Search results

  1. L

    Home-based facial salon (Punggol area)

    Hi mummies... since my 1st pregnancy I noticed an increase in freckles on my face... the pigmentation just seems to get worst... can anyone share whether there is any home based facial salon in Punggol area... or know of any facial treatment specialist that do home visit for facial?
  2. L

    2017 Jan EDD

    Hi mummies, I would like to join the FB group, can add me in? [email protected]
  3. L

    Recommendations for Pre-Natal Massage

    I'm also looking for a prenatal masseur who can come to my place on weekend.. Can mummies share ur contacts for prenatal masseurs, their charges n duration of massage? (Preferably one that do home visit, if possible) Thanks in advance!!
  4. L

    December 2016 baby

    Hi mummies, my EDD is 28 Dec 2016, can someone add me into the FB group? My email: [email protected] Thanks in advance!!
