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  1. C

    <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> So diff

    Hi sky I was away for 2 yrs too. Took me 1/2 year to settle back into routine and another 4 months to find a job. Try and try again. Good luck to you.
  2. C

    WTB: Nice T-shirts for 4-5yrs old boy

    All going at $6, brand new
  3. C

    Advc Needed - Runaway Maid

    Hello. My maid ran away yesterday morning too, and instead of going to the embassy, she went to MOM. Which was really silly, cos the people at MOM just let her sit at the lobby and called my agency to send someone down to pick her up. But the phonecall to my agency was interuppted, and in the...
  4. C

    Recommendation for Stretch Mark Cream

    Hi Giggler Where can I buy the cream? and how much does it cost? Do u find it effective?
  5. C

    Recommendation for Stretch Mark Cream

    Hi Any recommendation for strecthmark cream or oil which i can use during mny pregnancy?
