Yap, I think they got different performance by different country on different day. I can't remember the time I think it start at 8.30 or 9pm and it last about 30 min - 45 min.
You must keep sponging your boy to stable the fever. You take care of yourself also.
I attend the firework last year, it's amazing as the firework shoot out from the water and there is music like watching mucical fountain which you will not have a clear view if you are not seated inside the arena. You will be allocated a seat with the ticket so you don't have to be there...
oh, Lot 1 NTUC got sell. I can go there to buy. Then you just get me the sauce for the salad, other than cumcumber, tomato, lettuce, avocado, crabstick and Ebiko what else you put? Maybe you can get the seed for me.
Hi Chin Leng,
I have benefitted a lot and also make a lot friend from the baking thread started by n2inpink. If she is out to make money by starting this thread I don't think She will share her recipes and give us free advice when she herself is busy at work.
Please do investigate and be...
I'm Foochow, so my mum and grandma made the red wine residue themself. I didn't know steam fish can put also, I cook it with chicken most of the time.
You can subtitute with that I'm using it too. If you have the red residue at home you might want to use this recipe which I find it easier.
Ingredients A:
Pork : ½ kg (cut into long strips)
Red wine residue : 1 tbsp
Ingredients B: (chopped)
2 Slices Ginger
You can get from ntuc or provision shop. It can be use to marinate chicken wing or for cooking.
I dun have the picture, I replace with the wine made by mum.
Yah,Aden now look taller after he slim down.
Can no problem, I go your place to teach you how to cook, than you teach me scrapbook. Now I'm hook to scrapbook have been staying late for the past two night to complete the album.
I've not try using those local mee suah, my mee suah is my grandmother bring back from china one and is super fine one. Will try using the local one than I can advise you, could it be your mee sua have not absorb all the soup before you put it into the fridge.
Char Siew...
If you got difficulties in dipping the egg when frying, you can coat with a bit of corn flour than dip the egg to fry.
Other than chilli you can also dip with sweet sauce those we put on soon kueh one.
I'm glad that so many of you like the mee suah kueh.