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    Cheated Spouse

    Fortheloveofgod, he still contact the bloody b**** for some issue. I know that they are not poosible anymore but being a woman I just dont like it n make me feel like shit. I try to take thing easy coz I hv walk thru the most difficult time of my life. Now I tell myself if we r meant to be...
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    Cheated Spouse

    Hi all, I m in the same shoes as most of u many years bk. He cheated on me, came bk to me n I was pregnant with no 2. During the 3mths of my pregnancy, bloody bitch came bk n beg him. He actually go bk to her n left me to go thru the pregnancy alone. When I was in the delivery ward, he was...
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    Any good transfer maid

    I got an Indo maid to be transferred in mid or end aug. PM me for detail if u are keen. Recommended for child care.
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    Transfer Maid

    Anyone keen in Indo maid? Can PM me for detail.
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    #need experience helper

    U don't accept PM..
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    Stroller addict !

    Hi, selling away my 08/09 red quinny buzz.. There are sign of usage. Condition 7/10... But seat are new coz use the frame with maxi cosi. Not for fussy buyer. Letting go at $250. PM me for pix..
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Haru, I also been going out. Alway finding a excuse to get out of the house n looking forward to weekend when hubby is not working... So when he go out, he will bring me along.. The weather is crazy... Is so hot!
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi emonster, U don't accept pm. Kindly please pm me.
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    I m schedule for c sec on the 16th. Still working now. Will start my ML on the 16th.... I m in my 37 weeks 2 days today. Hope baby will pop anytime from now.
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Pinkbunny, ya I saw the photo too when I was there last sat... I also wonder y!!!! I told my hubby I m looking so horrible now can't imagine right after birth... Hahaha One after another mummy is popping... Congrat to all! I was hoping my baby will pop early too coz too tired. My c sec date...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Lotusmum, where is the exact location for the fruit stall at tiong bahru? Thinking of trying the coconut jelly..
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Mrs kang- I m also 36+ just like u. I been starting to drink 1 per week since 2 weeks ago...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    I was on epi for my no 1&2. Seriously I m having backache now due to epi. But it really make my labour so smooth coz mine was a long labour. For my no 2 once admit, I striaght away ask for it. Can't imagine the labour pain....
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Pinkbunny- think we have to remove the nail Polish when we going in for delivery. Anyway I went foot massage n the lady told me that is not good to apply nail Polish when we are pregnant coz there are substance in the nail polish that can 'eat up' the calcium in our nail n not good for baby...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Cayden's mummy, will go n take a look at Chinatown.. Thanks!
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Hi mummies, Other than OG, where can we buy cheap silk pj.. Wanted to buy few to wear during confinement only... So don't want to spend to much, don't have the habit of wearing pj...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    i also craving for durian at this stage but cant find...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Siti- I m opting for 17 Apr for c section 1 day before u so that bday will be same as my No 2.. But have to wait for doc to give green light on that day....
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Haru- I also planning to order the confinement food from Natal essentials for 2 weeks.. But still haven't call them for the trial... SSP- taka fair selling maxi cosi, graco, britax, ferrari etc car seat... I went Yday but very crowded n long queue for payment. Some of the pigeon items also...
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    (2012/04) Apr 2012

    Littledd - my edd is near to u. Mine is on the 28 apr. can't wait for it to come... Very tired now. But I m going for c sec so was hoping to select an earlier date... I will still bath n wash my hair during confinement. For my Previous 2 confinement I also didn't follow...
