv u brot Nat to her lapbooking class b4? Chen Chen attends abacus class at his cc. Phor Kar See is the temple dat bboomer n Hong mentioned Elliot looks gd in size fm pic Png Png slims dwn a lot Clubmed is v relaxing...
  16. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    bboomer My elder boy in I Creative learner class and abacus class. Younger boy will join lapbooking class next yr What clases do u let your kids join in cc? My elder boy getting wlider n rude. Do u think Dhamar class can help shape his char? where is Phor Kar See ? mom2nat "We...
  17. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Leng Leng I hope Png Png outgrows food allergy prob soon. It will b tough when Png Png goes to childcare if he still hv allergy prob. Wonder if I hv go bring food for him or the centre will provide separate food for him. Worse when there is a b'dy celebration and he can't eat the cakes...
  18. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    B2B3M4 Wat made u guess Png Png may be allergic to wheat? He is ok wif oats meal, Kellogg's® Rice Krispies, Cheerios All this while, I din know dat formula milk r not cow's milk but chemicals!!! Chemicals!!! Chemicals!!! Gosh!!! Boy! U make funny faces on root veges, pooh bear...
  19. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Leng Leng Thot Pedisure is formula milk? Anyway Png Png is on tbf besides solid food. It's the solid food choice dat I m worried of. At 1st din know he is allergic to cow's milk, gave him cheese, flare up. Gave him bread oso flare up. Gave him corn flake but dunno y flare up.
  20. K

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Brenda "And have to keep constantly remind myself that Pluto is no longer a planet, just a pet dog of Mickey Mouse." I almost fell off my chair B2B3M4 I din prepare anything for P1 registration next yr. Juz wait for cc to inform when to register then go register wif my alma mater...
