Search results

  1. slim_mummy

    WTB Orchard toys brand games and puzzles

    What age are you looking at and what is ur budget? I have a very goos educational toy i wanna let go as my kids no longer play with it. Let me know yr requirements and budget.
  2. slim_mummy

    Storybooks for kids

    These set is only @ 10 dollars per set
  3. slim_mummy

    Storybooks for kids

    All of the above books are only @ 8 dollars per book !!
  4. slim_mummy

    Storybooks for kids

    Price : 8 dollars per book
  5. slim_mummy

    Preloved sports car for kids -remote control

    Name me a price n i try to match we are selling off my girls' toys to get a proper table for her.
  6. slim_mummy

    Preloved sports car for kids -remote control

    This car is for kids age 2 yrs and abv ..basically as long the child sit and enjoy the ride control by parents. Has a safety belt. Good condition as hubby brought this tonbond wif his girl but in the end work work n travel overseas no time to bond . Hardly use , less than 8 times.
  7. slim_mummy

    Preloved kids slide for sale

    Preloved slide for sale me your price , see if i could match n make a deal !! For kids age 1 plus and above . Two heights can be adjusted.
  8. slim_mummy

    Metro receipts

    Sorry i have misplaced my card..think my kids has taken it ..cant find it sorry
  9. slim_mummy

    Metro receipts

    I hv if u want take mine ..i cant shop anymore...
  10. slim_mummy

    Metro receipts

    U need metro card izzit
  11. slim_mummy

    LEGO Spree!!

    So is the spreee still on ???
  12. slim_mummy

    Amazon free shipping spree at punggol, amk, tampines @ rabbitbaby @

    Hihi.there shld be two pre order books rite...the one on the dragon...u remember ?
  13. slim_mummy

    Amazon free shipping spree at punggol, amk, tampines @ rabbitbaby @

    Hihi tks for the books kids love it so much...let me know how much do i need to topup for the two pre orders tks
  14. slim_mummy

    Amazon free shipping spree at punggol, amk, tampines @ rabbitbaby @

    Hihi can u adv the eta for batch six?
