Search results

  1. miztylady

    Bra N Things (Australia brand)

    Anyone interested to get any items from Bra N Things and share shipping cost of AUD 22.50 to SG? Please post here if keen and cost of items is AUD x 0.92 = SGD XX to be transferred to my POSB savings account 121-81286-0 first. International shipping & local shipping...
  2. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    $47.08 transferred. Ref no 6608, pls check. Pls check, thanks!
  3. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Ok pls help me to order that shoes and let me know the amount to transfer for 1st payment, thanks!
  4. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie, What's the estimated shipping for this?
  5. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie, Me again! Pls help me to order another one of this with foc international shipping...
  6. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Thanks! Pls let me know the total for all my items, including this one.
  7. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie, Does this ship to singapore with free shipping or by vpost?
  8. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Ok pls let me know the total for both items... I have items from batch 139 (via vpost). Can I pay for cost of this batch together with shipping for batch 139? :)
  9. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie, These 2 items with free international shipping? $7.98...
  10. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Ok will trf tml and let u know the details. Thanks!
  11. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Sorry I want to get the following items instead: 1. $19.99 2...
  12. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Add on this item to my other 2 items ($42.90), how much in total to transfer? $17.99
  13. miztylady

    Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

    Hi Vinnie, Back with more orders! These have to come in by vpost? 1. $12.99 2. $10.01 3...
